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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1873 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

102 EEPOET EEOM CAEPEKTEY DEPAETMENT. DR. J. M. GREGORY, Regent Illinois Industrial University: I entered the service of the University, as foreman of the Carpentry Department, the 25th day of December, 1871. The interval of time from this to the first of March, 1872, was occupied in repairing the roofs of the University and shop buildings, work for the Military and Mechanical Departments, and in preparing for the work of the year proper, which commenced on the first of March, 1872. At that time, the accounts of the shop were squared, and an invoice of tools and material was taken. The report of the operations of the department for the year ending March 1, 1873, is herewith presented : The total expenses of the shop for the year, including all charges against the department, the invoices of tools and material on hand at the beginning of the year, purchase of tools and material during the year, cost of student and other labor, salary of the foreman, and all other expenses, foot up to 18,417 52. For a showing of the liabilities and assets of the department, see the statement of aceounts, aa follows: CARPENTRY DEPARTMENT, CHAMPAIGN, ILLS., March 1, 1873. To Illinois Industrial University, D R . $6,635 909 16 496 360 12 64 00 02 74 March 1, '73 To cash for current expenses ' ' Mechanical Department, charges.. 4 ' Stock Farm Department, charges. 4 ' invoice of material, 1872 A 44 " tools, " Balance found (profits of the year).. CR. $8, 417 52 523 21 $8, 940 73 By cash receipts, ' ' balance of account against Gehlman (assumed by University account against J. D. Wilder 44 " H.O.Adams H.P.Harris " " Professor ¥ m , Baker 44 4 * Beidler & Co 44 44 E.Y.Peterson 44 44 Mrs. Wordworth 44 4 * Military Department 44 44 building and grounds 44 44 Horticultural Department 44 44 Mechanical Department 44 44 44 *4 not shown on Secretary's books 44 44 Stock Farm 44 4 '4 Library and Cabinet 44 4 Greenhouse 44 " Chemical Laboratory 44 4< Department of Civil Engineering 44 . 4i New University Building invoice of material and finished work 44 tools, machinery and improvements $1, 803 27 413 34 161 37 21 4 22 32 12 1 68 581 19 17 36 55 80 25 e3 01 67 85 1, 333 59 26 23 53 42 134 77 9 44 25 89 175 07 439 15 1,104 87 2, 496 03 $8, 940 73 The account for 44 Current Expenses" is made up as follows: For salary of foreman 4 ' student labor 44 allother labor 44 tools and other machinery purchased 44 matertalused Total current expenses The account of the Mechanical Department charges is as follows: For work on dry house 44 44 shop (permanent improvements) 44 ' 4 and material (current expenses) 44 44 power and heating building Total $1, 000 00 814 43 1,867 84 2, 324 82 628 03 .$6,635 12 $166 62 17121 214 30 327 51 6909 64 Although I have been taught that "What can't be cured must be endured, " yet, I must find some fault with the last item in this account. The account for the total expense of " power and heat," a* made up, is as follows:
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