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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1873 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

105 On motion of Mr. Pearson, so much of the Regent's report, and the statements annexed, as regarded them, was referred to the several committees. » On motion, the Board proceeded to the election of officers. It was voted that the election of Regent take place by ballot. Gen. Brayman occupying the chair, Messrs. Goltra and Cobb were appointed tellers. Dr. J. M. Gregory being nominated, the vote was taken, and he was announced elected unanimously. The Chair appointed Messrs. Lawrence and Mansfield to apprise Dr. Gregory of his election, and conduct him to the chair. Dr. Gregory thanked the Trustees in a few appropriate words, for the confidence and trust thus expressed. The election for Treasurer, Recording and Corresponding Secretary, by separate ballots, then took place, resulting in the unanimous election of J. W. Bunn, Esq., for Treasurer) Mr. W. C. Flagg, for Corresponding Secretary,- and Prof. E, Snyder, for Recording Secretary. The following resolution of Mr. Alexander Blackburn was referred to the Finance Committee: Mesolved, That the changes that have occurred in the value of money, and the prices of produce and merchandise, since the organization of this University, call for a revision of the schedule of compen sations made to its officers, professors and employees, and that the committee on finance be directed to make such revision on a ratio of reduction, as near as may he, of twenty-five per cent, on present allowances, to take effect at the close of the current school year, or at the termination of present engagement, and report to the present session of this Board at the earliest practicable hour. A petition from students, asking for instruction in Veterinary Surgery during Spring term, presented by Mr. Pickrell, was referred to the Committee on Faculty and Course of Study. A petition from students, relating to military uniforms, was referred to the Committee on Military Affairs. A petition from students, asking the employment of an instructor in Gymnastics, was referred to the Committee on Faculty and Course of Study. A recess was taken then, to re-assemble at 1:30 P. M. AFTERNOON SESSION. The Board assembled at the hour appointed. The Eegent called Mr. Mason to the chair. Mr. J. P. Beynolds offered the following resolution : WHEREAS Dr. Gregory, the Eegent of this University, hy his faithful, continuous and almost unremitting labor for several years past in discharge of the onorous duties of his official position, has fully and fairly earned a generous leave of absence; and whereas the Governor of Illinois has tendered him an honorary commission as the representative of this State at the coming Universal Exposition at Vienna, Austria, in the interest of scientific education therefore be it —14
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