UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Today in the History of the University of Illinois

Welcome to the new "Today in the History of the University of Illinois" feature! This is an extremely experimental project to build a database of major events in the University's history, currently totaling more than 500,000. The current database below was compiled using software programs that identified all dates in the pages on this site and in its more than 70,000 pages of digitized historical material. Since all dates were 100% automatically identified, there may be errors, and many date references may refer to routine events. This is a work in progress, please contact University Archives with comments, questions, recommendations, etc. A total of 511 events are recorded for today.

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Extended Matches

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Page Matches
  • 1961: ...n plaque ftnref20 20 University of Illinois Archives, Building and Statue Dedication Programs: RS 2 0 808 - Illini Union 10 th anniversary ftnref21 21 Board of Trustees Proceedings, September 21, 1961 ftnref22 22 Courier - 5 12 1963 ftnref23 23 Courier - 8 27 61 ftnref24 24 "Union bowling alley receives facelift" - Daily Illini - 8 27 2004 ftnref25 25 http: www.vcsa.uiuc.edu onStaff ed.html ftnref... (Illini Union)
  • 1966: ftn1 1 On September 21, 1966 ftn2 2 that resolution became a reality with the groundbreaking of the new Undergraduate Library, followed by its dedication three years later on November 15, 1969. Built around a 72 by 72 foot squar... (Undergraduate Library)
  • 2000: ftn12 12 On September 21, 2000, the building was renamed Wohlers Hall in honor of Albert H. and Jane L. Wohlers, ftn13 13 who funded the nearly 6M renovation. ftn14 14 In the rededication proceedings, it was noted that the buildin... (Commerce West / Wohler's Hall)

Digital Library Matches
  • 1809: ...ply Drug Co. C. L. Frame Dental Supply Co. 1804 do 1805 do .. S. S. White Dental Mfg. Co. 1806 . do.... Thos. J. Dee Co.. Central Electric Co. 1807, do Geo. B. Carpenter Co. 1808 do 1809 Sept. 21 H. C. Wheeler, Chicago Fire Proof Storage Warehouse.. 1810 do 1811 . . d o . . . . H. P. Risk The Letter Shop. 1812 do 1813 do. . . Ward's Natural Science Establishment. A.Zappone 1814 do 1815 .. do..." I... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1916)
  • 1834: ...-85-038 PHS-43-65-1031 United States Navy Nonr-1834 17 Nonr-3985 02 Nonr-3985 06 Nonr-3985 08 Nonr-3985 09 United States Office of Secretary of Defense SD-131 Total BOARD OF TRUSTEES September 21 Purpose Highway problems Riveted and bolted structural joints Impact on highway bridges Prestressed reinforced concrete highway bridges Soil exploration and mapping Soil-aggregate mixtures for highway pav... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1968)
  • 1866: Sept. 21 Notice published of an informal election to be held in Champaign county ou Oct. 10, by order of the board of Supervisors. The voters were to decide whether or not the county should appropriate 100,000.00 ... (Book - Early History of University (1916))
  • 1867: ...Goltra Expenses at May meeting Sept. 20, 1867 32 75 J . S. Johnson Payment for labor and materials for J. M. Gregory 1,000 00 building 75 50 William Smith Cartage of stone to University Sept. 21, 1867 560 00 Edwin Pierce For lot 7, block 52, Seminary addition. Sept. 28. 1867 43 00 Adams, Blackman Lyon Seal, blanks, and letter press.. Oct. 9, 1867. 27 15 Chas. H. Topping Expenses at May meeting 1,0... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1868)
  • 1874: ...r, of Champaign, were one-half bushel each, sown on three-tenths of an acre of corn stubble, which had been cleaned off and thoroughly harrowed, but not plowed. It was sown in drills September 21st, immediately thereafter rolled, and notwithstanding attacks from Chinch bugs during dry and warm weather, in October, is looking promisingly at this date. Octobtf 10 Experiments were made to arrest the ... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1876)
  • 1874: 1874-fi Sept. 21 First issue of the University Reporter, a publication of four small pages. I t s purpose was ostensibly to arouse interest in Student Government and to advocate the establishment of a university press. I ... (Book - Early History of University (1916))
  • 1880: September 21. Juice not clarified. The evaporation was continued until the sirup upon cooling weighed 11 lbs. The sugar did not crystallize, 4. Early Amber (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1880)
  • 1880: September 21. Juice not clarified. The evaporation was continued until the syrup upon cooling weighed 11 lbs. The sugar did not crystallize. 4. Early Amber (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1882)
  • 1891: ...cations herewith submitted; t h a t each contractor from whom bids have been received be notified in writing of this action, and t h a t t h e new bids be received until noon of Monday, Sept. 21, 1891, and be opened a t 2 p. m. on the same day. Respectfully submitted, S. A. B U L L A R D , I Committee on N E L S O N W. GRAHAM, f Buildings and Grounds. The report of the committee was approved on mo... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1892)
  • 1891: ...iversity of Illinois. GENTLEMEN : Your Executive Committee begs leave to report t h a t it held a meeting, at which all t h e members were present, in the University Parlor, Monday, September 21, 1891, at 5 o'clock p. m., and at t h a t time transacted t h e following business: The Regent proposed t h a t the testing laboratory be put in charge of the Dean of t h e College of Engineering, Professo... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1892)
  • 1891: , Monday, September 21, 1891, in Professor Ricker's room in University Hall, in Urbana. Of the Executive Committee, all the members were present, and from the Committee on Buildings and Grounds, Messrs. Bullard and Graham, Mr. M... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1892)
  • 1891: ... grounds respectfully reports with regard to t h e erection of Natural History Hall, as follows: 1. Your committee, acting with t h e executive committee, and by authority gsven by you, Sept. 21, 1891, awarded the contract for t h e erection of Natural History Hall, according to plans and specifications adopted by you Sept. 9, 1891, to Valentine Jobst, of Peoria, 111., for t h e sum of 58,519.50, ... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1894)
  • 1894: , Sept. 21, 1894. I also submit the following report of the President of the Board of Direction of the Agricultural Experiment Station: EXPERIMENT STATION REPORT. Dr. A. S.. Draper, President University of Illinois. ... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1896)
  • 1894: , September 21, 1894. f W. L. Pillsbury, Secretary, Etc., Urbana, III. DEAR S I R : In reply to your communication of the 19th inst., I would say that I am of the opinion that the Trustees of the University of Illinois a... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1896)
  • 1897: ...t h e School of P h a r m a c y , c o m p l y i n g with an order of t h e B o a r d passed at its m e e t i n g of J u n e 8th, p r e s e n t e d t h e following: URBANA, ILLINOIS, September 21, 1897. To the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois. GENTLEMEN : The Committee on the School of Pharmacy met with the "Faculty of the School at 465 State street, Chicago, on Thursday, September 2... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1898)
  • 1897: ... t M c K a y , Mr. M c L e a n occupied t h e c h a i r for t h e rest of t h e session. T h e E x e c u t i v e C o m m i t t e e made the following r e p o r t : URBANA, ILLINOIS, September 21, 1897. To the Board of Trustees. GENTLEMEN: Your Executive Committee reports that at a meeting an appropriation of 600.00 was made for the purpose of completing the repairs o n Natural History Hall; 500.00... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1898)
  • 1897: ...rm. A third recommendation was that a special laboratory and equipment be provided for this course. These recommendations were adopted by the Board of Trustees at the meeting held September 21st, 1897, and it is expected that the extended course will be put in operation during the coming year. The diploma of this school, conferring the degree of Graduate in Pharmacy, entitles the recipient to regi... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1898)
  • 1897: Sept. 21, PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS FOR THE Year Ending August 31, 1898. M E E T I N G OF S E P T E M B E R 2L, 1897. T h e B o a r d of T r u s t e e s of t h e - U n i v ... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1898)
  • 1897: Sept. 21 To the Board of Trustees. Pursuant to your instructions, given at the June meeting, I have investigated the matter of a new greenhouse and herewith submit plans and estimates therefor. I recommend the pla... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1898)
  • 1897: Sept. 21, T h e following resolution, offered by Mr. M c K a y , was a d o p t e d : Resolved, That George F. Barrett, of Chicago, a son of a soldier in the Oate war, be granted an honorary scholarship from Cook c... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1898)
  • 1897: Sept. 21, T h e F i n a n c e C o m m i t t e e reported b a c k t h e r e c o m m e n d a t i o n with regard to a g r e e n h o u s e see p a g e 186 and advised its adoption. Mr. S m i t h moved t h a t t h e p... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1898)
  • 1897: Sept. 21 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS, September 21, 189b". F. M. McKay, Esq., President of the Board of Trustees, University of Illinois. SIR: I have the honor to present to you herewith the following report: Paper A i... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1898)
  • 1897: ...Bullard, McKay, McLean, Morrison, Raymond, and Smith and Mrs, Carriel; those absent were Governor Tanner and Messrs. Inglis and Pearce and Mrs. Flower. The minutes of the meetings of September 21, and October 1,1897, were approved, as presented by the Secretary. COMMUNICATION FROM PRESIDENT DRAPER. President Draper presented a request from Professor Townsend asking for a leave of absence without p... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1898)
  • 1897: Sept. 21 Board of Trustees decides to use old Military Hall as a gymnasium (Book - Early History of University (1916))
  • 1899: Sept. 21, the State Laboratory may do education a service at this time by giving its periodical publications a different form and direction. While brief technical papers should undoubtedly be published from time t... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1904)
  • 1900: Sept. 21, The motion to adopt the recommendation of the faculty was then carried unanimously. Respectfully submitted, ALEX. MCLEAN, J. E. ARMSTRONG, S. A. BULLARD, A. S. DRAPER, S. W. SHATTUCK, Committee on School... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1898)
  • 1900: ...atory School Instructors Staff of Laboratory of Natural History Staff of Agricultural Experiment Station Summaries of Students Proceedings of the Board of Trustees, 1900-1901 Meeting of Sept. 21, 1900 Meeting of Nov. 9.1900 MeetingofDec.il, 1900 Meeting of Jan. 23,1901 Meeting of March 12.1901 Meeting of April25,1901.. Meeting of May 21,1901 Meeting of May 28,1901 Meeting of June 11, 1901 Meeting ... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1904)
  • 1900: , Friday, Sept. 21, 1900. The members present were Messrs. Bayliss, Bullard, Hatch, MoKay, McLean and Smith, and Mrs, Flower, Mrs. Carriel and Mrs. Abbott; those absent were Grovernor Tanner and Messrs. Fulkerson and Nightin... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1904)
  • 1900: , Sept. 21,1900. lo the Board of Trustees: 1. Pursuant to authority given at the June meeting of the board, I have made appointments of the following instructors and assistants for work in the University, and report... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1904)
  • 1900: ...ork. Eespectfully submitted, S. A. FORBES, Director. T h e C o m m i t t e e on S t u d e n t s ' Welfare presesented t h e following r e p o r t w h i c h was a p p r o v e d : CHICAGO, Sept. 21,1900. lo the Board of Irustees of the University of Illinois: Your Committee on Students' Welfare begs leave to report that it is desirable that milk should be furnished by the University Dairy for use at... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1904)
  • 1900: ... e on A g r i c u l t u r e p r e s e n t e d t h e following report w h i c h was a p p r o v e d and a p p r o p r i a t i o n s were m a d e as t h e r e i n r e c ommended: CHICAGO, Sept. 21, 1900. lo the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois: The Committee on Agriculture begs leave to recommend that, as the balance of last year's agricultural fund was, July 1st, as follows: United S... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1904)
  • 1900: ...SMITH, Committee on Agriculture. T h e C o m m i t t e e on B u i l d i n g s a n d G r o u n d s p r e s e n t e d t h e followi n g r e p o r t w h i c h was a p p r o v e d : CHICAGO, Sept. 21,1900. lo the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois: Your Committee on Buildings and Grounds to which was referred a petition of the Mayor, Board of Local Improvement and certain property owners ... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1904)
  • 1900: ... i t t e e on B u i l d i n g s and G r o u n d s m a d e t h e following r e p o r t of i t s action with regard t o c o n t r a c t i n g for coal for t h e e n s u ing year: CHICAGO, Sept. 21, 1900. Io the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois. Your Committee on Buildings and Grounds to which was referred the purchase of coal for the year ending Aug. 31, 1901, begs leave to report as ... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1904)
  • 1900: ...ported missing: General University-No. 1,289, Wilhelm Ernst Sohn, 11.06; No. 1,399, Eiier Bros., 6.83, The following named vouchers, which were reported missing in the printed report of Sept. 21, 1900, have been received and are now in the files: General University. No. 3,146, Electrical Chemical Co., 14.50; No. 3,217, Garlock Packing Co., 30.82; No. 3,441, Bausch Lomb Optical Co., 198.72. Agricul... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1904)
  • 1900: ...ANSFER OF WEST DIVISION HIGH SCHOOL. lo the Board of Trustees: Your special committee on the purchase of the West Division High School property by the College of Physicians and Surgeons Sept. 21, 1900 , begs leave to report that in order to complete the purchase of the said property, as authorized by the Board, it will be necessary to authorize an increase of the indebtedness of the said College i... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1904)
  • 1900: Sept. 21, The presentation of these papers was interrupted by a hearing given to Captain D. H. Clark. After the hearing Mr. Smith offered the following resolution which was adopted: Whereas, Captain D. H. Clark of... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1904)
  • 1900: Sept. 21, ot Medicine, 41,906.20; Nos. 1 to 87, College of Medicine, 2,737.83. Total for the three months to June 30,1900, 141,917.66. We have found that the above vouchers are in due form and are properly receipt... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1904)
  • 1900: Sept. 21 On motion of Mr. Smith appropriations were .made as follows in accordance with the request of the Business Manager: A P P R O P R I A T I O N S F O R T H B T H R E E M O N T H S E N D I N G D e c . 31,190... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1904)
  • 1900: ...cLean, Nightingale and Smith, and Mrs. Flower, Mrs, Carriel and Mrs. Abbott; absent, Governor Tanner. President Draper was present. The Secretary presented the minutes of the meetings of Sept. 21 and Nov. 9, 1900, and they were approved as presented. COMMUNICATIONS FROM PRESIDENT DRAPER. lo the Board oj Irustees oj the University of Illinois: 1. Last spring Miss Elizabeth Sprague was appointed ins... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1904)
  • 1902: Gas to Sept. 21, 1902 1375 . . d o Machine work H. M. Burr Co 1376 . . d o Pipe, etc E. A. Robinson 1377 .. do Lumber , S . E . Huff Co 1378 . . d o do W. W. Walls Co 1379 . . d o do John Spry Lumber Co 1380 .. do E. A. H... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1906)
  • 1903: 44 Sept. 21 J. W. Butler Paper Co 45 . . d o 46 . . d o The Gazette Printing Coal Conklin S tine spring 47 . . d o 48 . . d o . . . . . . S. W. Shattuck, Business Mgr. Payroll, August, 1903 49 Sept. Salary, September... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1906)
  • 1903: ...5 00 48 00 ,424 UNIVEBSITY OF ILLINOIS. Aug. 31, College of Medicine No. Date. To w h o m . Warrants Continued. For what. Amount. 1903 160 Aug. 31 161 16 . . d o E d w a r d McNamara 168 Sept. 21 W. E . Coates 161 Commonwealth Electric C o . . . . 165 .. do 166 . . d o W e s t e r n Union Telegraph C o . . 167 .. do S. S W h i t e Dental Mfg. Co . . . . 168 . . d o 169 .. do Geo. H. Benedict Co 17... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1906)
  • 1908: ...ng Sept. 25, 1908, and continuing until Aug. 31, 1909. Mr. Wyninger is to take the place of George L. Dobyns, resigned. Samuel Coss, Assistant in Chemistry, for the ten months beginning Sept. 21, 1908, at a salary of 30 a month, in place of W. F. Washburn, withdrawn. William Martin, Senior Assistant in the Chemical Laboratory, at a remuneration of 100 for the academic year 1908-9. H. C. Bennett, S... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1912)
  • 1908: do 2317 Sept. 21 T. S. Dickerson W.J.Welsh 2318 2319 ..do International Harvester Co 2320 ..do Thatcher Mfg. Co 2321 ..do..... Creamery Packing Mfg. Co 2322 ..do J. L. Wiese Son. 2323 ..do J. O. Ensberg Sturges-Burn Mfg. ... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1912)
  • 1908: Sept. 21 General. University No. Date. To Whom. Warrants Continued. For What. Amount. 1908. 2326 Sept. 21 Lawton Co Ink 2327 ..do Richard Wunderlich Repairs. 2328 ..do Keuffel Esser Co Tools... 2329 ..do Sand Sand... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1912)
  • 1908: 2326 Sept. 21 Lawton Co Ink 2327 ..do Richard Wunderlich Repairs. 2328 ..do Keuffel Esser Co Tools... 2329 ..do Sand Sandusky Portland Cement Co 2330 ..do W. L. E. Gurley 2331 ..do Clamps, etc Buff Buff Co 2332 ..do Il... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1912)
  • 1908: 2552 Sept. 21 E. K. Strachan W. E. Knapp 2553 2554 do....'. Fred Cressman 2555 ..do L. F. Nickel O. C. Stanger 2556 ..do Ira O. Baker 2557 ..do 2558 ..do J. P. Brooks F. O. Dufour 2559 ..do F. B. Sanburn 2560 ..do C. W... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1912)
  • 1909: , Sept. 21, 1909, at the Palmer House. ADJOURNED SESSION, SEPTEMBER 21, 1909. When the board met pursuant to adjournment' there were present, Messrs. Abbott, Blair, Crebs, Davison, Hatch, Meeker and Mrs. Bahrenburg a... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1912)
  • 1909: ... 14, 1909. When the board met pursuant to the call, no quorum was present, and adjournment was taken to 10:00 o'clock, a. m., Sept. 21, 1909, at the Palmer House. ADJOURNED SESSION, SEPTEMBER 21, 1909. When the board met pursuant to adjournment' there were present, Messrs. Abbott, Blair, Crebs, Davison, Hatch, Meeker and Mrs. Bahrenburg and Mrs. Evans; Mr. Moore came in a little later; absent, Gov... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1912)
  • 1909: , Sept. 21, 1909. W. L. Abbott, Esquire, President Board of Trustees, University of Illinois: SIR I have the honor to hand you herewith the following financial statements and papers: Paper A is a statement of the cur... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1912)
  • 1909: Sept. 21 R E P O R T OF C O M M I T T E E ON B U I L D I N G S AND GROUNDS. To the Board of Trustees: Your Committee on Buildings and Grounds begs leave to report that at a meeting of the committee held in Chicago... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1912)
  • 1909: Sept.. 21 The communication was referred to the Committee on Buildings and Grounds for report. 5. A recommendation that the President of the University be authorized to select a professor of Chemistry to fill the v... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1912)
  • 1909: Sept. 21 last session for the equipment and support of the Law School, and that, the additional amount necessary to provide for the salary list of the Law School and the other items appropriated by the trustees fo... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1912)
