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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1873 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

129 Table showing the weights of Bulls of the different breeds, from March 1, 1872, to March 1,1873. They were fed all the hay they would eat. The relative amount of feed of corn meal was for the Short Horn and Hereford, three to two for the rest of the cattle, except that for the months of June, July and August, the Devon had the same as the first. After that he failed to eat so much. Hereford, Short Horn, Ayrshire, 14 months 13 months 8 months old. old. old. 965 1,070 1,160 1,180 1,235 1,280 1,320 1,330 1,410 1,430 1,470 1,580 1,590 .082 Devon, 9 months old. Jersey, 6 months old. Month. 1872. M a r c h l Aprill May 1 June 1 Julyl August 1 September 1 October 1 November 1 December 1 1873. January 1 February 1 March 1 Per cent, of gain last 3 mos 1,030 1,070 1,170 1,185 1,240 1,265 1,270 1, 325 1,380 1,375 1,440 1,540 1,570 .09 730 780 840 8S5 912 940 975 970 1,070 1,094 1,120 1,140 1,220 .089 385 480 535 600 640 710 722 775 830 860 .109 360 420 466 506 562 610 650 690 790 810 880 860 980 .113 EXPERIMENTAL GRAFTING. Although not in charge of the horticultural departments, I have taken the liberty of working up the figures, reported in another place by Mr. Yickroy, a little farther, and accordingly'repeat with some additions and omissions the report he has given as I prepared it for the Champaign Gazette : H. K. Vickroy, orchardist and gardener, has made an interesting report upon the experimental grafting done in the University nursery, 1871-72. Grafts of 1872, made with the cions of Ben Davis apple, each 5 inches long, grafted, except when otherwise noted, on 3£ inch roots, February 1, and set out April 26, 1872, gave the following results. Ten grafts were made of each : Cut of cion, etc. But or 1st cion. "2d " . "3d " . "1st " . "2d " . "3d " . "1st " . "2d " . "3d " . 6 inch roots 6 4 inch roots 4 2i 1* 11 Roots 3 times larger than cion. " same size as cion Cut of root. Collar of 1st cut. 2d 3d 1st 2d 1st 2d 1st 2d 1st 2d 1st 1st '• '.'. " '.. cut. " " " " . . . . " . —17
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