UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Engineering Open House Guide - 2010 [PAGE 13]

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Integrating knowledge, deriving genius. The microcontoller communicates with the PC running a modified version of Left 4 Dead. Location: 163


Light Up My Life

WECE Life exists in time. A fun way to keep track of time can definitely light up your day. Our project is an awesome little clock that shows time without clock hands or digital numbers, instead it uses light and shadow. It works like an improved sundial, with three hands instead of just an hour hand, each given as a shadow from colorEver seen the bottom of the Ocean? ful LED’s. IAHR/IWRA Location: 143 Standing Water Waves Come visit this exhibit and virtually dive IAHR/IWRA down to the bottom of the ocean. Discover Have you ever seen what water waves look Night Vision Viewer for yourself the interesting currents and like when they fully reflect from a beach? Project Q Using LED’s and Infra-Red, we have created bed forms present beneath the waves dur- Come visit our giant water wave tank and ing a storm. see first hand the peculiar wave patterns a Night Vision Viewer. Location: 1504 Location: 168 and the resulting sand bed forms! Location: 1504

Participants will be able to keep the gems they find to start their own collections! SHPE Demonstration of a Van De Graaff genera- Location: 1504 tor and its incredible hair raising properties. A Van De Graaff Generator is an elec- Squiggly River Boat Race Challenge trostatic generator which uses a moving IAHR/IWRA belt to accumulate very high electrostati- Meandering rivers transport both water cally stable voltages on a hollow metal and sediment. The understanding of their globe on the top of the stand. physical processes are important for huLocation: 151 man-nature interaction and preservation. Come learn and then play “Boat Race ChalHydrosystems Laboratory lenge” in which participants will be able to build and race their own aluminum foil boats. Location: 1504

Van De Graaff Generator

Plasma Arc Speakers

Hands-On Hydrologic Model

Project Q Speakers using a electrical plasma as a radiating material. It is done by ionizing the gaseous material between two electrodes and using the vibrations to create sound. Location: 168

IAHR/IWRA In this hands-on model one can explore how the power of water shapes the topology of our earth. Come design your own landscape and see how water works its magic using rain, rivers and groundwater. Location: 1504

The Amazing Underground World of TARP

IAHR/IWRA Have you ever seen a 30 foot wide tunnel that is 300 feet underground?Come discover the complex and intriguing Tunnel and Reservoir Plan (TARP) of the greater Chicago area. Location: 1504

Power and Energy Systems

Power and Energy Group, ECE Dept This exhibit contains a number of projects demonstrating some exciting aspects of power and energy systems. Projects include a magnetic ring cannon, floating frying pan, automatic Etch-A-Sketch, and many more! Location: 50

Hidden Waters

IAHR/IWRA Do you know that water is moving all the time in the ground underneath our very feet? Don’t miss your opportunity to see first hand from physical and computer models some of the processes in groundwater flow which include well pumping, surface water interaction, and contamination transport. Location: 1504

The Hazards of the Modern Spillway

IAHR/IWRA This demonstration examines incredible flow dynamics as water overtops a spillway as well as the dangerous turbulent hydraulic which generated downstream of the structure. Location: 1504

Shuttle Tile

Illinois Space Society Demonstration of how the tiles on the space shuttle protect the space craft from the high temperatures of re-entry to Earths atmosphere. Location: 170

Running Water Sluice

The Tale of Heavy and Light

IAHR/IWRA Heavy things sink and light things float. Mother Nature is a master on this basic rule of physics. Come and see how density flows generate a river under the Chicago River in Chicago, Illinois. Location: 1504

IAHR/IWRA Step back in time and try your skills at become a 1849 Gold Miner and separate sediment from gems and minerals. Learn around the sediment transport physics which makes this possible as well as inforStraw Rockets mation about the rocks, gems and minerIllinois Space Society Construct paper rockets and propel them als you find. at a target via target. Location: 170