  • 1909: Sept. 21 The Trustees appointed Harry' H . Stoek editor of Mines and Minerals professor of Mining Engineering in the University, in charge of the department (Book - Early History of University (1916))
  • 1910: Sept. 21 General University No. Date. 1910. To whom. Warrants Continued. For what. Amount. Labor and expenses 21 F.C.Gates Salary, Spetember, 1910 Gertrude Moulton '.'.do'.'.'.'.'.Claude Brown T vpwriting ..do ..d... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1914)
  • 1910: ...later date. The Vice-President and Comptroller and the Legal Counsel join in these tKommendations and in the adoption of the following resolution, and I concur. ,96 BOARD OF TRUSTEES September 21 Resolution Be it, and U hereby is, resolved by this Board of Trustees of The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois, a public corporation of the State of Illinois, with its principal office in th... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1962)
  • 1910: Sept. 21 A thousand freshmen attended the first convocation in the University Auditorium. President James welcomed them. Dean Thomas A. Clark and Mr. Ray Warnock, Assistant Dean, spoke briefly (Book - Early History of University (1916))
  • 1911: Sept. 21, 1911. . .- Case, Flora M., catalog assistant in the Library, for ten months beginning as soon as she reports for duty, at a salary of fifty-five dollars 55.00 a month (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1914)
  • 1911: Sept. 21, 1911. Israel, A. L., student assistant in Chemistry, for t h e academic year 1911-12, a t a salary of one h u n d r e d dollars 100.00 for the year, vice P. S. Woodward (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1914)
  • 1911: Sept. 21, 1911. Jones, Robert Taylor, assistant in Architecture, for ten m o n t h s beginning Sept. 1, 1911, a t a salary of one h u n d r e d twenty dollars 120;00 a month, vice Rudolph Weaver, resigned (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1914)
  • 1911: Sept. 21, 1911. Keeler, Nellie L., stenographer in t h e R e g i s t r a r ' s office, for one m o n t h beginning Sept. 1, 1911, at a salary of 55.00 for the month (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1914)
  • 1911: Sept. 21, 1911. Randolph, Oscar A., assistant in Physics, on full time previously on p a r t t i m e ; see page 447 , from Nov. 1, 1911, to J u l y 1, 1912, a t a salary of seventyfive dollars 75.00 a m o n t h to ... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1914)
  • 1911: Sept. 21, 1911. L A N D S FOR, AGRICULTURAL INVESTIGATION. The secretary presented a letter from President James, under date of Sept. -22, 1911, transmitting to the secretary, to be filed in the archives, a number ... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1914)
  • 1912: 3386 Sept. 21 Jones-McDuffee Stratton Co.. 3387 . do. Freeman Brooks. 3388 do Fritz Goeldel Mfg. Co. 3389 .do H. H. Powers. 3390 ..do G..B. Brown. 3391 .do. West Disinfecting Co. 3392 . d o . . . . . E. T. Benjamin. 33... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1915)
  • 1913: ... 48 ..do Remington Typewriter C o . . . . 49 ..do Addressograph Co 50 Sept. 4 E. M. R. Lamkey 51 Sept. 6 Remington Typewriter Co 52 The U. of I. Supply Store 53 ..do H. P. Stinespring 54 Sept. 21 Addressograph Co 65 Sept. 30 H. L. Rietz. ; 56 W. E. J o s e p h . . . . . 57 ..do A. D. Emmett 58 ..do Sleeter B ull 59 ..do Thomas Bregger 0 ..do E. W. Bailey 61 ..do A. A. Odell 62 ..do H. I. Hannah 63... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1915)
  • 1914: ...r the academic year 1914-15, at a salary of one hundred fifty dollars 150 for the course. September 10, 1914. Roberts, Nellie R., Cataloger in the Library on one-half time beginning September 21, 1914, and continuing until August 31, 1915, at a salary of thirty-two dollars and fifty cents 32.50 a month. September 23, 1914. Sabin, Ethel E., Fellow in Philosophy, for ten months beginning September 1... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1916)
  • 1914: ..., 1914, and continuing until further notice, at. a remuneration of seventy dollars 70 a month. October 17, 1914. Signor, Nelle, Cataloger in the Library, on one-half time, beginning September 21, 1914, and continuing until August 31, 1915, at a salary of thirty-two dollars and fifty cents 32.50 a month. September 23, 1914. Simmonds, Walter E., Assistant in Physical Therapy in the College of Medici... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1916)
  • 1914: ...E. Staples, Bursar . . d o . . . . Roy Hanson d o . . . . O. E. staples, Bursar. Sept. 16, . d o . . . . C , C , C. St. L. Ry. C o . . . -do Taylor Hardware Co Sept. 18 Illinois Glass Co Sept. 21 F. M. Leslie . d o . . . . F. K. Robeson . . do Taylor Hardware Co d o . . . . Flanigan-Pearson Co Sept. 23.Anna C. Glover ..do Roy Hansen d o . . . . H. L. Rietz d o . . . . J. E.Whitchurch ...1. do F. A... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1916)
  • 1915: September 21, 1915. Boughton, T. H., Associate in Pathology, for one year beginning September 1, 1915, at a salary of eighteen hundred dollars 1,800 a year (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1916)
  • 1915: September 21, 1915. Brown, J. B., Graduate Assistant in Chemistry, for 10 months beginning September 1, 1915, at a salary of thirty dollars 30 a month (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1916)
  • 1915: September 21, 1915. Curl, H. E., Assistant in Physiology in the College of Medicine, for 9 months beginning October 1, 1915, at a salary of five hundred dollars 500 for theperiod (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1916)
  • 1915: September 21, 1915. Hahn, F. C, Student Assistant in Chemistry, for 10 months beginning September 1, 1915, at a salary of ten dollars 10 a month (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1916)
  • 1915: September 21, 1915. Kile, Jessie J., Research Assistant in the Illinois Survey, for 12 months beginning September 1, 1915, at a salary of eighty dollars 80 a month (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1916)
  • 1915: 1608 Sept. 21M. E. Thompson, Cashier 1609 M. E. Thompson, Cashier 1610 ..do.... C. B . Richard C o . . 1611 ..do.... Chas. M. Webber, Postmaster 1612 ..do.... Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co 1613 ..do.... Geo. B . Carpenter ... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1916)
  • 1915: J 1799 Sept. 21 Urbana Stamp Works W . S . Brock 1800 M. 1801 '.'.do'.'.'.'. J. Prucha 1802,. . d o . . . . Vaughan's Seed Store 1803 . . d o . . . . Percival Moorehead 1804 . . d o . . . . McGraw-Hill Book Co 1805 . . d... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1916)
  • 1915: ...y the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois among the institutions to which the law should apply, the University could not be held subject to the pro- ,98 BOARD OF TRUSTEES September 21, visions of the law; and the Board of Trustees have full authority to handle the matter of University printing as they deem best. The Executive Committee adjourned. E. J. FILBEY W. L. ABBOTT Clerk Chairma... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1918)
  • 1916: ...t as at the morning session. The Board adjourned to meet in the office of the State Superintendent of Public Instruction, in the State House, at Springfield, at 9 a .m. on Thursday, September 21, 1916. E. J. FILBEY W. L. ABBOTT Secretary pro tempore President ADJOURNED SESSION, SEPTEMBER 21, 1916 When the Board of Trustees met in the office of the State Superintendent of Public Instruction, at Spr... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1918)
  • 1916: ...t of Public Instruction, in the State House, at Springfield, at 9 a .m. on Thursday, September 21, 1916. E. J. FILBEY W. L. ABBOTT Secretary pro tempore President ADJOURNED SESSION, SEPTEMBER 21, 1916 When the Board of Trustees met in the office of the State Superintendent of Public Instruction, at Springfield, at 9 a. m. on Thursday, September 21, 1916, pursuant to the adjournment taken Tuesday, ... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1918)
  • 1916: ...esident ADJOURNED SESSION, SEPTEMBER 21, 1916 When the Board of Trustees met in the office of the State Superintendent of Public Instruction, at Springfield, at 9 a. m. on Thursday, September 21, 1916, pursuant to the adjournment taken Tuesday, September 12, 1916, the following members were present: President Abbott, Mr. Blair, Mr. Carr, Mrs. Evans, Mr. Hoit, Mr. Ward, Miss Watson. President James... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1918)
  • 1916: ...cretary having called attention to the absence of a quorum, the Board adjourned. FLORENCE E. WATSON W. L. ABBOTT Secretary pro tempore President MEETING OF T H E EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE SEPTEMBER 21, 1916 A meeting of the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois was held in the office of the State Superintendent of Public Instruction, at Springfield, on Thursday, Sept... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1918)
  • 1916: ...the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois was held in the office of the State Superintendent of Public Instruction, at Springfield, on Thursday, September 21, 1916, immediately following the adjournment of the meeting of the Board of Trustees on the same day. All the members of the Executive Committee were present, namely, Mr. Abbott, Mr. Carr, and Mr. Hoit; al... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1918)
  • 1916: ...ions of the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois and of the Executive Committee of the Board at their meetings held on September 12, 1916, and at the adjourned session of September 21, 1916, as approved by the Board on November 22, 1916. Secretary of the B ard of Trustees ,MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES -OF THE- UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS October 18, 1916 A special meeting of the Board of... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1918)
  • 1916: ...ary of thirteen hundred dollars 1360 for the year. September 30, 1916. Held, Rhea L., Stenographer in the department of Chemistry, at a salary of fifty dollars 50 a month, beginning September 21, 1916, and continuing until further notice, subject to the rules of the Civil Service Commission. October 31, 1916. Hill, R. E., Clerk of the Practise Court in the College of Law for the academic year 1916... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1918)
  • 1916: On September 21, 1916 pages 99-100 , the Board passed resolutions authorizing the President and the Secretary of the Board, respectively, to delegate this authority to the Auditor, the Cashier, and the Comptroller. As yet... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1918)
  • 1916: ... would be 325 an acre. Authority was given to the President of the University to negotiate with Mr. Kerr for the purchase of this tract at a price not to exceed 250 an acre Minutes, September 21, 1916, p. 98 . This price Mr. Kerr refuses to consider. He is willing, however, to sell the forty acres at 300 an acre. ,334 BOARD OF TRUSTEES June 7, On motion of Mr. Carr, the President of the University... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1918)
  • 1916: ... Experiment Station and the Faculty of the Graduate School, may seem to him most appropriate. MEMORIAL TABLET TO MRS. JAMES The following statement: At the meeting of the Board held September 21, 1916, I offered with the consent of the Board of Trustees to erect a bronze tablet in memory of my deceased wife, Mrs. Margaret L. James, on the south wall of the lobby of the Auditorium, either to the ri... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1918)
  • 1916: ...oved as above. The Secretary of the Board of Trustees is authorized to delegate to the Cashier in the Business, Office authority to sign the name qi the Secre- ,100 BOARD OF TRUSTEES September 21, tary of the Board of Trustees to vouchers on the State Auditor and warrants on the University Treasurer, for vouchers approved as above. The Comptroller shall be authorized to sign the name of the Presid... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1918)
  • 1916: ...ts allowed him by transfer from other institutions had The figures in italics were obtained after the bids were opened, by analyzing a mine sample of the coal. ,102 BOARD OF TRUSTEES September 21, been cancelled on account of his relatively poor work in this institution, but the Council, at its meeting of July 11, voted that the rule in regard to such concellation of credits should be suspended in... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1918)
  • 1916: ...than 215 an acre. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING, JULY 28, 1916 10 A report of the meeting of the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees held July 28, 1916. ,IO4 BOARD OF TRUSTEES September 21, August 28, 1916 Mr. H. E. Cunningham, Secretary, University of Illinois DEAR SIR: On July 28, a meeting of the Executive Committee was held at 72 West Adams Street, Chicago. It was attended by Messrs. Ho... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1918)
  • 1916: ...lets, etc. In the Amanda K. Casad .collection there are 1732 bound volumes; and the pamphlets in this collection you, .told us need not be strictly counted; we ,io6 BOARD OF TRUSTEES September 21, are, however, looking over these and are finding a great deal of material needed by the Library. Yours very truly, P. L. WINDSOR This report was received for record. CATTLE FEEDING PLANT 5 A request from... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1918)
  • 1916: ...rtimer Percy, M.D., Associate Professor of Clinical Surgery Charles Mayer Jacobs, M.D., Associate Professor of Clinical Surgery Orthopedic ,Tl8 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Assistant Professors September 21, Edward Louis Heintz, Ph.G., M.D., Assistant Professor of Medicine and Clinical Medicine Frederick Gillette Harris, M.D., Assistant Professor of Dermatology and Venereal Diseases, Acting Head of the Depar... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1918)
  • 1916: ...e George William Woodnick, M.D., Instructor in Clinical Ophthalmology Walter H. Theobald, B.S., M.D., Instructor in Surgery Laryngology, Rhinology, and Otology ,120 BOARD OF TRUSTEES September 21, Louis George Hoffman, M.D., Instructor in Clinical OphthalmologyLester E. Bower, M.D., Instructor in Pediatrics E. H. DeFour, M.D., Instructor in Periatrics Laurence H. Moyers, M.D., Instructor in Clinic... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1918)
  • 1918: September 21, 1918 . Libman, Anita, Research Assistant in the Illinois Historical Survey, for twelve months, beginning September 1, 1918, at a salary of eighty dollars 80 a month (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1920)
  • 1919: ... . . . Museum Book Store do , 288 58 1917 . . d o . . . F. A. Kirkpatrick. Student labor , 44 40 1918 . . d o . . . Geo. E. Frazer, Comptroller Chapman Bryant, moving I house 265 00 1919 Sept. 21 W . H . S m i t h . . . . Cow 55 00 Chance C. Jones. Rebate.of tuition, School of Phar1920 macy.., 37 50 1921 ..do. W. A. Albreeht Salary, September, 1914 25 00 1922 . . d o . . . . Albert B a b b i t t .... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1916)
  • 1920: ... John McMullin, and Herbert Johnston, RESOLVED: that the President of the Board of Trustees and its Secretary are authorized to sign the agreement to arbitrate said controversy dated September 21 1920. 28 On motion of Mr. Trimble, this resolution was adopted. RULES FOR T H E D R A F T I N G A N D E X E C U T I O N OF U N I V E R S I T Y CONTRACTS 29 A recommendation that the following rules be ado... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1922)
  • 1920: September 21,1920 Groot, J. T., Instructor in Physiology, on one-half time, in the College of Medicine, for one year, beginning September 1,1920, at a salary of fifty-eight and one-third dollars 58.33 a month, plus tu... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1922)
  • 1920: September 21, 1920 Herron, Miriam E., Assistant in the Library, at a salary of ninety-one and twothirds dollars 391.66 a month, for one year, beginning September 1,1920, subject to the rules of the Civil Service Commis... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1922)
  • 1920: ...us appointment. August 9, 1920 Hyler, Frances W., Stenographer, on one-half time, in the Department of Agricultural Education, in the College of Education, for ten months, beginning September 21, 1920, at a salary of forty-five dollars 345 a month. September 15,1920 Karraker, A. H., First Assistant in Soil Fertility, in the Department of Agronomy in the Agricultural Experiment Station, for one yea... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1922)
  • 1920: September 21, 1920 Odell, C. W., Assistant in the Bureau of Educational Research, for twelve months, beginning September 1, 1920, at a salary of one hundred sixteen and two-thirds dollars 116.66 a month (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1922)
  • 1920: ...ry of eighty dollars 80 a month, for one year, beginning September 1, 1920, subject to the rules of the Civil Service Commission. This appointment supersedes her previous appiontment September 21,1920 Robbins, U. E., Laboratory Helper in Chemistry, for twelve months, beginning September 1, 1920, at a salary of seventy dollars 70 a month. August 13, 1920 Roberts, Nettie M., Stenographer Rank II, in... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1922)
  • 1920: September 21,1920 Schuhmann, E. W., Assistant in Physics, for ten months, beginning September 1,1920, at a salary of one hundred sixty dollars 160 a month (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1922)
  • 1920: September 21,1920 Siepert, A. F., Associate Professor of Industrial Education, for one year, beginning September 1,1920, at a salary of thirty-five hundred dollars 3500 (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1922)
  • 1920: September 21, 1920 Wright, June, University Stenographer, Rank II, in the Registrar's Office, at a salary of seventy-five dollars 75 a month, beginning September 1, 1920, subject to the rules of the Civil Service Commi... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1922)
  • 1921: ...tion of fifty cents .50 an hour. March 2, 1921 Starr, C. J., Assistant Superintendent of the Machine Laboratory, in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, from March 15, 1921, to September 21, 1921, at a salary of one hundred eighty-three and one-third dollars 183.33 a month. March 3,1921 St. Germain, A. J., Graduate Assistant in Anatomy, to give eight hours service a week, for sixteen weeks, b... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1922)
  • 1921: from Sept. 21, 1921 .... 2,400 Louis J. Larson, Instructor in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics 10 mos. 2,200 W. L. Schwalbe, Instructor in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics 10 mos. 2,000 Jean P. Leinroth, Instructor in... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1922)
  • 1921: ...oard of Trustees of the University of Illinois was held at the University, in Urbana, on Tuesday, September 13, 1921. As there was no quorum, the meeting was adjourned to Wednesday, September 21, 1921, at 10 a. m., at the University, in Urbana. A D J O U R N E D SESSION, S E P T E M B E R 2 1 , 1Q21 When the Board convened at the University at 10 a. m. on Wednesday, September 21, 1921, the followi... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1922)
  • 1921: ...mber 21, 1921, at 10 a. m., at the University, in Urbana. A D J O U R N E D SESSION, S E P T E M B E R 2 1 , 1Q21 When the Board convened at the University at 10 a. m. on Wednesday, September 21, 1921, the following members were present: President Abbott, Mrs. Blake, Mrs. Busey, Mrs. Evans, Mr. Hoit, Mr. Noble. President Kinley and Vice-President Davenport were present; also, during part of the da... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1922)
  • 1921: ...ort was received for record. At this point, at 12 o'clock, a recess was taken. AFTERNOON SESSION, S E P T E M B E R 2 1 , 1 9 2 1 When the Board convened for the afternoon session on September 21,1921, the same persons were present as during the morning session. MATTERS P R E S E N T E D BY P R E S I D E N T K I N L E Y The Board continued its consideration of matters presented by the President of... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1922)
  • 1921: September 21, 1921 President David Kinleyy 355 Administration Building DEAR PRESIDENT KINLEY: I enclose a schedule of bids received on the addition to the Natural History building yesterday, and I recommend that the aw... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1922)
