Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1873 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

115 October 23d, 24th and 25th, after counting hills, stalks and ears of corn exceeding eight inches in length it was cut up, weighed and shocked. During the winter vacation, or rather before and after Christmas, the ears were husked and weighed separately. 64 239 214 308 103 64 265 219 280 105 64 244 209 286 114 63 216 194 303 109 64 230 213 267 109 64 227 200 ! 265 1 101 123 489 442 600 233 123 470 450 640 237 127 503 461 599 210 124 486 425 565 221 128 477 432 l 490 ' 202 127 488 438 505 235 128 501 440 558 244 126 490 429 695 231 125 461 411 589 235 126 486 425 1 570 1 235 128 506 430 550 216 127 479 43D 128 498 431 598 235 127 * 468 419 615 245 128 488 448 600 250 128 449 419 570 241 127 453 446 500 219 128 504 457 460 240 128 490 457 560 244 127 490 439 579 228 128 497 424 500 224 128 518 449 490 234 128 505 430 576 222 128 496 431 580 224 128 496 446 589 232 127 477 461 598 251 127 519 468 633 248 465 437 660 253 128 464 437 677 243 127 489 446 684 254 128 516 468 691 244 128 491 443 617 237 128 501 432 568 207 128 502 438 605 227 128 500 436 584 225 127 492 453 594 235 128 494 411 532 238 128 428 374 580 205 127 490 408 639 233 125 423 378 622 246 126 409 382 626 225 125 439 353 608 246 127 457 351 573 241 128 471 430 518 259 127 559 415 508 217 127 477 360 533 239 128 404 344 517 223 128 515 342 539 233 128 479 423 530 212 126 461 402 584 247 126 449 402 591 231 126 444 397 620 233 127 460 402 589' 233 123 487 400 549 229 128 486 400 532 220 126 474 401 535 216 126 479 415 540 242 127 507 438 510 219 128 477 413 493 230 128 453 413 568 246 ; 100 492 423 572 243 112 | 462 433 549 254 127 482 436 594 226 127 471 412 626 237 128 490 417 585 236 127 482 408 566 212 128 502 431 470 215 128 504 444 583 201 127 495 422 469 203 127 499 461 444 233 128 483 439 488 222 128 459 407 580 256 587 216 A B C D 2a B P