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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1873 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

100 ABTICLES MANUFACTURED. Besides the numerous small jobs, the following may be mentioned : One 40-horse power steam engine for H. C. Cole & Co., of Chester, Illinois; three hay presses for baling hay ; two thermometer scale graduating machines; new patent photograph trimmers by the hundred; new pattern of coffee mill; iron work for one sawing machine ; one 20-inch common lathe chuck; one 15-inch illiptical turning cnuck. Yery respectfully, your obedient servant, S. W. ROBINSON, INVENTORY OF STOCK ON HAND MARCH 1, 1873. 159 lbs. 1st quality steel, (square and octagon) at 25c 89 lbs. 2d quality steel, (round) at 18c 210 lbs. 3d quality steel, (burnt) at 6c 564 lbs. iron, less than inch diameter, at 7o 1,179 lbs. iron, more than inch diameter, at 6c 300 lbs. estimated short pieces, scraps, etc., at 2e 120 ft. one inch pipe, at 17c 300 ft. three-quarter inch pipe, at 10c 100 ft. one-half inch pipe, at 9c '. 30 ft. three-eighths inch pipe, at 7c Pipe fittings, (various sizes) Two inch globe valves, at $2 00 Six three-quarter inch globe valves, at $1 25 Three half inch globe valves, at $1 00 One one inch check valve 36 lbs. brass wire, at 60c 10 lbs. sheet brass, at 60c 11 lbs. brass tube, at $1 00 11 lbs. iron wire, at 12^c 17 lbs. common steel wire, at 40c 10 lbs. ribbon steel, at 30c 50 lbs. scrap brass, at 15c 150 files, (assorted sizes) at 40c 2 lbs. stubs steel wire, at #2 50 Old files Nails, screws and rivets 5 lbs. gum shellac, at 50c 100 ft. gilt sining, at 4c 50 gals, machine oil, at 75c 10 gals, alcohol, at #1 00 Paint, oil, varnish, japan, etc 50 lbs. box wood, at 12£c 197 lbs. lignum vita, at 12Jc 110 lbs. ebony, at 12Jc 9 ft. rosewood, at 80c 60 ft. mahogany, at 38c 9 ft. gum-tree wood, at 20c 8 ft. white holly, at 20c | ton Blossburg coal, at $15 00 25 bus. charcoal, at 25c Unfinished croquette sets 10J lbs. block tin, at 40c 9 lbs. antimony, at 30c Total amount INVENTORY OE TOOLS AND MACHINES MARCH 1, 1873. Roots' patent boiler Water tank, pumps and pump pipe Engine variable cut off Heater, (Stairwell's patent) Condense water barrel $10 00, steam drum $50 00 Steam heating pipes 20 inch Putnam engine lathe , 5 ft. Putnam planer 15 inch lathe 2 hand lathes, $50 00 ea Shafting and pulleys Belting 1 Grindstone and frame 1 pair Fairbanks patent No. 11 platform scales 6 Parker's patent vices, at $7 50 1 20 inch lathe chuck $50 00, 1 do. 10 inch $18 00, 1 do. 3 inch $14 00, 1 do. 3 inch $12 00 Elyptical chuck Twist drills, runners, etc
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