  • 1921: ... Civil Service Commission. This appointment supersedes her previous appointment. September 3, 1921 3 Parks, E. E., Assistant in Chemistry, on one-half time, for ten months, beginning September 21,1921, at a salary of sixty dollars 60 a month. August 23, 1921 3 Perkins, E. E. Jr., Assistant in Electrical Engineering, for ten months, beginning September 1, 1921, at a salary of one hundred fifty doll... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1922)
  • 1921: ...sor J. M. White, Supervising Architect, were present. M I N U T E S APPROVED The Secretary presented the minutes of the meeting of September 8, 1921, and of the adjourned session of September 21, 1921. On motion of Mrs. Evans, the minutes were approved as printed on pages 81 to 100 above. 101 ,102 BOARD OF TRUSTEES October 12, M A T T E R S P R E S E N T E D BY P R E S I D E N T K I N L E Y The Bo... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1922)
  • 1921: ...ant in Medicine, from September 26, 1921, to September 1, 1922, without salary. September 29, 1921 Severns, Mrs. Mary E., Assistant in the Library School, for nine months, beginning September 21, 1921, at a salary of one hundred twenty-five 125 a month. September 22, 1921 Sherry, I, L., Assistant in Pediatrics, from September 19, 1921, to September ,1921 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 115 1, 1922, without... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1922)
  • 1921: ... 1921-22, with a stipendium of sixty dollars 60 . November 17, 1921 1 Appelle, G. C , Instructor in Physiology, in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, one one-third time, from September 21, 1921, to February 1, 1922, at a salary of seventy-five dollars 75 a month. November IS, 1921 Ettleson, Abraham, Rea Scholar in the College of Medicine, for the year 192122, with a stipendium of sixty doll... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1922)
  • 1921: ... of matters presented by the President of the University. 1 2 Total salary, 34150, receives 900 as Assistant Dean. Entire salary transferred to the Graduate School. ,86 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Sept. 21 A D D I T I O N TO T H E NATURAL HISTORY B U I L D I N G 17 Recommendations from the Supervising Architect concerning the addition to the Natural History Building. September 21, 1921 President David Kinle... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1922)
  • 1921: ... as adaptable as possible to general university uses, in its offices, classrooms, and laboratories. In brief, this building should be as near standard as possi ble. ,88 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Sept. 21 Location We have no more means of knowing what will be the future of the University as a whole fifty years hence than we have of the possible development of agriculture. Hence, anything like a permanent l... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1922)
  • 1921: ...search men. The second question is Should we plan to house departments separately, or should work requiring similar building facilities be assembled under one roof. ,90 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Sept. 21 Each department requires offices, classrooms, and general laboratories and, in addition, special laboratories such as the Field Laboratory and the green houses in Horticulture; the genetics and pathology ... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1922)
  • 1921: ...Blair, Mrs. Grigsby, Mr. Herbert, Mr. Small, Mr. Trimble. REGISTRATION, SEPTEMBER 2 1 , 1 9 2 1 21 A report from the Registrar that the total registration at the close of business on September 21, was 7578, which was 841 more than the number at the end of the third day last year, and more than at the end of four weeks last fall. This report was received for record. REGULAR M O N T H L Y MEETINGS O... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1922)
  • 1921: ...are held according to the By-laws of the Board. STADIUM SITE The matter of the site for the Stadium was discussed, but no action was taken. ,92 BOARD OF TRUSTEES A U D I T O R ' S REPORT Sept. 21 The Secretary presented for record the following reports from Arthu r Young and Company concerning the report of the Comptroller for the quarter ending June 30, 1921, and concerning the published annual r... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1922)
  • 1921: ..., beginning September 1, 1921, at a salary of seventy dollars 70 a month. September 17, 1921 3 i Appointment declined. Appointment made by Vice President Davenport. ,94 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Sept. 21 Crane, E. J., Instructor in Mechanical Engineering, for ten months, beginning September 1, 1921, at a salary of two hundred twenty dollars 220 a month. September, 10, 1921 3 Crane, F. H., Assistant in Soi... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1922)
  • 1921: ...ing September 1, 1921, at a salary of one hundred twenty dollars 120; a month. August 6, 1921 3 Appointment declined. 'Appointment made by Vice President Davenport. ,96 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Sept. 21 Hyler, F. W., Student Stenographer in the Department of Agricultural Education, on one-half time, for ten months, beginning September 1, 1921, at a salary of forty-five dollars 45 a month. August 13, 1921... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1922)
  • 1921: ..., for ten months, beginning September 1, 1921, at a salary of one hundred fifty dollars 150 a month. August 25, 1921 3 Appointment made by Vice President Davenport. ,98 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Sept. 21 Perkins, W. J., Assistant in Architecture, for ten months, beginning September 1, 1921, at a salary of one hundred forty dollars 140 a month. August 25, 1921 3 Peterson, Irving, Associate in Landscape Gar... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1922)
  • 1921: ...uilding settlement Board muintes August 1, page 18 ,...." Land, to cover assessments and abstract on Pharmacy Lots Board minutes August 1, page 14 . Pageant of Progress Board minutes September 21 . Illini Hall Deficit Board minutes September 21 ... University Statutes Board minutes September 21 . Cohokia Mounds Board minutes September 21 ... Interest on Chamber of Commerce Lots Board minutes Sept.... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1922)
  • 1921: ...8 ,...." Land, to cover assessments and abstract on Pharmacy Lots Board minutes August 1, page 14 . Pageant of Progress Board minutes September 21 . Illini Hall Deficit Board minutes September 21 ... University Statutes Board minutes September 21 . Cohokia Mounds Board minutes September 21 ... Interest on Chamber of Commerce Lots Board minutes Sept. 21 Educational Conference Board minutes Septembe... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1922)
  • 1921: ... Pharmacy Lots Board minutes August 1, page 14 . Pageant of Progress Board minutes September 21 . Illini Hall Deficit Board minutes September 21 ... University Statutes Board minutes September 21 . Cohokia Mounds Board minutes September 21 ... Interest on Chamber of Commerce Lots Board minutes Sept. 21 Educational Conference Board minutes September 21 Contingent Instruction Chicago Departments Boa... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1922)
  • 1921: ...14 . Pageant of Progress Board minutes September 21 . Illini Hall Deficit Board minutes September 21 ... University Statutes Board minutes September 21 . Cohokia Mounds Board minutes September 21 ... Interest on Chamber of Commerce Lots Board minutes Sept. 21 Educational Conference Board minutes September 21 Contingent Instruction Chicago Departments Board Minutes September 21 . Additions to Salar... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1922)
  • 1921: ...l Deficit Board minutes September 21 ... University Statutes Board minutes September 21 . Cohokia Mounds Board minutes September 21 ... Interest on Chamber of Commerce Lots Board minutes Sept. 21 Educational Conference Board minutes September 21 Contingent Instruction Chicago Departments Board Minutes September 21 . Additions to Salary Budgets Incidental expenditures Special Building Appropriation... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1922)
  • 1921: ...y Statutes Board minutes September 21 . Cohokia Mounds Board minutes September 21 ... Interest on Chamber of Commerce Lots Board minutes Sept. 21 Educational Conference Board minutes September 21 Contingent Instruction Chicago Departments Board Minutes September 21 . Additions to Salary Budgets Incidental expenditures Special Building Appropriations entered Balance September 30,1921 3 34 613 407 9... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1922)
  • 1921: ...getary Appropriations made by Board of Trustees Operative Dentistry Salaries to adjust appropriation to Board Minutes, Aug. 6, total Engineering Experiment Station Salaries Board Minutes Sept. 21, p . 97, Appointment J. P . Mullen English Salaries Board Min. Sept. 21, p . 95, appt. G. W. Gray Board Min. Oct. 12, p . 113, appt. H . M . Hodgson Classics Salaries Board Min. Oct. 12, p . 115, appt. G.... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1922)
  • 1921: Sept. 21, p . 95, appt. G. W. Gray Board Min (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1922)
  • 1922: September 21, 1922 Goble, G. W., Professor of Law, beginning September 1, 1922, at a salary of four thousand two hundred fifty dollars 4250 a year. This appointment supersedes his previous one (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1924)
  • 1922: September 21, 1922 Graves, G. D., DuPont Fellow in Chemistry, for the year 1922-23, with a stipendium of seven hundred fifty dollars 750 (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1924)
  • 1922: ... ten months, beginning September 1, 1922, at a salary of ten dollars 10 a month. September 17, 1922 Sullivan, W . W., Assistant in History, on part-time, for one semester, beginning September 21, 1922, at a salary of thirty dollars 30 a month. September 27, 1922 Summers, W . L., Professor of Law, beginning September I, 1922, at a salary of forty-seven hundred fifty dollars 4.750 a year. This appoi... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1924)
  • 1922: September 21, 1922 Tower, Lucia E., Instructor in Physiology, on one-half time, in the College of Medicine, for ten months, beginning October I, 1922, at a salary of seventy dollars 70 a month (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1924)
  • 1922: September 21, 1922 Tulley, Alice J., Laboratory Technician in the Department of Animal Husbandry, in the Agricultural Experiment Station, for nine months, beginning December 1, 1922, at a salary of one hundred dollars ... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1924)
  • 1922: September 21, 1922 Willis, H. W., Assistant in Operative Dentistry, for eleven months, beginning October 2, 1922, at a salary of ninety dollars 90 a month (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1924)
  • 1923: September 21, 1923 Stogis, Mrs. Frances B., Assistant in Chemistry, in the School of Pharmacy, for one year, beginning September 1, 1923, at a salary of twelve hundred dollars 1200 (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1924)
  • 1923: September 21, 1923 Stuchlik, Vivian, Assistant in the Department of Bacteriology in the School of Pharmacy, on one-half time, for one year, beginning October 8, 1923, at a salary of six hundred dollars 600 (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1924)
  • 1923: ...Board is the owner of applications for Letters Patent of the United States as follows, to wit: Samuel W . Parr and Thomas E. Layng, Serial No. 260,541,filedOctober 31, 1918, renewed September 21, 1923 entitled "Coking Coal" Samuel W . Parr and Thomas E. Layng, Serial No. 5499,filedJanuary 29, 1925, entitled "Process and Apparatus for Coking Coal" Samuel W . Parr and Thomas E. Layng, Serial No. 187... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1926)
  • 1925: ...uction for Summer Session, 1925 to be rendered Veterans' Bureau Students. State Board for Vocational Regular fees June 15,1925 Training Chauncey Education Jacques Hahn for year beginning Sept. 21,1925 White Entertainment Bureau 100 June 20,1925 Lecture by Percy Scholes about Nov. lo, or 17, Contracts executed under special authorization of Board of Trustees in meeting June 9, 1925. Name Amount Dat... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1926)
  • 1925: September 21, 1925 1 Alexander, E. H., Student Assistant in Military Science, for ten months beginning September t, 1925, at a cash compensation of one hundred dollars 100 (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1926)
  • 1925: September 21, 1925 TheUniversity. parenthesis is tbe date on whicb the appointment was made by the President of the date in ,448 board or trustees October 23 Bower, 0. K., Assistant in Mathematics, on one-half time, fo... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1926)
  • 1925: September 21, 1925 Garrett, 0. F., Student Assistant in Military Science, for ten months beginning September I, 1925, at a cash compensation of one hundred dollars 100 (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1926)
  • 1925: September 21, 1925 Kerr, Harriett H , Assistant in Romance Languages, on one-fourth time, for four months beginning October 1, 1925, at a cash compensation of two hundred dollars 200 (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1926)
  • 1925: September 21, 1925 Racine, Marguerite, Stenographer in Animal Husbandry, in the College of Agriculture and the Agricultural Experiment Station, for ten months beginning November 1, 1925, subject to the rules of the Civ... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1926)
  • 1925: September 21, 1925 Sandford, Florence L., Assistant in English, for ten months beginning September 1, 1925, at a cash compensation of one thousand five hundred dollars 1500 .' September 29, 1925 ,454 board of trustees ... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1926)
  • 1925: September 21, 1925 Taylor, J. T., Assistant in English, on two-thirds time, for ten months beginning September 1, 1925. at a cash compensation of eight hundred dollars 800 (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1926)
  • 1925: ...compensation of one thousand one hundred dollars 1100 . October 12, 1925 W e b b , W . F., Junior Accountant in the Auditing Division of the Business Office, on part time, beginning September 21, 1925, and continuing until September 1, 1926, at a cash compensation at the rate of eight hundred dollars 800 a year. This supersedes his previous appointment. October 7, 192s West, Ada H., Assistant in M... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1926)
  • 1926: September 21, 1926 five DeTurk, beginning September 1, 1926, Languages, on three-fourths time, for months Lucia, Assistant in Romance and on one-half time, for five months ,164 BOARD OF TRUSTEES October 2 0 beginning F... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1928)
  • 1926: September 21, 1926; Hall, W . W., Student Assistant in Military Science, for ten months beginning September 1, 1926, at a cash compensation of one hundred dollars 100 (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1928)
  • 1926: September 21, 1926 Ireland, Inez I., Assistant in Psychology, on one-half time, for five month beginning September 1, 1926, at a cash compensation of three hundred dollars 300 (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1928)
  • 1926: September 21, 1926 Lloyd, D. B., Jr., Assistant in General Engineering Drawing, beginning October 11, 1926, and continuing unil June 30, 1927, at a cash compensation at the rate of one hundred ninety dollars S190 a mon... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1928)
  • 1926: ...n the Engineering Experiment Station, beginning September 1, 1926, and continuing until further notice, at a cash compensation of two thousand dollars 2000 a year. Appointments made September 21, 1926 by the Provost. Peeples, H. A., Student Assistant in Military Science, for ten months beginning September I, 1926, at a cash compensation of one hundred dollars ioo . October 5, 1926 Pfeiffer, W . H.... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1928)
  • 1926: September 21, 1926 ,168 board of trustees October 2 0 Pilka, H. T., Assistant in Anatomy, on one-fourth time, for eight months beginning October i, 1926, at a cash compensation of two hundred dollars 200 (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1928)
  • 1926: September 21, 1926 Scriven, F. D., Assistant in English, on one-third time, for ten months beginning September 1, 1926, at a cash compensation offivehundred dollars 500 . aApporotments made October 2, 1926 by the Provo... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1928)
  • 1927: ...E ORDERS 47 The Comptroller submits the following report of contracts and purchase orders since the last report to the Board. CONTRACTS EXECUTED BY THE COMPTROLLER AUGUST 16, 1927 TO SEPTEMBER 21,1927 Miscellaneous contract executed under general regulations: Name Amount Date ItemWestern Coal Company 9 000 00 August 20, 1927 1 200 tons of Pocahontas coal for Chicago Departments. Contract of Sale e... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1928)
  • 1927: September 21, 1927 Paul, Katharine H., Scientific Artist in the Department of Zoology, for ten months beginning September 1, 1927, at a cash compensation of two thousand two hundred fifty dollars 2250 this superseding ... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1928)
  • 1927: September 21, 1927 Robinson, Florence B., Associate in Landscape Architecture, in the College of Agriculture, for ten months beginning September 1, 1927, at a cash compensation of two thousand two hundred dollars 2200 ... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1928)
  • 1927: ...L. A. and S. to be Quoted Price rendered to 1691.39 Woman's Oakford and Groceries 9-26-27 Residence Fahnestock Irvjn H . Johnson for one year, Paper Quoted J. W . Butler Paper beginning Sept. 21, 1927. Price 1260.00 Hall 9-28-27 Store Office of this kind. Same as previous contractsSupply Company . H. M. Edwaeds Purchase PURCHASE ORDERS ISSUED DURING SEPTEMBER, 1927, ng Agent This report was receiv... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1928)
  • 1927: September 21, 1927 Littman, E. R., Assistant in Chemistry, on one-half time, for nine months beginning October 1, 1927, at a cash compensation at the rate of seventy dollars 70 a month (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1928)
  • 1928: September 21, 1928 Barton, Margaret Mae, Research Assistant in the Department of Business Research, in the College o Commerce, for eleven months beginning October 1, 1928, at a cash compensation at the rate of one hund... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930)
  • 1928: September 21, 1928 Bredehoft, Nellie M., Reference Assistant in the Library, beginning September 22, 1928, and continuing until August 31, 1929, subject to the rules of the Civil Service Commission, at a cash compensat... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930)
  • 1928: September 21, 1928 Clark, Dorothy, Stenographer in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, beginning September 17, 1928, and continuing until August 31, 1929, subject to the rules of the Civil Service Commission, at ... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930)
  • 1928: September 21, 1928 Hatfield, Lillian Maynard, Instructor in Psychology, on one-half time, for ten months beginning September I, 1928, at a cash compensation of one thousand two hundred dollars 1200 (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930)
  • 1928: September 21, 1928 Henderson, Robert, Assistant in English, on one-third time, for ten months beginning September 1, 1928, at a cash compensation of five hundred dollars 500 (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930)
  • 1928: September 21, 1928 Knowlton, Marjorie, Laboratory Technician in the McKinley Hospital, beginning September 20, 1928, and continuing until September 1, 1929, at a cash compensation at the rate of one hundred fifty dolla... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930)
  • 1928: September 21, 1928 Miller, Mrs. Mildred, Stenographer in the Department of Zoology, for eleven months beginning October 1, 1928, subject to the rules of the Civil Service Commission, at a cash compensation at the rate ... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930)
  • 1928: September 21, 1928 Rattner, Herbert, Assistant in Dermatology, in the College of Medicine, for eleven months beginning October 1, 1928, without salary (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930)
  • 1928: September 21, 1928 Wear, H u g h T.,. Student Assistant in the Engineer Unit, in the Department of Military Science, for ten months beginning September 1, 1928, at a cash compensation of one hundred dollars 100 (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930)
