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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1873 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

122 Langford corn, where vacancies were caused by wet ground, allowances have been made and averages taken, so as to show the yield on the same amount of land as the other. The corn was cultivated as follows : May 25th it was harrowed with Blackwell's Corn Harrow, east and west. May 30th the same cultivation was given north and south. June 12th it was plowed with a double-shovel plow, east and west. June 2Cth, with the same plow, north and south. July 5th, east and west, and July 19th north and south. The following table gives the varieties planted, with Mr. Phinney's remarks: I. II. Flint Yarieties not suited for our Western Markets : 1. Sanford. White Varieties: 2. Areola, from I. McCann; yield, 110 bushels in 1870; 80 in 1871. 3. Butler county, Ohio (from Tuscola). 4. Cooley's early white field corn; received in 1872 from C. C. Cooley, Adams county, Ohio. 5. Davidson's Ohio white; from Champaign county fair, 1871. 6. Early small white; from Champaign county. 7. Early white; from Tolono. 8. Mammoth white; received from Balthis Corydon, Indiana; almost a humbug. 9. "Warder; small; very early; hominy; corn maturing August 15; has yielded 80 bushels in Ohio, but not over 45 with Mr. Phinney. 10. "White; largest; from Champaign county. 11. White river; from Tuscola. Yellow Yarieties: 12. Bankers No. 1; Ohio; maturing September 10. 13. Bankers No. 2; Ohio; maturing September 15. 14. Chester county (Penn.); from L. S. Pennington. 15. Early premium ; Ohio ; maturing August 15. 16. Mixed 10; grown by Mr. Phinney, from a mixture of seed of the 10 following varieties: Thomas, Goltra, Bankers' No. 1, Powell's Early, Douglas, Nebraska, Premium Ohio, Petit, Terwilliger, Hundred Day Dent. 17. Premium Ohio ; from Champaign county fair. 18. Pickle (Tuscola). 19. McElvery; second premium Champaign county fair. 20. Mammoth yellow; from S. E. Bailey, Lima, Ohio, 1872. 21. Lancaster county (Penn.); from L. S. Pennington, of Sterling; succeeded with him 1871. 22. H. C. Baufman's; Champaign county fair. 23. Ooltra; very late variety from Kentucky. 24. Payette county (Ohio); very early ; from Champaign county fair. 25. Powell's early; September 10. 26. Peeves; from Tolono; very early. 27. Roderick; from Tuscola. 28. Thomas (5 or 6 years from Ohio.) 29. Unknown; from Clermont county, Ohio. IY. Brown and Calico Yarieties: 30. Master; from Ohio, 1870. 31. Large Strauder; an old variety; medium in ripening. 32. Little Strauder; very early. 33. Eoan; from Ohio. 34. Strawberry or calico ; formerly a great favorite; early, and yields well. Y. Bed Yarieties: 35. Black purple ; from Fulton county, 1871. Of these varieties, with his present experience, Mr. Phinney preferred the following varieties, all of whieh are yellow : Thomas, Goltra, Bankers No. 1, Bankers No, 2, and Powell's early. III.
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