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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1873 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

112 $13,000 Putnam county 10 per cent, bonds, cost 115, 000 Champaign 10 per cent, bonds, cost 31, 000 Illinois G per cent, bonds, cost Balance due scrip account 454,560 acres scrip roll for 25,440 acres located in Nebraska and Minnesota. 480,000 $13,000 00 115, 000 00 31, 653 34 $319,315 14 ITS 87 $319, 494 01 319,494 01 The coupons on the Putnam county bonds, due April 1, 1872, amounting to $1300, are unpaid—the Treasurer of said county having been enjoined from paying the same. Said bonds were issued for railroad purposes, and the injunction was granted, on account of said road* consolidating with another. We hope to realize on said coupons, and the coupons due April 1, 1873, during the current year. The various departments, including agricultural, horticultural and mechanical, have asked for larger sums than we have been able to recommend, on account of the state of the treasury. "We, however, would suggest that the Executive Committee be authorized to appropriate the earnings of each department to said department, from time to time, as earned. The balance of scrip, amounting to 24, 480 acres, was disposed of, as per instructions, at the annual meeting, March, 1872, at one dollar per acre, and proceeds invested in Champaign county bonds, at par. The Finance Committee have also had under consideration a resolution, introduced by Judge Blackburn to-day ; and while the State of our finances require we should economize our expenses as much as is consistent with reasonable compensations, yet in view of the encouragements given to different teachers during the past year for more pay, your committee at present cannot recommend the reduction referred to in said resolution All of which is respectfully submitted. EMORY COBB, O. HUSE, L. R. McMUERAT, JNO. M. PEARSON, J. R. SCOTT. This report was received and adopted. It was also resolved that the sums of money reported by the Finance Committee, as necessary for the expense of the University for the current year, be and are hereby appropriated to the various objects and departments, as set forth in said report. A certificate of scholarship, for a full course of architecture, was granted to Mr. 1 T Clifford Ricker, on recommendation of the Faculty. S. On motion, a purchase of ornithological specimens from Mr. Russell, was referred to the Executive Committee. On motion of Mr. Byrd, the Eegent was authorized to make such changes in his report, relating to the library, as he may deem of public interest. Mr. Slade, chairman of Committee on State of Institution, made the following report: The committee on state of the Institution have at different times during the year attended the recitation of classes in several of the departments, and have taken pains to obtain from members of the Faculty and from students, information respecting the character of the teaching and the discipline of the University, and beg leave to report as follows : The instruction appears to be both thorough and practical, and well calculated to awaken in students a spirit of inquiry and investigation, as shown by the very general use of the Library, and by the marked tendency to test, and put to a practical use, what is learned in the class room, and as further shown by the absence of any slavish adherence to text books. The rigid examinations held at the close of each term to aid in determining the actual attainments of students in the studies pursued, are highly commended, for the reason that they teach, as no words
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