  • 1928: September 21, 1928 O n motion of M r . Barr, the B o a r d adjourned to meet at the U n i versity, in U r b a n a , at 9:30 a. m . o n Friday, October 26, 1928. H. E. Cunningham James W. Armstrong Secretary President ,... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930)
  • 1929: ...ch agreement executed on special authorization of the Board of Trustees at meeting of September 18, 1929: Amount to be Received by Date Purpose Name Institute of American University September 21, 1929 For a cooperative investigation of the 1 500 growth of and toxin formation by ClosMeat Packers tridium Botulinum in certain canned Minor contracts executed under general regulations: meat products by... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930)
  • 1929: ... 96 This report w a s received for record. 2 308 56 784 92 1 459 17 646 87 5 199 52 2 308 56 THANKS FROM ALUMNI ASSOCIATION 31 A letter from the President of the Alumni Association: September 21, 1929 Mr. David Kinley, President, University of Illinois Dear President Kinley: Will you kindly convey to the Board of Trustees the thanks of the officers of the Alumni Association for the 3000.00 appropr... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930)
  • 1929: ...nuing until August 31, 1929, subject to the rules of the Civil Service Commission, at a cash compensation at the rate of one "The forty-one dollars the date cents the appointment was September 21, hundred date in parenthesis issixty-sixon which 141.66 a month. made by the President of the University. 1928 Brown, Frederick W., Assistant in Physics, on one-half time, beginning September 25, 1928, an... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930)
  • 1931: ...sion of Hawkins, ,406 BOARD OF TRUSTEES July 2 7 Hedges, Trimble R Assistant in Farm Organization and Management, in the Agricultural Experiment Station, on one-half time, beginning September 21, 1931, and continuing until July I, 1932, at a cash compensation at the rate of sixty dollars 60 a month. July 6, 1931 Henderson, Robert, to give instruction in Public Speaking in the S u m m e r Session o... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1932)
  • 1931: ...nsation of four thousand dollars 4000 . September 14, 1931 Reitz, J. Wayne, Assistant in Farm Organization and Management Extension, in the Agricultural Extension Service, beginning September 21, 1931, and continuing until August 31, 1932, at a cash compensation at the rate of one hundred thirty-three dollars and thirty-three cents 133.33 a month. July 28, 1931 Roadstrum, Angela, Stenographer in t... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1932)
  • 1932: September 21, September 21, 1032 Octol iber4, 1032 Tenure Four years from September 19, One year from September 19, One year from September 19, One year from September 19, One year from September 19, One year from Sep... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1934)
  • 1933: September 21, 1933 Hartley, Miles C , Teacher in the University H i g h School, for ten months beginning September I, 1933, at a cash compensation of sixteen hundred dollars 1600 (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1934)
  • 1933: ...months beginning September I, 1933, with exemption from laboratory fees. August 10, 1933 Jackson, Ellen Pauline, Student Assistant in the Library School, on one-half time, beginning September 21, 1933, and continuing until June 30, 1934, at a cash compensation at the rate of sixty-eight dollars and seventy-five cents 68.75 a month. September 19, 1933 Jaffray, D. S., Assistant and Second Junior Res... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1934)
  • 1933: ... month. August 12,1933 Smith, D. E., Assistant in F a r m Management, in the Department of Agricultural Economics, in the Agricultural Extension Service, on one-half time, beginning September 21, 1933, and continuing until June 30, 1934, at a cash compensation at the rate of fifty-seven dollars 57 a month. September 19, 1933 Smith, Mrs. Mabel P., Director of Social Activities in the West Residence... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1934)
  • 1933: ...eptember 16, 1933 Strawn, Bernice M., Research Assistant in H o m e Economics, in the College of Agriculture, and in the Agricultural Experiment Station, on one-half time, beginning September 21, 1933, and continuing until June 21, 1934, at a cash compensation at the rate of fifty-seven dollars 57 a month. September 21, 1933 Tarvin, Donald, Instructor in Chemistry, on one-half time, for ten months... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1934)
  • 1933: September 21, 1933 Tarvin, Donald, Instructor in Chemistry, on one-half time, for ten months beginning September I, 1933, at a cash compensation of seven hundred thirteen dollars 713 - August 14, 1933 Terry, Henrietta,... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1934)
  • 1933: September 21, 1933 ,jg33 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 393 Wien, M a x S., Assistant Professor of Dermatology, in the College of Medicine, for one year beginning September I, 1933, without salary this supersedes his previous ... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1934)
  • 1934: ...ildings and Grounds for consideration and report at the October meeting. EFFECT OF STATE INDUSTRIAL RECOVERY ACT ON PURCHASES OF COAL 26 T h e following report from the Comptroller: September 21, 1934 President A. C. Willard, 355 Administration W DEAR PRESIDENT WILLARD: On May 25 I wrote President Daniels concerning the effect of the State Industrial Recovery Act on the purchases and contracts of ... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936)
  • 1934: September 21, 1934 Becker, Israel, Associate in Internal Medicine, in the College of Medicine, on one-half time, for one year beginning September 1, 1934, at a cash compensation of six hundred dollars 600 (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936)
  • 1934: ...ash compensation at the rate of ninety dollars 90 a month. October 24, 1934 Talbot, Adelaide, University Junior Stenographer in the Infirmary, in the College of Dentistry, beginning September 21, 1934, and continuing until September 1, 1935, subject to the rules of the Civil Service Commission, at a cash compensation at the rate of eighty-five dollars 85 a month. November 2, 1934 Vencill, Geneviev... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936)
  • 1934: ...ildings and Grounds for consideration and report at the October meeting. EFFECT OF STATE INDUSTRIAL RECOVERY ACT ON PURCHASES OF COAL 26 T h e following report from the Comptroller: September 21, 1934 President A. C. Willard, 355 Administration W DEAR PRESIDENT WILLARD: On May 25 I wrote President Daniels concerning the effect of the State Industrial Recovery Act on the purchases and contracts of ... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936)
  • 1934: September 21, 1934 Becker, Israel, Associate in Internal Medicine, in the College of Medicine, on one-half time, for one year beginning September 1, 1934, at a cash compensation of six hundred dollars 600 (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936)
  • 1934: ...ash compensation at the rate of ninety dollars 90 a month. October 24, 1934 Talbot, Adelaide, University Junior Stenographer in the Infirmary, in the College of Dentistry, beginning September 21, 1934, and continuing until September 1, 1935, subject to the rules of the Civil Service Commission, a t a cash compensation a t the rate of eighty-five dollars 85 a month. November 2, 1934 Vencill, Genevi... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936)
  • 1935: September 21, 1935 Chapman, David E., Special Research Assistant in Psychology, on one-half time, beginning September i s , 1935, and continuing until June 15, 1936, at a cash compensation of eighty-five dollars 85 a m... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936)
  • 1935: September 21, 1935 ,1935 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 423 Jobst, Valentine, Assistant in Political Science, for ten months beginning September I, 1935, at a cash compensation of one thousand six hundred dollars 1600 this sup... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936)
  • 1935: September 21, 1935 Veach, Blanche Marie, Cooperating Teacher in the University High School, for the first semester of the academic year 1935-36, without salary (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936)
  • 1935: ...College of Medicine, for eleven months beginning October 1, 1935, without salary. September 30, 1935 Spence, Roderick Wharley, Assistant in Chemistry, one one-fourth time, beginning September 21, 1935, and continuing until the end of the first semester of the academic year 1935-36, at a cash compensation at the rate of thirty dollars 30 a month. October 2, 1935 Stutzman, Dories Camille, Assistant ... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936)
  • 1935: ... two cities and of the two Chambers of Commerce met with the President of the University, the Dean of the College of Engineering, and the Director of the Physical Plant Department on September 21 to present the request. They were advised that the University must have detailed information concerning the method and cost of construction contemplated, as well as information on the possible effects of ... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936)
  • 1935: September 21, 1935 Chapman, David E., Special Research Assistant in Psychology, on one-half time, beginning September i s , 1935, and continuing until June 15, 1936, at a cash compensation of eighty-five dollars 85 a m... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936)
  • 1935: September 21, 1935 ,1935 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 423 Jobst, Valentine, Assistant in Political Science, for ten months beginning September I, 1935, at a cash compensation of one thousand six hundred dollars 1600 this sup... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936)
  • 1935: September 21, 1935 Veach, Blanche Marie, Cooperating Teacher in the University High School, for the first semester of the academic year 1935-36, without salary (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936)
  • 1935: ...College of Medicine, for eleven months beginning October 1, 1935, without salary. September 30, 1935 Spence, Roderick Wharley, Assistant in Chemistry, one one-fourth time, beginning September 21, 1935, and continuing until the end of the first semester of the academic year 1935-36, at a cash compensation at the rate of thirty dollars 30 a month. October 2, 1935 Stutzman, Dories Camille, Assistant ... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936)
  • 1935: ... two cities and of the two Chambers of Commerce met with the President of the University, the Dean of the College of Engineering, and the Director of the Physical Plant Department on September 21 to present the request. They were advised that the University must have detailed information concerning the method and cost of construction contemplated, as well as information on the possible effects of ... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936)
  • 1936: ...936, with a retiring allowance of 213 a year. m e n d e d On motion of Mrs. Freeman, this recommendation was concurred in DEATH OF DR. HENRY PARKER NEWMAN 5 A report of the death on September 21, 1936, of Dr. H e n r y P a r k e r Newman, Professor of Gynecology, Emeritus. Doctor Newman was on the clinical faculty of the College of Medicine from 1900 to 1917, when he retired from active service. T... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1938)
  • 1937: September 21, 1937 Jones, Sarah Elizabeth, Assistant in Zoology, on one-half time, for ten months beginning September I, 1937, at a cash compensation of six hundred dollars 600 (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1938)
  • 1937: September 21, 1937 Martin, Robert Samuel, Associate in Mathematics, for one year beginning September 1, 1937, at a cash compensation of two thousand four hundred dollars 2400 (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1938)
  • 1937: September 21, 1937 Wiley, Llwellyn Noel, Assistant in Psychology, for ten months beginning September 1, 1937, at a cash compensation of one thousand two hundred dollars 1200 this supersedes her previous appointment . S... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1938)
  • 1937: uul ending September 21 1937. All uired to be pn nt during Freshman schedule the events oi Preshman I to in-w students, just before the im, but at the time the new student l t. tntei the University of Illinois, he ul LIpons arcn... (Book - First Year at University (1937))
  • 1938: September 21, 1938 Metcalfe, Fletcher, Assistant in Romance Languages, on one-half time, for ten months beginning September 1, 1938, at a cash compensation of six hundred dollars 600 (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1940)
  • 1938: ... Bruce, Assistant in Poultry Husbandry, in the Department of Animal Husbandry, in the College of Agriculture, and in the Agricultural Experiment Station, on one-half time, beginning September 21, 1938, and continuing through August 31, 1939, at a cash compensation at the rate of one hundred dollars 100 a month. September 20, 1938 Wade, Chester, Assistant in Psychiatry, in the College of Medicine, ... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1940)
  • 1938: September 21, 1938 Winsberg, Shirley, Assistant in Physical Education for Women, for ten months beginning September I, 1938, at a cash compensation of one thousand four hundred dollars 1,400 (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1940)
  • 1938: September 21, 1938. The original of this offer is being turned over to the Secretary of the Board for record and the securities have been deposited with the Comptroller. On motion of Mr. Moschel, this gift was accepted... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1940)
  • 1938: 50 per September 21, 1938 Company station W I L L a t Unimonth versity Place Christian Church Illinois Bell Telephone Broadcast facilities for 7.25 per October 6, 1938 Company station W I L L a t UKmonth nois Central Station ... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1940)
  • 1939: ...yer, Mr. Moschel, Mrs. Plumb, Mr. Pogue; no, none; absent, Mr. Adams, Mr. Horner, Mr. Mayer, Mr. Wieland. RESOLUTION Whereas, the University of Illinois Foundation has under date of September 21, 1939, made a proposal stated above for providing a student center for the students in the colleges in Chicago; and Whereas, this project seems practicable and desirable for the University; therefore be it... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1940)
  • 1939: ...e it Resolved, that the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois hereby accepts and agrees to the proposal of the University of Illinois Foundation stated above under date of September 21, 1939, the details of the procedure and the contract documents to be prepared and approved by the University Counsel. RESOLUTION Whereas, the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois is setting up a... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1940)
  • 1939: September 21, 1939 Bloom, Louis Richard, Research Assistant in Electrical Engineering, in the Engineering Experiment Station, for one year beginning September I, 1939, at a cash compensation of one thousand eight hundr... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1940)
  • 1939: September 21, 1939 H a r p e r , Berniece Katherine, Cataloger in the Library, for one year beginning September I, 1939, subject to the rules of the Civil Service Commission, at a cash compensation of one thousand four... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1940)
  • 1939: ...ilding and equipping of a residence hall adequate to accommodate approximately 300 men, which proposal is evidenced by a letter addressed to the Secretary of the Board under date of September 21, 1939; and Be it further resolved, that the appropriate officers of the Board of T r u s t e e s be and they a r e hereby authorized and directed to execute a deed of w a r r a n t y conveying to the Unive... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1940)
  • 1939: ... 2, contract with the A r t h u r W . Murray Company for Plumbing. Provide 4 additional hose cabinets and other incidental changes to fire protection system as outlined in letter of September 21, 1939 Add 319 14 ,656 BOARD OF TRUSTEES November 24 Fifth Addition to the Library Change O r d e r No. 8, contract with English Brothers for General Work. F u r r out piping south of book conveyor in all s... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1940)
  • 1940: Sept. 21, No. Date. To whom. For what. Amount. 1914 1941 Sept. 21 J. E. Kindred 1942 ..do.... K. D.Lee 1943 ..do.... Alice Meier 1944 ..do...J Marie B. Miller 1945 ..do.... H. R.Mirick 1946 ..do.... Odessa M. Myre... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1916)
  • 1940: ... proper officers of the Board of Trustees to execute the documents described therein: Whereas, the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois did, on September 21, 1940, adopt the following Resolution: Whereas, the University of Illinois Foundation, a non-profit corporation, organized under and pursuant to the laws of the State of Illinois, made a certain proposal t... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1942)
  • 1940: ...ed are now before this Board and have been seen and examined by it; Now, therefore, be it resolved, that the Resolution aforesaid is hereby adopted as the action of this Board as of September 21, 1940, and the action of the Executive Committee in adopting said Resolution is in all things ratified and approved, as is also the action of the officers in executing such documents and contracts. The Com... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1942)
  • 1940: September 21, 1940 CLANCY, MARGARET C , University Graduate Stenographer in the Office of the Executive Dean of the Chicago Colleges, for eleven months beginning October I, 1940, subject to the rules of the Civil Servi... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1942)
  • 1940: September 21, 1940 CLEMENTS, Mrs. R U T H H., Junior File Clerk in the College of Education, on three-fifths time, and Junior File Clerk for the Summer Session of 1941, on two-fifths time, for one year beginning Septem... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1942)
  • 1940: September 21, 1940 DITTMAR, GEORGE WALTER, J R . , Assistant in Prosthetic Dentistry, in the College of Dentistry, on one-half time, for one year beginning September I, 1040, at a cash compensation of one thousand doll... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1942)
  • 1940: September 21, 1940 GOTTSCHALK, ROBERT H., Technician in the Department of Anatomy, in the College of Medicine, on one-half time, for one year beginning September 1, 1940, at a cash compensation of seven hundred fifty d... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1942)
  • 1940: September 21, 1940 H A Y , WILLIAM H E N R Y , Assistant in Philosophy, on one-fourth time, for ten months beginning September I, 1940, at a cash compensation of three hundred dollars 300 (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1942)
  • 1941: 1914 1941 Sept. 21 J. E. Kindred 1942 ..do.... K. D.Lee 1943 ..do.... Alice Meier 1944 ..do...J Marie B. Miller 1945 ..do.... H. R.Mirick 1946 ..do.... Odessa M. Myres...1947 ..do.... R u t h E . Okey 1948 ..do.... R. W. Ow... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1916)
  • 1941: ...f the University's Civil Service Committee sat as the hearing committee and reported to the Board of Trustees that the evidence amply supports the charge with respect to the date of September 21, 1941, and the committee therefore recommended that the employee be discharged. The Board of Trustees on February 14, 1042, approved and adopted the recommendation of the Committee and authorized and instr... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1944)
  • 1941: .... G R I F F I T H , DONALD K E N N E T H , Assistant in Accountancy declination effective September 1, 1941. HARDAWAY, LEMUEL ELLIOTT, Cataloger in the Library resignation effective September 21, 1941. HAUPT, H E L E N DORIS, Assistant in Music declination effective September 1, 1941. HEARSEY, HERBERT R., Order Assistant in the Library resignation effective October 1, 1941. HELMER, OLAF, Associate... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1942)
  • 1941: ... in Chicago on January 2, 1942, at 10 a.m. A copy of the transcript is appended hereto. T h e Committee finds that the evidence amply supports the charge with respect to the date of September 21, 1941, and therefore recommends that the employee be discharged. Respectfully submitted, RUSSELL N. SULLIVAN W. C. ROBB H . W. BAILEY University Hearing Committee On motion of Mr. Jensen, after considerati... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1942)
