UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Engineering Open House Guide - 2010 [PAGE 7]

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23rd Annual AMD W.J. “Jerry” Sanders Creative Design Competition

College students from around the world come to participate in the 22nd Annual AMD W.J.“Jerry” Sanders Creative Design Competition, a two-day contest of robotic design and engineering. This year, teams will need to move a weighted, air-filled balloon to play a large game of tic-tac-toe. Instead of Xs and Os, teams will play with colored balloons. Each team will be assigned a colored balloon to score with. To get their balloons, a team will first have to ‘unlock’ their balloons from a cage. Once released onto the field, teams can score by placing it into a box. Once scored in, the box will remain under the team’s control until another team takes control by scoring in that box.

Integrating knowledge, deriving genius.


Scoring: Points will be awarded for releasing balloons and scoring in a box. Additional points will be awarded if a team gains control over an entire ‘line’ in the tic-tactoe grid. Points will be taken away for popping the balloons. Location and Time: March 12 (9AM-4PM) , March 13 (9AM-3PM) “Jerry” Sanders III graduated from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Kenney Gym Annex in 1958 with a Bachelors of Science in Electrical Engineering. Since then, he’s University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign gone on to start one of the most successful companies of our time. Schedule: W.J. “Jerry” Sanders III co-founded Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) in 1969. Un- Competition will take place from 9 am to 4 pm der his leadership, AMD grew from being a “second-sourcer” of other companies’ on both days with final rounds starting around 1 pm on Saturday, March 13th. products to its current position as the fourth largest semi-conductor manufacturer in the United States. There will be rounds running at all times with Sanders also co-founded several prominent industry groups, including the bonus rounds and even crowd participation Semiconductor Industry Association, the Santa Clara Manufacturing Group, the events spaced throughout the day. Towards Semiconductor Research Corporation, and the Microelectronics and Computer the end of the competition on Saturday there will also be a demolition round where teams Technology Corporation. fight to have the last functional robot standing! The Wall Street Transcript named Sanders the Best Chief Executive Officer in the W.J. “Jerry” Sanders Creative Design semiconductor industry for the years 1983, 1984, and 1985, and runner-up in 1991. Mr. Sanders received the Robert N. Noyce Award from the Competition Committee Semi-conductor Industry Association (SIA) in 1998. In 2001, he received the Med- Director: Jon Hansen Rules Chair: Jack Pritz al of Achievement for the AeA, the nation’s largest high-tech Field Chair: Luke Zaczek industry association. Publicity Chair: Joel Spadin Sanders’ continued support for the University of Illinois, and in particular this de- Faculty Advisor: Dan Mast sign contest, is a testament to his support for education and competition, both Treasurer: Ross Wolf Teams Coordinator: Chloe Sevilla of which he thinks breeds success, creativity, and excellence. Programmer: Nishit Sharma W.J. Sanders III Webmaster: Brendan Neunaber Founder and Chairman Emeritus of Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. Mechanical Design Officer: Duane Bertels

Special Thanks

The EOH Central Committee would like to thank: Angie Dimit Kay Kappes Kalev Leetaru Greg Larson Rick Kubetz Ketty Duvall James Vattano Russ Schmalz Jerry Rabbitt Charles Tucker III Eric Thome Oasis Performers Illini Tours City of Urbana City of Champaign Parking Champaign County Tents Special Events Planning Committee Dana Tempel Chris Holt Rich Holm Tamara Ingram Sarah Zehr Corporate Sponsors F&G Sound Illini Union Board

Check out the photo gallery on our website for interesting pictures of the competition. You can find us at http://dc.ec.uiuc.edu

We welcome all feedback and suggestions! If you would like to contact the Jerry Sanders Design Committee, please email us at: eoh-jerrysanders@ec.uiuc.edu