  • 1942: ...Pharmacy, for one year from September 1, 1942. REVILO OLIVER, Instructor in Spanish and Italian, for one year from September 1, 1942. ROLLAND STEVENS, Junior Library Assistant, from September 21, 1942, through August 31. 1943- ,1942 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS IOI GEORGE VRYONIS, Medical Adviser for Men and Instructor in Hygiene, from September 24, 1942, through August 31, 1943. E. W . GOESSLING, Assis... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1944)
  • 1942: September 21, 1942 BEDRICK, THEODORE, Assistant in Mathematics, on one-third time, for five months beginning September I, 1942, at a salary at t h e rate of sixty dollars 60 a month, and on one-sixth time, for five mon... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1944)
  • 1942: September 21, 1942 CARR, NORMA EUNICE, Junior Clerk-Stenographer in the Graduate School, beginning at noon, September 15, 1942, and continuing through August 31, 1943, subject to University Civil Service rules, at a sa... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1944)
  • 1942: ...COOLSEN, FRANK GORDON, Assistant in Economics, on one-half time, for ten months beginning September I, 1942, and Teacher in the University High School, on one-fourth time, beginning September 21, 1942, and continuing through June 30, 1943, at a salary at the rate of one hundred ten dollars 110 a month this supersedes his previous appointment . October 16, 1942 COTELL, HARRY, Assistant in Medicine,... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1944)
  • 1942: September 21, 1942 LOCKHAKT, M R S . CORA EWERS, Assistant in H o m e Economics, in the Agricultural Experiment Station, for eleven months beginning October 1, 1942, at a salary at the rate of one thousand four hundred... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1944)
  • 1942: ... 187.50 a month this supersedes her previous appointment . September 18, 1942 POCHERT, LORRAINE R., Assistant Clerk-Stenographer in the Medical and Dental College Library, beginning September 21, 1942, and continuing through August 31, 1943, subject t o University Civil Service rules, at a salary at the rate of one thousand two hundred dollars 1200 a year. September 26, 1942 PORZAK, BERNARD PETER,... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1944)
  • 1942: September 21, 1942 SAKAI, GALE ETSUKO, Junior Library Assistant in the Acquisition Department of the Library, on three-fourths time, for eleven months beginning October 1, 1942, at a salary at the rate of eighty-seven ... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1944)
  • 1942: ...of one hundred eighty dollars 180 a month. October 16, 1942 TAYLOR, SYLVIA ISABEL, Junior Library Assistant in the Acquisition Department of the Library, on one-half time, beginning September 21, 1942, and continuing through August 31, 1943, at a salary at the rate of fifty dollars 50 a month. September 23, 1942 THOMPSON, HELEN IRENE, Assistant Clerk-Stenographer in the Bursar's Division of the Bu... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1944)
  • 1942: September 21, 1942 WATSON, EOLENE, Junior Clerk-Typist in the Department of Agricultural Economics, in the Agricultural Experiment Station, for one year beginning September 1, 1942, subject to University Civil Service ... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1944)
  • 1942: ... a salary at the rate of one thousand dollars 1000 a year. September 19, 1942 WELCH, HELEN MARGARET, Junior Library Assistant in the Acquisition Department of the Library, beginning September 21, 1942, and continuing through August 31, 1943, subject to University Civil Service rules, at a salary at the rate of one thousand five hundred dollars 1500 a year. September 26, 1042 W E L T I N , EDWARD G... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1944)
  • 1943: ...pared the following report. REPORT OF SPECIAL COMMITTEE ON UNIVERSITY CLUB OF URBANA Your special committee to consider the proposed agreement with the University Club of Urbana met September 21, 1943, at which time there were also present, President Willard, Comptroller Morey, Director Havens, and Messrs. W . S. Monroe, President, J. J. Doland, and J. G. Van Derpool of the University Club Board o... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1944)
  • 1943: September 21, 1943 PAYNE, M R S . CECILE MONTGOMERY, Junior Record Clerk in the Catalog Department of the Library, beginning October 15, 1943, and continuing through August 31, 1944, subject to University Civil Service... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1944)
  • 1943: ...1943. GARNER, M R S . ROBERTA K., Assistant Clerk-Stenographer in the Department of Dairy Husbandry, in the Extension Service in Agriculture and Home Economics resignation effective September 21, 1943. GEBHARD, JACK WENDELL, Associate in Psychology declination effective September 1, 1943. GELLHORN, ERNST, Professor of Physiology, in the College of Medicine resignation effective August 31, 1943. GO... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1944)
  • 1943: ... effective October 1, 1943. SIZER, PAULINE E., Assistant Clerk-Stenographer in the Department of Agricultural Economics, in the Agricultural Experiment Station resignation effective September 21, 1943. SMITH, J. HAROLD, Instructor in Chemistry declination effective September J J 943. SOPER, QUENTIN F., Fellow in Chemistry resignation effective October 1, 1943SPELBRING, MARY A., Junior Library Assi... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1944)
  • 1943: ... BAIOCCHI, Chicago, Illinois HERMAN BROCK, Chicago, Illinois JOSEPH FRANCIS BRUMLEVE, Evanston, Illinois THOMAS J O H N BANNON, Oak P a r k , Illinois Illinois ,76 BOARD O F TRUSTEES September 21 VINCENT CLEMENT BURBACH, Racine, Wisconsin MICHAEL PAUL BURNS, Dolton, Illinois NICHOLAS JAMES CACCAMO, Chicago, ROBERT N E I L FULLER, Erie, Illinois ROBERT RONALD GALLAGHER, Peoria, Illinois Louis VICTO... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1968)
  • 1943: ...Heights ROBERT F R A N C I S SKEEHAN Oklahoma Joh'et Wisconsin EDWARD J U L I U S WILSMANN I concur. On motion of Mr. Johnston, these certificates were awarded. ,92 BOARD OF TRUSTEES September 21 A P P O I N T M E N T S T O T H E FACULTY 2 Tlie following new appointments t o the faculty of the rank of Assistant Professor and above, a n d icvolving tenure, have been approved since the previous meet... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1962)
  • 1943: ... employer. T h e Circuit Court of Champaign County also held the Athletic Association liable. T h e case was appealed to the Supreme Court of Illinois, and the Supreme Court held on September 21, 1943, that the trial court, which sustained the findings of the Industrial Commission, was in error. A detailed report on this case was made by Judge Sveinbjorn Johnson and presented to the Executive Comm... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1946)
  • 1943: ...s of the candidates are filed with the secretary. I concur in these recommendations. O n m o t i o n of M r . N e a l , these certificates were a w a r d e d . ,382 BOARD OF TRUSTEES September 21 Advisory Committee for the College of Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, Chicago Circle 6 The chancellor at Chicago Circle, on the advice of the dean of the College of Health, Physical Education,... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1978)
  • 1944: ...A. J. Janata, Secretary, be authorized to execute all documents necessary to complete such sale. On motion of Mr. Swain, the foregoing resolution was adopted. ,1096 BOARD OF TRUSTEES September 21 NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION GRANTS 17 The National Science Foundation has made the following grants to the University for capital improvements; Construction of a research facility for the School of Life S... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1962)
  • 1944: ...6 ALVIN WILLIAM TOLLE, B.S., 1960 In Sanitary Engineering JAMES EMMET LAUGHLIN, B.S., University of Texas, 1954 GEORGE EDWARD JOHN SCHMIDT, B.S., 1944 ,1120 BOARD O F T R U S T E E S September 21 In Speech Correction PHYLLIS J A N E ARIENS, A.B., State University of Iowa, 1930 P H Y L L I S IRENE PEARSON, A.B., Augustana College, 1954 In the Teaching of the Biological Sciences and General ROBERT J... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1962)
  • 1944: September 21, 1944 GROSSMAN, DONALD ASHWAY, Examiner in the Registrar's Office, for one year beginning September 1, 1944, subject to University Civil Service rules, at a salary of five thousand two hundred dollars 5200... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1946)
  • 1945: ...ly. Miss Libutski has an honorable discharge from the Women's Army Corps. Captain and Mrs. Louis J. Ogden, 711 Patteron, Austin 21, Texas announce the birth of Patricia Ann Ogden on September 21, 1945. Patricia has a sister, Margaret Elsie. Captain Ogden is with the United States Public Health Service. Mrs. Ogden is the former Gertrude Ackermann. Thelma F. Passo, formerly librarian of the Quarrie ... (UI Library School Alumni Newsletter - 37)
  • 1946: ...alled 7 575 00 f,o,b, Urbana Physical Plant International Harvester Co., Springfield ,108 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Department Student Rehabilitation Center Bookstore, Undergraduate Division September 21 Item Two transit type busts with hydraulic lift in front door and other special adaptations for use by wheel chair students VI wood textbook shelving units for eeU-servkx bookstore Cait Vendor Marmon-Herr... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1962)
  • 1946: ...anics Engineering Experiment Station Research Graduate Assistants Salaries and Wages 1. W . M. Owen, Research Graduate Assistant in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics S 8 months from September 21, 1946 2. W . L, Weaver, Research Graduate Assistant in Civil Engineering S 8 months from October I, 1046 3. , Research Graduate Assistant 8 months from October 1, 1946 4. Vedat Ural, Research Graduate Assi... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1946)
  • 1946: ... . EGBERT, P. R., Instructor, Electrical Engineering C , ten months beginning September 1, 1946, 2800 8-23-46 . EKMAN, F. O., Research Graduate Assistant, Chemical Engineering S 2 , September 21, 1946-May 20, 1947, 800 9-13-46 . EKSTROM, W. R , Assistant, English Yi ten months beginning September I, 1946, 700, supersedes 8-8-46 . ELLICKSON, MARY D., English, Summer Semester, 1946, eight weeks begi... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1948)
  • 1946: ...EEL, A.B., Wheaton College, 1945 B.S., 1945 THEODORE W I N T E R ZWEMER, B.S., 1945 ,I947 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS GRADUATE S C H O O L D e g r e e of M a s t e r of Science Conferred September 21, 1946 In Surgery December 21, 1946 447 J A M E S DEMETRIOS MAJARAKIS, B.S., M.D., University of Chicago, 1937, 1940 Conferred In Orthodontia WALTER NATHAN EPSTEIN, B.S., Massachusetts State College, 1938; ... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1948)
  • 1946: ... West Virginia University, 1936, 1938; M.D., Northwestern University, 1941 ,448 BOARD OF TRUSTEES June 23 D e g r e e of D o c t o r of P h i l o s o p h y Conferred In Conferred In September 21, 1946 Anatomy December 21, 1946 Bacteriology W I L L I A M J U N J I FURUTA, A.B., M.S., University of California, 1936, 1940 W I L L I A M I R W I N METZGER, B.S., M.S., Purdue University, 1937, 1939 Conf... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1948)
  • 1953: ...Counseling Bureau, one year beginning September I, 1953, 3400 7-29-53 VAN HOUWELING, CORNELIUS D., Instructor in Veterinary Clinical Medicine, in the College of Veterinary Medicine, September 21, 1953-August 31, 1954, 4350 a year 7-23-53 . WAIBLER, PAUL J., Research Associate in Mechanical Engineering S , September 16, 1953-August 31, 1954. S3Qoo a year 8-15-53 . WATERS, JOHN W., Research Associat... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1954)
  • 1953: ...omics Education, on onefourth time, for the academic year beginning September 1, 1953. 1000 9-8-53 BEAR, SANFORD A., Instructor in the Admitting Clinic, in the College of Dentistry, September 21, 1953-August 31. J954 5000 a year 10-5-53 . BERMAN, JULES, Instructor in Operative Dentistry, in the College of Dentistry, on 3 10 time, one year beginning September 1, 1953, 1440, supersedes 9-30-53 . BER... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1954)
  • 1953: ...1953 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1165 6. JOHN F . ALBRECHT, Supervisor of Security and Traffic, Department of Police and Watchmen, Chicago Professional Colleges Physical Plant, beginning September 21, 1953, at an annual salary of 5,700. 7. M R S . SYBLE E. HENDERSON, Placement Officer, Placement Bureau, beginning September 2, 1953, at an annual salary of 3,600. 8. W I N N A F A E I. NISSWANDLT, Food Se... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1954)
  • 1953: ...Clinical Science, in the College of Medicine, eight months beginning November 1, 1953, 2940 a year 10-28-53 . HARRIS, M R S . R U T H K., Research Assistant in Civil Engineering S , September 21, 1953-March 31, 1954, 275 a month 10-12-53 . HASLER, SCOTT G., Research Assistant in Psychology, in the Graduate College, eleven months beginning October I, 1953, 6500 a year 11-4-53 . H I L L , SHIRLEY T.... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1954)
  • 1954: ...end it be rejected and new bids be taken. They also recommend that action be deferred on the award of contracts for kitchen equipment and elevators for not to exceed sixty days from September 21, 1954, the date bids were opened. Since the lowest bidder for kitchen equipment is unknown to the architects, the Physical Plant, and the staff of the Department of Home Economics, a delay is required pend... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1956)
  • 1954: ...o Undergraduate Division, for the academic year beginning September 1, 1954, 4750 9-7-54 COSENTINO, ANTHONY M., Research Assistant in Psychiatry, in the College of Medicine, June 21-September 21, 1954, without salary 7-12-54 . COWLES, HARRIET E., Instructor in Foreign Languages, in the Chicago Undergraduate Division, in the Summer Session of 1954, on full time, June 18August 14, 1954, 989 for the ... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1956)
  • 1954: ...al Work, in the College of Medicine, July 12, 1954-August 31, 1955, 3720 a year 7-28-54 . GREENBERG, NAHMAN H., Research Assistant in Psychiatry, in the College of Medicine, June 21-September 21, 1954, without salary 7-7-54 . GREENE, JOHN T., Research Assistant in Psychology, in the Graduate College, September 16, 1954-January 31, 1955, 350 a month 9-7-54 . GRIBANOVSKY, M R S . VIOLA L., Assistant... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1956)
  • 1954: ... prior to the time a formal written Agreement evidencing the Contract" had been signed and delivered, and a satisfactory performance bond furnished. Subsequent to opening of bids on September 21, 1954, Gallaher and Speck, Inc., reported that a substantial error had been made in estimating the work and for that reason was withdrawing the bid. The contract was awarded by the Board of Trustees on Sep... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1956)
  • 1955: ... W E B B , NANCY S., Assistant in Home Economics C , nine months from September 16, 1955, 4000 9-13-55 W E S T , M R S . LORNA B., Research Assistant in Chemistry Graduate College , September 21, 1955-December 20, 1955, 915 10-4-55 . W H I T E , FRANKLIN H., Instructor in Veterinary Pathology and Hygiene, College of Veterinary Medicine, one year from September 1, 1955, 5650, supersedes 9-29-55 WIL... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1956)
  • 1956: ... 29 943 75 PurcticisG 49 000 U.S. Treasury 3 per cent notes due 8 15 67 30 000 U.S. Treasury i per cent notes due 11 15 67 This report was received for record. ,102 BOARD OF TRUSTEES September 21 CAPITAL BUDGET REQUEST UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS FOR THE BIENNIUM 1 9 6 7 - 6 9 26 On July 27, 1966, the Board of Trustees approved a capital budget request for the biennium 1967-69 for the three campuses, a... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1968)
  • 1956: ...D RAY PRITCHARD, B.Gen.Educ, University of Omaha, 1956 W I L L I A M RAMSDEN P U N K A Y , B.S., 1964 VERA TOLCH QUEEN, B.S., Eastern Illinois University, 1956 ,128 BOARD OF TRUSTEES September 21 ELLEN LOUISE RACZYNSKI, B.A., Saint Xavier College, 1964 LINDA J E A N REBEC, A.B., State University of Iowa, 1964 LUTHER MASON RHUE, B.S., Austin Peay State College, 1961 ROBERT CHARLES RICE, B.S., Cortl... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1968)
  • 1956: ...nnsylvania Slate University, 1956 RALPH RAYMOND LINDSTROM, B.S., Northern Michigan College of Education, 1957 HARVEY ALLEN LUNDIH, A.B., Augsburg College, 1956 ,128 BOARD OF TRUSTEES September 21 LEO WESLEY MANUEL, B.S., Kansas State College P i t t s b u r g , 1958 J A M E S CLINTON MARTIN, B.S., M.S., Southern Illinois University, 1949, 1952 HAROLD GENE M C D A N I E L , A.B., P a r k College, 1... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1962)
  • 1956: ...cKendree College, 1956 RITA MARIE KOHLMAN, B.S., Illinois State Normal University, 1957 CHARLES STUART LARSON, B.S., Eastern Illinois University, 1956 ,1122 BOARD O F T R U S T E E S September 21 VEDA TAYLOR LARSON, B.S., Southern Illinois University, 1940 BOBBY R A Y LITTLEFIELD, B.S., University of Tennessee, 1953 P A U L FRANCIS LONDRIGAN, A.B., 1957 ELSPETH LOGEMAN LUND, B.S., Lombard College,... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1962)
  • 1957: ... 1957, died on August 23. H e had previously asked to be relieved of his administrative responsibilities to devote more time to teaching, research, and writing. ,84 BOARD OF TRUSTEES September 21 Professor Sapora's appointment is recommended following consultation with all members of the Department, who are unanimous in support of Dr. Sapora's appointment as the new Head. The Dean of the Graduate ... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1968)
  • 1957: ... State Normal University, 1955 BHATRA PRADITHAVANIJ, B.Ed., Chulalongkorn University, 1956; Ed.M., 1959 ALVIN W I L L I A M Q U I N N , B.S., Ed.M., 1947, 1957 ,132 BOAHD OF TRUSTEES September 21 FREDERICK REED, B.S., M.S., Millikin University, 1951, 1958 ROBERT JAMES STEIN, B.S., M.S., 1954, 1955 ESTELLA PAULINE CMOWLEY VOELCKER, B.S., M.S., 1939. 1947 MARGARET LONG WARD, B.S., Indiana State Teac... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1962)
  • 1957: ... 937 Liu, GEORGE B., Research Assistant in Bacteriology declination effective Sept e m b e r i, 1957. LYTLE, WILLIAM F., Instructor in Agricultural Engineering resignation effective September 21, 1957. MAILICK, MILDRED, Instructor in Medical Social W o r k Medicine resignation effective September 1, 1957. MARIENFELD, CARL J., Associate Professor of Pediatrics Medicine resignation effective Septemb... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1958)
  • 1957: ...d for record. DEGREES CONFERRED The Secretary presented for record the following list of degrees conferred at Urbana on October 15, 1957, and at the Chicago Professional Colleges on September 21, 1957. Summary Degrees in the Graduate College, conferred at Urbana: Doctor of Philosophy Doctor of Education Master of Arts Master of Science Master of Music Master of Education Total, Graduate College Ba... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1958)
  • 1957: ... 730 R91 independent power take off annually 197 84 annually 193 50 annually 278 26 annually 17 81 annually Amount to be Paid to the University 7 700 00 2 000 00 20 000 00 24 085 00 September 21, 1957 Contract Changes With Whom Commonwealth Edison Co. Goodyear Tire Rubber Co. Reinforced Concrete Research Council State of Illinois, Department of Public Welfare State of Illinois, Department of Publi... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1958)
  • 1957: ...r 21, 1957 1956 GILBERT RAYMOND SCHMUTTENMAER, B.S., COLLEGE OF PHARMACY D e g r e e of Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy Conferred ROBERT JOHN IRELAND M A I J A B I S U T A JAUNZEMIS September 21, 1957 RONALD WALTER NELSON WALTER VINCENT SETLAK, J R . SECRETARY'S REPORTS T h e Secretary presented for record the following lists: 1 appointments made by the President; 2 fellows; 3 graduate fellows; 4 ... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1958)
  • 1957: ...ana-Champaign, June 17 through August 10, and at the Chicago Undergraduate Division, June 21 through August 17; and two six-week terms, July 1 through August 10 and August 12 through September 21, in the College of Pharmacy. The salaries of members of the University faculty recommended for appointments to the Summer Session staff are computed on the basis of the authorized formula of two-ninths of... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1958)
  • 1957: ... several years, Professor Loomis appealed for the construction of the Physics Building; when it was authorized, he was instrumental in its planning and design. ,398 BOARD OF TRUSTEES September 21 The faculty of the Department of Physics enthusiastically supports this recommendation. The dean of the College of Engineering and the acting chancellor of the Urbana-Champaign campus concur. I recommend ... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1978)
  • 1958: ... Institute of Government and Public Affairs, October 16, 1958-November 20, 1958, 1700 for the period 10-1-58 . PETERS, DOYLE B., Assistant Professor of Soils Agronomy S , 3 10 time, September 21, 1958-August 31, 1959, 3000 a year, supersedes 10-2-58 . PETERSEN, ARTHUR S. J., Clinical Associate Professor of Radiology Medicine , Ys time, indefinite tenure beginning October 1, 1958, 4160 a year, supe... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1960)
  • 1958: ... nniend that this supplemental grant be accepted and that an appropriation of 74,425 be made from the General Reserve for the required matching funds. I concur. ,98 BOAHD OF TRUSTEES September 21 On motion of Mr. Johnston, this appropriation was made by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Clement, Mr. Harewood, Mr. Herrick, Mr. Hughes, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Swain, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Wilkins, Mr. Wi... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1962)
  • 1958: ...e, 1928 W A R D MARTIN EVANS, B . S , Eastern Oregon College, 1958 NASTHA JANE WOKLSCHLECEL, A . B , Bradley University, 1958 ,122 BOARD OF TRUSTEES In the Teaching of Social Studies September 21 MARTHA L E E DONNELLY, A.B., 1954 JOSEPH HARRY HARTMANN, A.B., 19S6 MARY MARGARET ZORGER PHILLIPS, B.Ed., Illinois State Normal University, 1930 BARBARA RENTES SCHEMMEL, A.B., 1959 LEONARD LAVON SEMON, B.... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1962)
  • 1958: ...University of Colorado, 1957 BENAMI GROBMAN TVERSQUI, B.S., National University of Engineering P e r u , 1960 MORTON JACKSON, B.S., Roosevelt University, 1958 ,1118 BOARD OF TRUSTEES September 21 JAMES CHARLES LISKOVEC, JR., B.S., Illinois Institute of Technology, 1960 SHIVALINGAYYA VEERAYYA MALLAPUR, B.Eng., Osmania University, 1953 PASHUPATI N A T H MASKARA, B.S., Bihar Institute of Technology, ... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1962)
  • 1959: ... Research Associate in Chemistry, ten months from November 1, 1959, 5600 a year 9-12-59 . BAY, MRS. AXCTLLA S., Microanaryst in the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, September 21, 1959-August 31, i960, 4700 a year 9-28-59 . BENCTSON, MAEJORIE C , Assistant Reference Librarian, with rank of Instructor in Library Administration Chicago Undergraduate Division , one year from September... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1960)
  • 1959: ...cturer in Architecture, academic year beginning September I, 1959, 6000 9-II-59 . , 959 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS IO59 KINCERY, Ross A., Assistant Editor in the College of Engineering, September 21, 1959-August 31, i960, 5200 a year 9-29-59 . KLOTZ, LOUIS H., Research Associate in Civil Engineering S , academic year beginning September I, 1959, 6000 9-18-59 . KOCH, ANITA, Assistant in Nursing, seven ... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1960)
  • 1959: ...time, one year from September 1, 1959, 2100, supersedes 9-28-59 . SCHOONOVER, WARREN R., Professor of Soils Agronomy C , assigned to India under the provisions of Contract ICA-W-48, September 21, 1959-September 20, 1961, 14,000 a year 9-10-59 . SCHUCKMELL, NATALIE, Research Associate in Preventive Medicine Medicine , ten months from September 1, 1959, 5708 10-3-59 . SCHVVEMM, M R S . BARBARA, Rese... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1960)
  • 1959: ...IMICK, DEAN F., Clinical Instructor in Medicine Medicine , eleven months from October 1, 1959, without salary 10-20-59 . DOWD, CAROL C , Assistant in Occupational Therapy Medicine , September 21, 1959-August 31, i960, 5100 a year 10-27-59 . DRYSCH, ALLEN I., Instructor in Dentistry Dentistry , yi, time, October 12, 1959-August 31, i960, 3960 a year 10-27-59 . ELSTEIN, ARTHUR S., Clinical Instructo... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1960)
  • 1959: ...ion Programs 2. R. W . Jugenheimer, Assistant Coordinator of International Cooperation P r o g r a m s Total Salary 3. W a r r e n R. Schoonover, Professor of Soils T w o years from September 21, 1959 4. W . D. Buddemeier, Professor of F a r m Management and Group Leader T w o years from September 1, 1959 5. John W . Matthews, Associate Professor of Agricultural Engineering One and one-half years ... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1960)
  • 1959: ...T ADDITION 19 On recommendation of the Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice"resident and Comptroller, and with the concurrence of the Vice-President and ,104 BOAKD OF TRUSTEES September 21 Provost acting for the President, the Executive Committee of the Board approved the award of a contract for 41,444 to the Ideal Heating Company, Chicago, the lowest bidder, for piping and miscellaneous wo... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1962)
  • 1959: ...the maximum steam demand from 4,000 pounds an hour to 2,000 pounds an hour. 1 concur. On motion of Mrs. Watkins, this amendment of the contract was authorized. ,106 BOARD OF TRUSTEES September 21 FORD FOUNDATION GRANT FOR DEVELOPMENT O F A TRAINING PROGRAM FOR SERVICE T O ILLINOIS COMMUNITIES 23 The Ford Foundation has approved a grant of 125,000 to the University of Illinois for a project to help... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1962)
  • 1959: ...tte University, 1957 KALLURI NACARAJA NAIDU, B.Eng., University of Madras, 1954 R. NARAYANASAMY, B.Eng., University of Madras, 1956 CLA KE LEO NEAL, B.S., 1959 ,124 BOASD OF TRUSTEES September 21 JAMES RICHARD PACE, B.S., 1959 HERBERT GEORGE RAYMOND, B.E.E., Manhattan College, 1959 GAUTAM LALBHAI S H A H , B.Eng., Gujarat University, 1958 BERNARD GEORGE THOMPSON, B.S., 1959 KENNETH ROY WEINER, B.S... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1962)
  • 1959: ...sity, 1950 MERVIN W E N T Z BRITTON, B.S., 1955 ROBERT EARL BROWN, B.S., Olivet Nazarene College, 1956 ROBERT HAROLD BROWN, B . M U S . , Oberlin College, 1959 ,126 BOAKD OF TBUSTEES September 21 PAUL DAVID FINNEY, B.S., 1956 EUGENE W I U J U R FOILES, B,S Olivet Naaarene College, 1957 GEORGE WILLIAM GEIS, B.S., 1959 DELORES J E A N GILLAN, B.S., 1954 R U T H BOYD GUSTAFSON, B.Mus.Ed, North Centra... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1962)
  • 1959: ...nois State Normal University, 1956 HARRV THOMAS LASHMET, J R . , B.S., 1952 MARIE R U S H LAWSON, B.S,, Tuskegee Institute, 1950 PAUL MARVIN LEFNEE, B.S., 1959 ,130 BOARD OF TRUSTEES September 21 MARGARET M A R A S LLOYD, A.B., 1939 THEODORE FRANKLIN LONG, B.S., Illinois State Normal University, 1954 D U A N E LUVERNE LOVESTRAND, B.S., Bradley University, 1956 CLARENCE MALCOLM, JR., B.S., Washingt... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1962)
  • 1959: ..., Cornell University, 1952 ROSALIE MAY DAVIES, A.B., Northern Illinois University, 1960 CHERIE LAFSOMBOISE FABIAN, B.S., Kansas State University, 1959 ,1112 BOARD O F T R U S T E E S September 21 DAVID H U G H HOCHSTETTLER, A.B., North Central College, 1959 ELIZABETH BOARDMAN LEE, A.B., West Virginia University, 1940; A.M., Teachers College, Columbia University, 1949 NORMAN MILLER, A.B., 1960 CARM... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1962)
  • 1959: ...OKUR, A.B., Temple University, 1959 ETHEL HESTER ALLEY, A.B., D r a k e University, 1959 RICHARD JOE CAMPBELL, B.S., Eastern Illinois University, 1959 ,1114 BOARD O F T R U S T E E S September 21 In W I L L I A M EDWARD BAILEY, B.S., 1960 Speech JOAN ELAINE GOOD, B.S., Northern Illinois University, 1956 ROCHELLE H I T E JAYE, A.B., University of Michigan, 1960 ORVILLE FRANKLIN KENWORTHY, A.B., Col... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1962)
  • 1959: ...f M a s t e r of L a w s DAN BYRON DOBBS, A.B., LL.B., University of Arkansas, 1956, 1956 CLIFFORD LESLIE PANNAM, B.Law, University of Melbourne, 1959 ,1124 BOARD O F T R U S T E E S September 21 Advanced Certificate In Education JESSIE STEPHENS CARTER, B.S., Southeastern State College, 1947; Ed.M., University of Oklahoma, 1949 MARGARET MARIE DELLATORI, B.S., M.S., 1948, 19S1 JAMES JUNIOR HINES, B... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1962)
  • 1960: ...o the attention of the Board of Trustees at the September meeting. Our good wishes go with you and Mrs. Lambert, always. Sincerely, DAVID D. H E N R Y President ,96 BOARD OF TRUSTEES September 21 PURCHASES 21 T h e President submitted, with his concurrence, a list of purchases recommended by the Director of Purchases and the Vice-President and Comptroller. The list of purchases recommended for Boa... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1968)
  • 1960: ...al Engineering N I C K JOHN P A v i a e In Agricultural JOHN MEREDITH SCOTT Engineering Engineering In Ceramic J O H N PARKE BOYER, J R . ,132 BOARD O F TRUSTEES In Civil Engineering September 21 C H U N - H S I U N G CHANG M A R T I N K E N N E T H CHRISTENSEN BRUCE NATHANIEL D A N I J O H N H E N R Y HULSON S I N A N SADIQ A L - S H A I K H JAWAD DAVID P A U L KEIERLEBER K E N N E T H DAVID RHOD... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1968)
  • 1960: ...ng. F U T U R E BOARD MEETINGS On motion of Mr. Harewood, the Board voted not to hold a regular meeting in August. The regular September meeting will be held in Urbana on Wednesday, September 21, 1960, at an hour and place to be designated by the President and Secretary of the Board. MEETINGS OF BOARD COMMITTEES Meetings of the Committees on General Policy and Buildings and Grounds were held today... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1962)
  • 1960: ... OF ILLINOIS September 2 1 , 1960 The September meeting of the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois was held in the Illini Union Building, Urbana, Illinois, on Wednesday, September 21, 1960, beginning at 2:00 p.m. The following members of the Board were present: Mr. Howard W. Clement, Mr. Richard A. Harewood, Mr. Wirt Herrick, Mr. Earl M. Hughes, Mr. Wayne A Johnston, Mr. Harold Pogue, ... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1962)
  • 1960: ... for the construction of an underground steam tunnel crossing Green Street at Goodwin Avenue in Urbana. Funds are available in an appropriation made for this project by the Board on September 21, 1960. I concur. O n motion of M r s . Watkins, this contract was awarded by the following vote: Aye, M r , Clement, Mr, H a r e w o o d , M r . Herrick, Mr. H u g h e s , Mr. Johnston, M r . Pogue, M r . ... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1962)
  • 1960: ...1-August 31, 1961, to render service during the second semester of the academic year, 458.33 a month, supersedes 2-1-61 . OLSON, ROY E., Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering C , September 21, 1960-August 31, 1961, to render service during the academic year, 6300 1 year, supersedes 1-6-61 . ORMISTON, EMMETT E., Associate Professor of Dairy Husbandry Dairy Science , two years from February 14, 1... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1962)
  • 1960: ...base bids, the adjti-iments to be effected through deductive change orders. Funds are available in an appropriation of 74,425 from the General Resem made by the Board of Trustees on September 21, 1960; a matching federal pant of 74,425 from the National Institutes of Health under the Health Research Facilities Act; assignments to the Department of Electrical Engineering from Indirect Costs recover... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1962)
  • 1960: SHAW September 21 Attorney DeKalb Trust and Savings Bank DeKalb, Illinois JOHN H. PIASLEY Co-Publisher and General Manager The Dixon Evening Telegraph Dixon, Illinois WENDELL B. TBENCHABD Farmer Stronghurst, Illinois DMFID... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1962)
  • 1960: ...esentatives of the University have been negotiating for the acquisition by the University of an eight-story warehouse at 815-41 South Damen Avenue in 1 Deduct. ,102 BOARD OF TEUSTEES September 21 the Medical Center District owned by the Board of Education of the city of Chicago. The Board of Education is interested in disposing of this building, and the University could use it as a Physical Plant ... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1962)
  • 1960: ...artmerit of Health, Education, and Welfare, Office of Education SAE 7257 United States Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Office of education S A E 81 1 BOAfiD OF TRUSTEES September 21 A mount to be University 1 500 00 Paid to Ai Purpose Evaluate amino acids, unidentified growth factors, vitamins, and antibiotics in swine Improvement in present knowledge of strong shock interactions Mag... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1962)
  • 1960: ...d was released by some of its signers for publication on July 37. The ward referred this communication to the Committee on General Policy for study and report. ,116 BOARD OF TRUSTEES September 21 Mr, Johnston, for the Committee on General Policy, submitted a report of his Committee on this matter and moved its adoption. The report was adopted and filed with the Secretary for record. Mr. Johnston a... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1962)
  • 1960: ...earing by the Board of Trustees, appeared before the Board. Mr. Mattson spoke for the group and the organizations they represent and also for a number of other ,118 BOARD OF TRUSTEES September 21 organizations, churches, private enterprises on the west side of Chicago, including the Garfield Park Chamber of Commerce, the East Garfield Park Improvement Association, and Home Owners Enterprises. He u... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1962)
  • 1960: ...hed board and room, while on duty, valued at 31 a month 7-28-60 . BRATTON, EDWARD W., Assistant in English, nine months from September 16, 1960, 4,000 7-2-60 . ,140 BOARD OF TRUSTEES September 21 BREARLEY, HARRINGTON C, JR., Research Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering, in the Digital Computer Laboratory, one year from September 1, I960, 11,000, supersedes 6-22-60 . BREWER, ROBERT L Inst... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1962)
  • 1960: ...0, 3,467, supersedes 8-19-60 . HUANG, TSENG, Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering S , academic year beginning September 1, 1960, 6,300, supersedes 9-2-60 . ,144 BOARD OF TRUSTEES September 21 HUNDLEBY, JOHN D., Research Associate in Psychology, one year from September 1, 1960, 6,000 8-17-60 . HUNT, MARIANNE, Assistant in English Chicago Undergraduate Division , nine months from September 16. I... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1962)
  • 1960: ...ge of Veterinary Medicine , two months from July 1, 1960, 483.33 a month, supersedes 7-19-60 ; and one year from September 1, 1960, 7,500, supersedes 8-27-60 . ,148 BOAED OF TRUSTEES September 21 OLSON, ROY E., Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering C , eleven months from October 1, 1960, to render service during the academic year, 6,300 a year, supersedes 7-28-60 . OMORI, DOROTHY K., Instructor... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1962)
  • 1960: ..., 1960, 4,650, supersedes 8-30-60 . RUSSMAN, BURTON A. t Clinical Instructor in Ophthalmology Medicine , time, one year from September 1, 1960, 1,500 7-27-60 . ,150 BOARD OF TRUSTEES September 21 SABINE, CLARK L., Instructor in Occupational Therapy Medicine , one year from September 1, I960, 5,900 7-18-60 . SALKAUSKAS, NIJOLE A., Instructor in Applied Materia Medica and Therapeutics Dentistry , on... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1962)
  • 1960: ...emester of the academic year, 458.33 a month 9-6-60 . TAKAYAMA, NORIYUKI, Instructor in Surgery Medicine , ft time, one year from July 1, 1960, 3,600 7-12-60 . ,152 BOARD OF TRUSTEES September 21 TALBOT, GEORGE A. Lecturer in Sociology, one year from September 1, 1960, 6,500 7-12-60 . TELLING, FERN, Housemother m the Speech Summer Residential Program, Summer Session of I960, June 20-August 13, I96... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1962)
  • 1960: ...es Public Health Service Postdoctoral Research Fellow Special in Medicine Chicago Professional Colleges , one year from July 1, 1960, without stipend 8-19-60 . ,154 BOARD OF TRUSTEES September 21 BAER, DANIEL, United States Public Health Service Student Fellow in Psychiatry Chicago Professional Colleges , ten months from September 1, 1960, 600 8-30-60 . BEAM AH, DONALD R., Inland Steel Foundation ... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1962)
  • 1960: ...ER, DENNIS F., United States Public Health Service Fellow Trainee in Dentistry Chicago Professional Colleges , one year from September 1, 1960, 4,500 7-26-60 . ,156 BOARD OF TRUSTEES September 21 WEINBERG HOWARD, United States Public Health Service Student Fellow in Psychiatry Chicago Professional Colleges , ten months from September 1, 1960, 600 8-30-60 . W H I T M A N , JOHN M., United States Pu... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1962)
  • 1960: ...d Applied Mechanics resignation effective September 1, 1960, MACEY, ROBERT, Assistant Professor of Physiology Medicine declination effective September I, 1960. ,158 BOARD OF TRUSTEES September 21 MANCAN, KENNETH R., Associate Professor of Education in the Institute for Research on Exceptional Children declination effective September 1, 1960. MCALEESE, DESMOND M., Research Associate in Animal Scien... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1962)
  • 1960: ...eering The following changes consist of replacing a sequence of civil engineering design courses or a sequence of mechanical engineering design courses with a ,1086 BOARD OF TRUSTEES September 21 sequence of newly developed general engineering design courses developed especially for general engineering students. The new courses are: Hour G.E. 231, Engineering Analysis 1 3 G.E. 232, Engineering Ana... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1962)
  • 1960: ...ducation Geneseo , 1960 ALICE KIBLER SNELL, B.S., Millikin University, 1948 DARNELL L A FRANCINE THOMAS, B.S., LeMoyne College, 1960 ,1116 BOARD OF TRUSTEES In Electrical Engineering September 21 JACDISH KUMAS AGCARWAL, B.S., University of Bombay, 19S6; B.Eng., University of Liverpool, 1960 LEON WARNER ATWOOD, B.E.E., Clarkson College of Technology, 1948 SHIH-MEI CHENG, B.S., National Taiwan Unive... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1962)
  • 1960: ...Downs housing project. I concur. On motion of Mrs. Watkins, this change in contract was authorized. PAYMENT FOR A R C H I T E C T U R A L S E R V I C E S 28 The Board of Trustees on September 21, 1960, authorized the employment of Richardson, Severns, Scheeler, and Associates, Champaign, and L. Lattin Smith and Associates formerly Mielke and Smith , Chicago, for architectural services on the third... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1964)
  • 1960: ...did it in fact compromise his position before the Board of Trustees. Both in the Board's Findings and Conclusions entered on June 14, 1960, in the Koch proceedings, and in the later September 21, 1960, report of the Board's Committee on General Policy in response to an Open Letter from certain members of the faculty, the Board of Trustees found that the exceptional circumstances existing in the Ko... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1964)
  • 1960: ...e contrary to prevailing opinion in the community" does not violate academic responsibility, the June 14, 1960, Findings and Conclusions of the Board in the Koch proceeding, and the September 21, 1960, report of the Board's Committee on General Policy, make it abundantly clear the Board recognizes that the limits of academic freedom can not be defined by the test of conformity or nonconformity bet... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1964)
  • 1960: ... of Trustees, without adequate declared reason, to support the unanimous recommendation of the Senate Committee." In both the Findings and Conclusions in the Koch proceeding and the September 21, 1960, report of the General Policy Committee it is acknowledged that the recommendations and judgment of the members of the Executive Committee of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, the Urbana Sena... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1964)
  • 1960: T h e September 21, 1960, report of the Board's General Policy Committee adopted and approved by the entire Board contains the following passage: Having concluded that Dr. Koch was guilty of conduct constituting a grave brea... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1964)
  • 1961: ..., Clerk-Stenographer III Total, Illini Union Facility N 5 280 5 280 4 500 4 500 N ,This Page Intentionally Left Blank ,MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS September 21, 1961 The September meeting of the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois was held in the administrative offices of the Chicago Undergraduate Division at Navy Pier, Chicago, Illinois, on Thursday,... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1962)
  • 1961: ...ing of the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois was held in the administrative offices of the Chicago Undergraduate Division at Navy Pier, Chicago, Illinois, on Thursday, September 21, 1961, beginning at 10:30 a.m. The following members of the Board were present: Mr. Howard W, Clement, Mr. Irving Dilliard, Mr. Richard A, Harewood, Mr. Earl M. Hughes, Mr. Wayne A. Johnston, Mr. Harold Po... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1962)
  • 1961: ...n Biological Chemistry Chicago Professional Colleges resignation effective September 1, 1961. PRICE, THORNTON W., Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering resignation effective September 21, 1961. RAM, RISHI, Fellow in Agronomy resignation effective September 16, 1961. REED, CHARLES A., Associate Professor of Zoology Pharmacy resignation effective September 1, 1961. RHODES, YORKE E., JR., Gil... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1962)
  • 1961: ... Veterinary Pathology and Hygiene, in the College of Veterinary Medicine, and in Veterinary Research, in the Agricultural Experiment Station leave of absence, without pay, beginning September 21, 1961, and continuing through November IS, 1961. WADE, BEATRICE D., Associate Professor of Occupational Therapy and Head of the Department, in the College of Medicine leave of absence, without pay, for two... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1962)
  • 1961: ... n e ; a b s e n t , Mr. Kerner. CONTRACT WITH CHICAGO LAND CLEARANCE COMMISSION FOR CONGRESS CIRCLE CAMPUS SITE 24 Based on the campus planning approved by the Board of Trustees on September 21, 1961, negotiations have continued with the Chicago Land Clearance Commission for the acquisition of the Congress Circle site. A draft of the site acquisition contract has been developed, the terms of whic... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1962)
  • 1961: ...ear; and Professor of Philosophy, on indefinite tenure from September 1, 1961, 14,700 a year, to render service during each academic year, supersedes 6-23-60 . ,142 BOARD OF TRUSTEES September 21 FRANCIS, G U N , Research Assistant in Clinical Science Medicine , two months from July 1, I960, without salary, supersedes salaried appointment 7-2-60 . FRENCH, JAMES L., Instructor in Mechanical Enginee... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1962)
  • 1961: ...ry 1-June 15, 1961, 3,000 8-8-60 . LOESCH, JOHN, Assistant Professor of Psychiatry Medicine , July 1, 1960-August 31, 1961, 12,300 a year, supersedes 8-13-60 . ,146 BOAHD OF TEUSTEES September 21 LOTGREN, LARS E , Visiting Research Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering C , one year from September 1, 1960, 8,800, supersedes 9-2-60 . LOFTISS, EUGENE W . T Assistant in Speech, nine months fro... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1962)
  • 1961: ...er, Comptroller, and Mr. A. J. Janata, Secretary. 385 ,386 BOARD OF TRUSTEES MINUTES APPROVED March 14 The Secretary presented the minutes of the meetings of the Board of Trustees on September 21 and October 19, 1960, press proof copies of which have previously been sent to the Board. On motion of Mr, Swain, these minutes were approved as printed on pages 89 to 191, inclusive. MR. IRVING DILL1ARD ... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1962)
  • 1961: ...ry Services; and the officers of the Board, Mr. H. O. Farber, Comptroller, Mr. C. W. Weldon, Treasurer, and Mr. A. J. Janata, Secretary. 1059 ,1060 BOARD OF TRUSTEES MINUTES APPROVED September 21 The Secretary presented the minutes of the meetings of the Board of Trustees on April 19 and May 17, 1961, press proof copies of which had previously been sent to the Board. On motion of Mr, Johnston, the... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1962)
  • 1961: ... O a k L a w n Wilmette ALAN SHELDON SCHENK Chicago GLEN CURTIS SCHILLERSTROM Naperville ROBERT L E E SCHLOSSBERG Chicago RICHARD JOEL SENNEFF Chicago ,1062 BOARD O F T R U S T E E S September 21 HOWARD RONALD SERLIN Chicago J A H E S FREDERICK S H A N N O N Glenview G A I L ALLEN S H A W O a k P a r k HOWARD ALBERT SIXORSKI Chicago W I L B U R E R I C SILVERMAN Chicago YALE GERALD S I M O N Chica... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1962)
  • 1961: ...ssistant Professor ROBERT E, FELIX, Clinical Assistant Professor BENUM W. FOX, Clinical Assistant Professor SANFORD A. FRANZBLAU, Clinical Assistant Professor ,1068 BOARD OF TRUSTEES September 21 GERHARD FREUND, Clinical Assistant Professor RAYMOND M. GALT, Clinical Assistant Professor MORTON A, GOLDMANN, Clinical Assistant I'rofessor ROLF GUNNAR, Clinical Assistant Professor AARON GUNTHER, Clinic... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1962)
  • 1961: ...O M S , Clinical Instructor IRENE G. KAGANIEC, Clinical Instructor ROGER P. KENNEDY, Instructor one year from July 1, 1961 ' JOHN C KULIS, Clinical Instructor ,1070 BOARD OF TRUSTEES September 21 JOHN M. LEEDOM, Instructor one year from July 1, 1961 s JERRY P . LEWIS, Instructor one year from July 1, 1961 RANDALL L. M A N N , Clinical Instructor JULIO MAKSI, Clinical Instructor SAMUEL MATLIN, Clin... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1962)
  • 1961: ...Assistant Professor AUGUST F , DARO, Clinical Assistant Professor SOL T. DELEE, Clinical Assistant Professor VINCENT S, DIGIULIO, Clinical Assistant Professor ,1072 BOARD OF TRUSTEES September 21 CECIL DRAA, Clinical Assistant Professor R u s h DEANE M. FARLEY, Clinical Assistant Professor GEORGE C. FINOLA, Clinical Assistant Professor WILLIAM F . GEITTMANN, Clinical Assistant Professor RALPH L. G... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1962)
  • 1961: .... BERGE, Assistant one year from July 1, 1961 ' JOHN CAIRNS, Assistant one year from July 1, 1961 T, EARLE DUKES, Assistant one year from July 1, 1961 ,1074 BOAHD O F T R U S T E E S September 21 RONALD FISHMAN, Assistant one year from July 1, 1961 ' DONALD J, HOLZBERG, Assistant one year from July 1, 1961 JOEL KAPLAN, Assistant one year from July 1, 1961 WALTER K A H N , Assistant one year from J... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1962)
  • 1961: ...ate Professor HAROLD A. GRIMM, Clinical Associate Professor GRANT C. JOHNSON. Clinical Associate Professor COYE C, MASON, Clinical Associate Professor ,1076 BOARD O F T R U S T E E S September 21 MARTIN A. SWERDLOW, Clinical Associate Professor JAMES R. THOMPSON, Gintcal Associate Professor PAUL A, V A N PERNIS, Clinical Assistant Professor ROBERT W. ALEXANDER, Assistant Professor fourteen months ... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1962)
  • 1961: ... STEBLAY, Clinical Instructor DAVID M. KESSNER, Clinical Assistant Psychiatry ROY R, GRINKER, Clinical Professor DAVID SHAKOW, Lecturer with rank of Professor ,1078 BOARD OF TRUSTEES September 21 Emeritus VLADIMIR G. URSE, Clinical Professor HARRY. R. HOFFMAN, Oinical Associate Professor R u s h , WILLIAM H . HAINES, Clinical Associate Professor ARTHUR A. MILLER, Clinical Associate Professor DONAL... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1962)
  • 1961: .... PISZCZEK, Clinical Associate Professor HERBERT K. ABRAMS, Clinical Assistant Professor LEROY L. FATHERKEE, Lecturer with rank of Assistant Professor ,1080 BOARD O F T R U S T E E S September 21 CLARENCE W . KLASSEN, Assistant Professor HERBERT E. M C D A N I E L S , Assistant Professor KENNETH M. MOBSE, Lecturer with rank of Assistant Professor W . FRANKLIN DOVE, Research Associate Radiology FAY... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1962)
  • 1961: ...m July 1, 1961 ' ANDREW KIRSTEINS, Clinical Instructor FRANCES E. KNOCK, Clinical Instructor WILBUR D. LATHAM, Instructor one year from July 1, 1961 1 ,1082 BOARD O F T R U S T E E S September 21 OSCAR S. LENIT, JR., Clinical Instructor WILLIAM E. LOOBY, Clinical Instructor JOSEPH R, MCANDREW, Clinical Instructor RANDALL E. MCNALLY, Clinical Instructor on leave of absence for military service CHAF... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1962)
  • 1961: ...RL A. SABIN, Assistant one year from July 1, 1961 MORTON SHULMAN, Clinical Assistant fourteen months from July 1, 1961 RASMA V . VITRUNGS, Clinical Instructor ,1084 BOABD OF TRUSTEES September 21 ASTKIDA I. SILINS, Assistant one year from July 1, 1961 ' JOHN J. STRAUS, Clinical Assistant fourteen months from July 1, 1961 MARTHA M, VASQUEZ, Assistant one year from July 1, 1961 VERNON E. WALLACE, Cl... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1962)
  • 1961: ...equirement for students in the Division of General Studies curriculum is the same as that for students in the general Liberal A r t s and Sciences curriculum. ,1088 BOARD OF TRUSTEES September 21 Upon completion of the requirement, suitable electives may be substituted for foreign language in the four-semester outline. Curriculum in Latin-American Studies, Division of Social Studies Linguistics ha... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1962)
  • 1961: ...nt, Mr. Kerner. ADDITION TO CONTRACT FOR CONSTRUCTION O F ASSEMBLY HALL 13 The Vice-President and Comptroller and the Director of the Physical Plant 1 Deduct. ,1094 BOARD OF TRUSTEES September 21 recommend an increase of 12,635.41 in the contract with Fel ml ey- Dickers on Company for construction of the Assembly Hall to provide for enlargement and improvement of the projection booth, on the basis... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1962)
  • 1961: ...uncheon. When the Board reconvened after luncheon, the same members and officers of the University were present as recorded at the beginning of these minutes. ,1108 BOARD OF TRUSTEES September 21 ACQUISITION OF LAND FOR 1LLINI U N I O N PARKING 1 The Buildings and Grounds Committee has approved in principle a program for expanding the parking facilities for the Mini Union and the University of Ill... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1962)
  • 1961: ... and duties, . ' A purchase price of 41,000 for the property, and 1,000 for the furniture and other equipment, was subsequently negotiated. Secretary's Note. ,1110 BOARD O F TRUSTEES September 21 making an appropriation therefor, and repealing an Act herein named." T h e bill was approved by the Governor on August 22, 1961. Following are abstracts from this law relating to the composition of this ... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1962)
  • 1961: ...ber 16, 1961, 4,100 8-11-61 . CROWDER, JAMES R., Research Assistant in the Coordinated Science Laboratory C , one year from September 1, 1961, 5,700 8-12-61 . ,1132 BOARD OF TRUSTEES September 21 DAVIS, OSCAR F., Instructor in Psychiatry Medicine , July 1, 1961-August 31, 1962, without salary, supersedes salaried appointment 8-30-61 . DAVIS, WILLIAM K , 111, Instructor in Architecture, September 1... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1962)
  • 1961: ...1, 7,000 8-15-61 . HAYASHI, JAMES A., Assistant Professor of Biological Chemistry Medicine , one year from September 1, 1961, without salary 8-30-61 . ,1134 BOARD O F T R U S T E E S September 21 HELWIG, FLOY C , Clinical Instructor in Pediatrics Medicine , 2 s time, one year from September 1, 1961, 3,900 8-12-61 . HEMBROUGH, BETTY L., Assistant to the Dean of Women, i 2 time, ten months from Sept... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1962)
  • 1961: ... Associate Professor of Psychology, indefinite tenure from September 1, 1961, to render service during each academic year, 10,500 a year, supersedes 8-23-61 . ,1138 BOARD OF TRUSTEES September 21 PETERSON, R U T H F., Visiting Lecturer in Summer Session Youth Music, June 17July 22, 1961, 586 for the period; for the convenience of the University she will also receive room and board in camp faciliti... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1962)
  • 1961: ...0 8-17-61 . STEWART, EDWARD B., Instructor in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Dentistry , 2 time, one year from September 1, 1961, 3,350, supersedes 8-18-61 . ,1140 BOARD O F TRUSTEES September 21 STOESSEL, MARCELLE, Visiting Instructor in Physical Education for Women, first semester of the academic year, beginning September 1, 1961, 3,000 7-24-61 . STOTTLAR, CARLINE B., Assistant in English Chicag... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1962)
  • 1961: ...ublic Health Service 8-9-61 . BOCKMAN, DALE E., United States Public Health Service Fellow Trainee in Anatomy, one year from September 1, 1961, 4,000 8-4-61 . ,1142 BOARD OF TRUSTEES September 21 BRITTAIN, THOMAS M., Fellow Teaching Intern in Mechanical Engineering, nine months from September 16, 1961, 2,600, supersedes 8-1-61 . BURNETT, M R S . MARILOU, National Institute of Mental Health Fellow ... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1962)
  • 1961: ...-17-61 . SCHLUETER, SYLVIA J., National Institute of Mental Health Fellow Trainee in Social Work, nine months from September 16, 1961, 1,800 8-17-61 . ,1144 BOARD O F T R U S T E E S September 21 SCHWARTZ, M R S . SUSAN S., United States Public Health Service Fellow Trainee in Chemistry, nine months from September 16, 1961, 2,000 7-25-61 . SEELY, OLIVER, JR., National Institutes of Health Teaching... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1962)
  • 1961: ...September 16, 1961. RAVLIN, LLOYD W., Psychiatrist and Assistant Professor of Hygiene, in the Health Service resignation effective September 11, 1961. ,1146 BOARD O F T R U S T E E S September 21 RIDDLE, WILLIAM, Research Assistant in Preventive Medicine Medicine resignation effective June 1, 1961. RIPPIE, MRS. ELOISE, Instructor in Home Economics resignation effective September 1, 1961. ROTH, GUE... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1962)
  • 1962: ...Assistant Professor ALVIN J. GLASKY, Assistant Professor TOHKTJ INOUYE, Assistant Professor The figures in parentheses indicate Lhe number of emeritus members ,1066 BOARD OF TRUSTEES September 21 IRVING LYON, Assistant Professor HERMANN G, MATTENHEIMER, Assistant Professor HOWARD N. S K Y - P E C K , Assistant Professor GORDOH S. STEWART, Assistant Professor ROBERT H A N S E N , Instructor CHARLES... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1962)
  • 1962: ...remanship Training Division of University Extension resignation effective October 6, 1962. FALK, BARBARA M., Research Assistant in Preventive Medicine Medicine resignation effective September 21, 1962. FITCH, BRIAN T., Instructor in French resignation effective September 1, 1962. GERBER, QUENTIN N., Instructor in Accountancy resignation effective September 1, 1962. HAYASHI, MARIE N., Research Assi... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1964)
  • 1962: ...h Service Predoctoral Fellow in Anthropology, one year from October 1, 1962, 2,000 10-18-62 . ATKINS, GLADYS, United States Public Health Service Fellow in Physiology, one year from September 21, 1962, 2,000, supersedes 10-19-62 . BEERS, GEORGE, National Science Foundation Fellow in Mathematics, one year from June 16, 1962, 5,666.25, supersedes 11-13-62 . BERMAN, MORLEY, United States Public Healt... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1964)
  • 1963: ... 1966 In the Teaching of French D I A N A SHARON O E H M S , A.B., 1965 KAAREN BURKE RODMAN, B.A., Ball State Teachers College, 1963 ,118 BOARD OF TRUSTEES In the Teaching of Russian September 21 IVANNA MARTYNIUK FOSTER, A.B., A.B., 1963, 1964 MITCHELL STANLEY LUDWINSKI, A.B., 1964 In the Teaching of Social ROBERT BURDETTE ADAMS, A.B., 1966 Studies MARGARET A N N BURNS, B.A., St. Mary's College In... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1968)
  • 1963: ... H N WESLEY KOTT, B.S., 1963 Teaching In Dairy LAWRENCE D E A N MULLER, B.S., 1964 Science HARRY GEORGE MARKOS, B.S., Utah State University, 1963 ,120 BOARD O F TRUSTEES In Economics September 21 JAMES BRIAN LONG, B.A., Southern Illinois University, 1964 ALEXANDER JOHN RATKOWSKI, B.S., Wisconsin State University Stevens Point , 1964 K E N N E T H GRANT SHAY, A.B., 1965 STEPHEN P A U L SWANSON, B.S... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1968)
  • 1963: ...ANN PLUMMER DOROTHY YOUNGVORST POWERS Education J A N E KEHOE U H L I R , H o n o r s MARIAN PATRICIA MCCALL W E L L S ,136 BOARD OF TRUSTEES In the Education of Mentally Handicapped September 21 Children AMANDA PIETRINI DANNER COLLEGE OF COMMERCE AND BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION D e g r e e of Bachelor of Science In K E N N E T H GERALD COHEN W . J. DEVERS JACK W I L L I A M FIENE JAMES R A Y GILLETTE... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1968)
  • 1963: ...pringfield Rossetter Motor Co., Ford , Peoria 1 376 10 2 136 73 3 672 53 7 185 36 f.o.b. delivered On motion of Mr. Harewood, these purchases were authorized. ,1100 BOARD OF TRUSTEES September 21 COMPTROLLER'S REPORT OF CONTRACTS 19 The Comptroller's report of contracts executed during the period July 16 to August 31, 1961. Amount to be With Whom American Iron Steel Institute American Oil Co. Amer... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1962)
  • 1963: ... Health Fellow Trainee in Social Work, nine months from September 16, 1963, 1,800 8-13-63 . ATKINS, GLADYS, United States Public Health Service Fellow in Physiology, six months from September 21, 1963, 1,100 9-27-63 . BALDWIN, JON M., National Science Foundation Graduate Fellow in Chemistry, one year from September 1, 1963, 2,000 6-11-63 . BARRETT, IRENE M., United States Public Health Service Fel... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1964)
  • 1963: ...TER G., Research Assistant Professor in the Coordinated Science Laboratory resignation effective November 1, 1963. CALLAHAN, GARY D., Microanalyst in Chemistry resignation effective September 21, 1963. CHUA, LEON O., Teaching Fellow in Electrical Engineering resignation effective November 8, 1963. ,930 BOARD OF TRUSTEES November 23 CRUMPACKER, DANIEL, Associate Professor of Military Science and He... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1964)
  • 1964: ...College, 1960 R I T A DOLORES STROMBECK, A.B., 1965 In LINDA LEONARD LAMME, B.S., 1964 Geography RICHARD L E E W I S E , A.B., Elmhurst College, 1964 ,116 BOARD OF TRUSTEES In German September 21 DAVID EUGENE BLACKBURN, A.B., 1962 P A U L H E N R Y DONOVAN, J R . , A.B., Boston College, 1963 S U S A N MARY H I R D , A.B., University of Durham, 1963 NELSON KENDRICK M C M I L L A N , J R . , B.A., M... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1968)
  • 1964: ...iversity, 1960 In Marketing JON NORMAN HULL, B.S., Southern Illinois University, 1965 GERALD J O H N O'CONNOR, A.B., St. Anselm's College, 1964 ,122 BOARD O F TRUSTEES In Mathematics September 21 SHIRLEY J E A N FISCHER, B.S., University of Wisconsin, 1961 P U S H P A LATA GUPTA, B.A., M.A., Panjab University, 1959, 1962 RAMESH CHANDRA GUPTA, B.A., Panjab University, 1955; M.A., University of Delh... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1968)
  • 1964: ...HABOY, B.S., 1965 STEPHEN HAROLD EYER, B.S., 1963 FRANK GIACCIO, B.E., Maritime College, 1964 BARRY DAVID GROSSMAN, B.S., 1965 GARY D E A N KERBER, B.S., 1964 ,130 BOARD O F TRUSTEES September 21 D E N N I S RAYMOND KERCHAL, B.S., 1965 RICHARD JACKSON LANDENBERGER, B.S., Rose Polytechnic Institute, 1962 JAMES ANDREW L I N K , B.S., Quincy College, 1964 LARRY DAVISON Moss, B.S., 1965 STEPHEN STANLE... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1968)
  • 1965: ... 1. That the Comptroller and the Secretary of The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois be and they are hereby authorized to execute, acknowl- ,92 BOARD O F T R U S T E E S September 21 edge and deliver in the name and on behalf of this corporation an Instrument of Transfer of jurisdiction to the Illinois Building Authority transferring jurisdiction of the following described real estate... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1968)
  • 1965: ...MONWEALTH EDISON COMPANY FOR ELECTRICAL SERVICES TO THE GREENHOUSE, CHICAGO CIRCLE 16 The Director of the Physical Plant and the Vice-President and Comptroller ,94 BOARD O F TRUSTEES September 21 recommend authorization of an agreement to pay Commonwealth Edison Company, Chicago, 8,137 for construction and installation of underground duct work, cables, and transformer equipment to supply electrica... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1968)
  • 1965: ...ler recommend award of contracts for site development and construction of parking facilities for 427 cars north of Harrison Street and west of Morgan Street at ,108 BOARD OF TRUSTEES September 21 Chicago Circle, subject to transfer of title of the land, the award in each case to the lowest bidder. General T. M. Corbett Co., Chicago 175 400 00 Base bid 171 400 00 Additive alternate for assignment o... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1968)
  • 1965: ..., 1964 Television In Recreation CHARLES H U G H DENNEY, B.S., University of Missouri, 1965 BARTON HASTINGS ENTRIKIN, A.B., University of Missouri, 1965 ,124 BOARD O F T R U S T E E S September 21 JAMES JOHN KUSKA, B.S., Michigan State University, 1963 K E N N E T H DALE LAWSON, B.S., 1964 LAWRENCE SALVATORE TORINO, B.S., Pennsylvania State University, 1965 In Sanitary In Speech Engineering Correct... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1968)
  • 1965: ...962 ALMA KATHRINE DIXON, B.S., Eastern Illinois University, 1959 FRANCES SWINK DOKES, B.S., Agricultural, Mechanical and Normal College Arkansas , 1965 ,126 BOARD O F T R U S T E E S September 21 SHIRLEY A N N DRASITES, B.A., Clarke College, 1965 ROLAND K I M DRIGGERS, A.B., McKendree College, 1963 K A R I N W I L L I A M S EDGELL, B.S., 1960 ROBERT ALLEN EDWARDS, B.S., Bradley University, 1958 RO... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1968)
  • 1965: Iaee-cxng September 21, 1965 7s00 P. M. 134 Electrical Engineering Building University of Illinois Student Section The Student Section of the Society of Women Engineers met on September 21, 1965, at 7i00 P.M. in room 134 Electri... (SWE - UIUC SWE Minutes Fall 1960 - Fall 1990 )
  • 1965: .... E . Iaee-cxng September 21, 1965 7s00 P. M. 134 Electrical Engineering Building University of Illinois Student Section The Student Section of the Society of Women Engineers met on September 21, 1965, at 7i00 P.M. in room 134 Electrical Engineering Building. Introducedone wore made. We will have a dioglay September 25 and 26 at Activities Day at the Union. We will have the same display that we us... (SWE - UIUC SWE Minutes Fall 1960 - Fall 1990 )
  • 1965: ...ll take such action with respect to any subcontract or purchase order as the administering agency may direct as a means of enforcing such provisions, including ,408 BOARD OF TRUSTEES September 21 sanctions for noncompliance. Provided, however, that, in the event a contractor becomes involved in, or is threatened with, litigation with a subcontractor or vendor as a result of such direction by the a... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1978)
  • 1966: ...ERSITY OF ILLINOIS September 2 1 , 1 9 6 6 The September meeting of The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois was held in the Illini Union, Urbana, Illinois, on Wednesday, September 21, 1966, beginning at 10:00 a.m. President Howard W. Clement called the meeting to order and asked the Secretary to call the roll. The following members of the Board were present: Mr. Howard W. Clement, Mr. ... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1968)
  • 1966: ...IC, JOSEPH, Adviser on Experiment Station and Animal Science at the Njala University College, Sierra Leone, for service under Contract USAID Afr-132, from September 1, 1966, through September 21, 1966, 21,200 a year; and P r o fessor of Nutrition in Biochemistry, Department of Animal Science Urbana , September 22, 1966, through August 31, 1967, academic year service basis, 19,400 a year, supersede... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1968)
  • 1966: ... is required. On recommendation of Mrs. Watkins, this recommendation was approved. NAMES OF BUILDINGS AT CHICAGO CIRCLE AND NAMES OF STREETS AT THE MENTAL HEALTH CENTER, URBANA 9 On September 21, 1966, the Committee on Buildings and Grounds approved proposals for the naming of buildings at the Chicago Circle campus and the naming of streets at the Mental Health Center in Urbana. The actions are re... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1968)
  • 1966: ...99 00 ,1967 U N I V E R S I T Y OF I L L I N O I S 319 The estimated total cost of the work is 31,000. Funds are available from an appropriation approved by the Board of Trustees on September 21, 1966. Submitted herewith is a report from the Physical Plant Department, including a schedule of bids received, a copy of which is being filed with the Secretary of the Board for record. I concur. On moti... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1968)
  • 1966: ...or of Occupational Therapy, College of Medicine resignation effective January 1, 1967. GEORGIANA JAGIELLO, Assistant Professor of Medicine, College of Medicine resignation effective September 21, 1966. MRS. MARIE T. KING, Assistant Professor of Nursing, College of Nursing resignation effective January 1, 1967. GJALT K. VAN DER H E M , Research Assistant Professor of Medicine, College of Medicine r... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1968)
  • 1966: ...rer, and Mr. H. O. Farber, Comptroller. 651 ,652 BOARD OF TRUSTEES MINUTES A P P R O V E D J u t y 26 The Secretary presented the minutes of the meetings of the Board of Trustees on September 21, 1966, October 13, 1966, and November 10, 1966, press proof copies of which have previously been sent to the Board. On motion of Mr. Swain, these minutes were approved as printed on pages 73 to 265, inclus... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1968)
  • 1966: ...niversity; and the officers of the Board, Mr. H. O. Farber, Comptroller; Mr. R. R. Manchester, Treasurer; and Mr. Earl W. Porter, Secretary. 73 ,74 BOARD OF TRUSTEES MINUTES APPROVED September 21 The Secretary presented the minutes of the meetings of the Board of Trustees on March 16, 1966, and April 20, 1966, and of the Executive Committee on March 23, 1966, press proof copies of which had previo... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1968)
  • 1966: ...inois A L A N M I L E S MORGAN, Chicago, Illinois W I L L I A M J O H N MORRISON, Decatur, Illinois RICHARD GENE SCHROEDER, Oak Park, Illinois Illinois ,78 Illinois BOARD OF TRUSTEES September 21 ROBERT ANTHONY SCHURER, Chicago, ROBERT D I C K SELINGER, Lincolnwood, EARLE RAYMOND TOCKMAN, Chicago, Illinois JANET E L I S E TONSING, Chicago, Illinois RICHARD HOWARD TOWERS, LaGrange Illinois CHARLES ... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1968)
  • 1966: ... A complete list of the purchases authorized and purchases recommended, with supporting information, including the quotations received, was sent to each member ,110 BOARD OF TRUSTEES September 21 of the Board in advance of the meeting, and a copy is being filed with the Secretary of the Board for record. O n m o t i o n of M r . J o h n s t o n , t h e p u r c h a s e s a u t h o r i z e d b y t h... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1968)
  • 1966: ...roperty is east of the Krannert Center for the Performing Arts and is required for future academic expansion. The lot size is 65 feet by 150 feet 9,750 ,112 BOARD O F T R U S T E E S September 21 square feet and is improved with a two-story and basement frame dwelling used as a rooming house. I concur. O n m o t i o n of M r s . W a t k i n s , t h i s r e c o m m e n d a t i o n w a s a p p r o v... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1968)
  • 1966: ...DAVIS CAMP MARIANNE MARGARET COYLE, Honors BARBARA JEAN MODICA JOEVE VAUGHN PITCHER in Liberal Arts and Sciences LYNNE A N N WEINBERG ,134 BOARD OF TRUSTEES In the Teaching of French September 21 HOLLY B E T H BROWN, H o n o r s in Lib- CAROLYN L E A NICKOLS eral Arts and Sciences with Distinction in the Curriculum In the Teaching of German MABLE MARGARET SUNDBERG In the Teaching of Social M I T Z... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1968)
  • 1966: ...O F VETERINARY MEDICINE D e g r e e of Bachelor of Science In Veterinary Medicine LAWRENCE M A R T I N F O X JOHN THOMAS JOHNSON KARL E M I L L U T H I N I I I ,138 BOARD OF TRUSTEES September 21 SECRETARY'S REPORTS The Secretary presented for record the following lists: appointments to the faculty made by the President; resignations, declinations, cancellations, and terminations; leaves of absenc... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1968)
  • 1966: ...-8-66 . FRIEDMAN, MARTHA O., History and Philosophy Librarian with rank of Instructor, in the Library Urbana , one year from September 1, 1966, 7,650 6-23-66 . ,144 BOARD OF TRUSTEES September 21 FRIEND, BEVERLY O., Instructor in English Chicago Circle , 4 time, academic year 1966-67, 5,000 8-10-66 . FRITH, DONALD E., Professor of Art Urbana , Summer Session of 1966, June 20August 13, 1966, 2,334,... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1968)
  • 1966: ...s of English Urbana , Yi time, two months from June 16, 1966, 1,723; this is in addition to his appointment as Professor of English and of Education 6-29-66 . ,146 BOARD O F TRUSTEES September 21 HOTTINGER, WILLIAM L., Instructor in Physical Education for Men Urbana , 0 time, academic year 1966-67, 3,348 7-22-66 . HOWARD, LOUIS B., Director of International Rural Development, ten months from Septe... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1968)
  • 1966: ...KATE H., Clinical Associate Professor of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, College of Medicine, 1 10 time, one year from September 1, 1966, 1,500 8-10-66 . ,148 BOARD OF TRUSTEES September 21 Koo, PING L., Research Associate in Psychology Urbana , one year from September 1, 1966, 9,070, supersedes 8-S-66 . KOPRIVA, JANET, Chemistry Library Assistant with rank of Instructor, in the Library Urba... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1968)
  • 1966: ...ear 1966-67, 6,100 8-2-66 . MORAITIS, GEORGE, Assistant Professor of Psychiatry, College of Medicine, 54 time, one year from September 1, 1966, 15,000 7-5-66 . ,150 BOARD OF TRUSTEES September 21 MORAN, RUSSELL L., Visiting Lecturer in Economics Urbana , 12 per cent time, Summer Session of 1966, June 20-August 13, 1966, 334 7-5-66 . MORGAN, BRUCE W., Assistant Professor of Economics Urbana , acade... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1968)
  • 1966: ...Chicago Circle , academic year 1966-67, 8,500 7-21-66 . REDDY, KANNA R., Research Associate in Physics Urbana , one vear from September 1, 1966, 8,700 7-8-66 . ,152 BOARD OF TRUSTEES September 21 REED, GERALD, Instructor in Oral Anatomy, College of Dentistry, V4 time, one year from September 1, 1966, 4,000, supersedes 7-21-66 . REHAK, JAMES R., Instructor in Operative Dentistry, College of Dentist... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1968)
  • 1966: ...983.50, supersedes 7-20-66 . SHAVELL, HAROLD M., Instructor in Prosthodontics, College of Dentistry, Vi time, one year from September 1, 1966, 4,000 7-12-66 . ,154 BOARD O F TRUSTEES September 21 SHEKELLE, RICHARD B., Assistant Professor of Preventive Medicine and Community Health, College of Medicine, one year from September 1, 1966, 12,550, supersedes 7-5-66 . SHEPARD, HARRY R., Associate Profes... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1968)
  • 1966: ...of Freshman Rhetoric, 12,600, supersedes 8-5-66 . TYLER, THOMAS A., Instructor in Psychology Chicago Circle , academic year 1966-67, 8,000, supersedes 8-2-66 . ,156 BOARD OF TRUSTEES September 21 UNDERHILL, DONALD K., Instructor in School of Life Sciences Urbana , academic year 1966-67, 6,000 7-22-66 . U N T I , EUGENE, Assistant Professor of Prosthodontics, College of Dentistry, i time, one year ... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1968)
  • 1966: ...uring June 18, 1966, through August 28, 1966 7-13-66 . ZIELINSKI, WANDA L., Instructor in German Chicago Circle , academic year 196667, 7,000 7-21-66 . ,158 BOARD O F T R U S T E E S September 21 ZOERNER, CYRIL E., JR., Assistant Professor of Business Administration, Graduate School of Business Administration Urbana , academic year 1966-67, 10,100, supersedes 8-5-66 . R E S I G N A T I O N S , DEC... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1968)
  • 1966: ...e August 1, 1966. JOPEK, JOSEPH J., Instructor in Rural Recreation in the Cooperative Extension Service Urbana resignation effective September 1, 1966. ,160 BOARD O F T R U S T E E S September 21 KARJALA, D E N N I S S., Research Associate in Electrical Engineering Urbana resignation effective September 1, 1966. KAZAIXA, GUNTHER G., Assistant Professor of Clinical Dentistry, College of Dentistry r... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1968)
  • 1966: ...ctrical Engineering Urbana resignation effective July 1, 1966. WELSH, ROBERT F., Assistant Professor of English Urbana resignation effective September 1, 1966. ,162 BOARD OF TRUSTEES September 21 WILLARD, ROBERT E., Research Engineer in Computer Science in the Graduate College Urbana declination effective September 1, 1966. WOODAHD, MASGAHETHA W., Assistant Professor of Biological Sciences Chicago... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1968)
  • 1966: ... people to a group of Freshmen. We also discussed the PAL Program. No progress reported. Respectfully submitted, Mary Lynn Cipriano Secretary - treasurer ,Society of Women Engineers September 21, 1966 7:00 P.M. Mechanical Engineering Building lounge University of Illinois Student Seetion The Student Section of the Society of Women .Engineers met on September 21, 1966, at 7:00 P.M. in the lounge of... (SWE - UIUC SWE Minutes Fall 1960 - Fall 1990 )
  • 1966: ...en Engineers September 21, 1966 7:00 P.M. Mechanical Engineering Building lounge University of Illinois Student Seetion The Student Section of the Society of Women .Engineers met on September 21, 1966, at 7:00 P.M. in the lounge of the Meehanieal Engineering Building. The Treasurer's report was read. the treasuryo There is a total of 126.70 in The Secretary's minutes were read and approved as read... (SWE - UIUC SWE Minutes Fall 1960 - Fall 1990 )
  • 1967: ... 7-29-66 . BOROWITZ, GENE, Assistant Professor of Psychiatry, College of Medicine, o time, October 1, 1966-August 31, 1967, 15,000 a year, supersedes 8-17-66 . ,140 BOARD OF TRUSTEES September 21 BOSWELL, JEB, Acting Director of the Health Service Medical Center , time, six months from July 1, 1966, 12,000 a year; this is in addition to his appointment as Instructor in Medicine, College of Medicin... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1968)
  • 1967: ...or of German; Greg Pittsley, graduate student in erman; Elizabeth Pribic, professor of Slavic languages and literatures; Hazel Vardaman, professor of German. S ,384 BOARD OF TRUSTEES September 21 Headship of the Department of Management, Chicago Circle 11 The dean of the College of Business Administration has recommended to the chancellor at Chicago Circle the appointment of Elmer H. Burack, prese... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1978)
  • 1968: ...construction begun in August, 1968. The award of a separate contract now for the relocation of the Stadium wall is necessary to complete the work prior to the first football game on September 21, 1968. Attached herewith is a report from the Physical Plant Department, including a schedule of bids received, a copy of which is being filed with the Secretary of the Board for record. O n m o t i o n of... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1968)
  • 1970: ...ct. Accordingly, a. The Sponsor hereby stipulates that any facility to be utilized in performance under the grant or to benefit from the grant is not listed on ,410 BOARD OF TRUSTEES September 21 the Environmental Protection Agency EPA List of Violating Facilities. b. T h e Sponsor agrees to comply with all the requirements of Section 114 of the Clean Air Act and Section 308 of the Federal Water P... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1978)
  • 1972: ...velop the use of sintered titanium as the end attachments for an active gliding tendon prosthesis Amount to Be Paid to the University I 18 400 11 300 t 2 9 700 ,420 BOARD OF TRUSTEES September 21 Contract Work Order With Whom Narowetz Heating and Ventilating Company Purpose Cost-plus contract ventilation work: Ventilation work in the Architecture and Art Laboratory Building and third floor laborat... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1978)
  • 1972: ...hese recommendations were approved, and the Finance Committee procedures were amended as recommended. 1 Minutes, Board of Trustees, January 19, 1972, page 465. ,428 BOARD OF TRUSTEES September 21 Mr. Forsyth, Mr. Hahn and Mr. Overstreet voted no on recommendations II.La. and Il.l.b. SECRETARY'S REPORT The secretary presented for record appointments to the faculty and changes of status made by the ... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1978)
  • 1973: ...intment for 1973-74 for the period September 1, 1973, through August 20, 1974. This short year appointment of eleven and two-tbirds months means that the initial check to be paid on September 21, 1973, will be for only two-thirds of a month's pay covering services rendered September 1 through September 20, 1973. Thereafter, for the duration of their contract, they will he paid, on the 21st of each... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1974)
  • 1973: ...resently Professor of History of Education, as Professor of History of Education on indefinite tenure and Chairman of the Department of History and Philosophy of Education beginning September 21, 1973, on a twelve-month service basis, at an annual salary of 29,810. Dr. Karier will succeed Dr, Joe R, Burnett who asked to be relieved of this administrative assignment. The nomination is submitted aft... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1974)
  • 1973: ...g October 21, 1973 1 , at an annual salary of 11,000. 25. ANTHONY M. GALLINA, Director of Veterinary Diagnostic Medicine and Professor of Veterinary Pathology and Hygiene, beginning September 21, 1973 DY.AY , at an annual salary of 25,000. 26. BAKRY J. JACOBSEN, Assistant Professor of Plant Pathology, beginning October 1,1973 1Y , at an annual salary of 14,400. ,402 BOARD OF TRUSTEES November 21 2... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1974)
  • 1973: ...intment for 1973-74 for the period September 1, 1973, through August 20, 1974. This short year appointment of eleven and two-thirds months means that the initial check to be paid on September 21, 1973, will be for only two-thirds of a month's pay covering services rendered September 1 through September 20, 1973. Thereafter, for the duration of their contract, they will be paid, on the 21st of each... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1974 Version B)
  • 1973: ...resently Professor of History of Education, as Professor of History of Education on indefinite tenure and Chairman of the Department of History and Philosophy of Education beginning September 21, 1973, on a twelve-month service basis, at an annual salary of 29,810. Dr. Karier will succeed Dr. Joe R. Burnett who asked to be relieved of this administrative assignment. The nomination is submitted aft... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1974 Version B)
  • 1973: ...g October 21, 1973 1 , at an annual salary of 11,000. 25. ANTHONY M. GALLINA, Director of Veterinary Diagnostic Medicine and Professor of Veterinary Pathology and Hygiene, beginning September 21, 1973 DY.AY , at an annual salary of 25,000. 26. BARRY J. JACOBSEN, Assistant Professor of Plant Pathology, beginning October 1,1973 1Y , at an annual salary of 14,400. 22. MARYEIXA SMITH STRANE, Assistant... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1974 Version B)
  • 1974: ...cultural Economics, six months beginning August 21, 1974, full pay. Department of Agronomy THEODORE HYMOWITZ, Associate Professor of Plant Genetics in Agronomy, six months beginning September 21, 1974, full pay. ,504 BOARD OF TRUSTEES March 20 Louis F. WELCH, Professor of Soil Fertility in Agronomy, six months beginning January 1, 1975, full pay. Department of Animal Science EFTON E. HATFIELD, Pro... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1974)
  • 1974: ...cultural Economics, six months beginning August 21, 1974, full pay. Department of Agronomy THEODORE HYMOWITZ, Associate Professor of Plant Genetics in Agronomy, six months beginning September 21, 1974, full pay. ,504 BOARD OF TRUSTEES March 20 L o u i s F . W E L C H , Professor of Soil Fertility in Agronomy, six months beginning January 1, 1975, full pay. Department of Animal Science E F T O N E.... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1974 Version B)
  • 1974: .... , Assistant Professor of Neuroanatomy in the School of Basic Medical Sciences and Assistant Professor of Physiology and Biophysics, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, beginning September 21, 1974 1Y,NY , at an annual salary of 17,500. 70. JOHN D. LECKENBY, Assistant Professor of Advertising, beginning August 21, 1974 1 , at an annual salary of 15,000. 71. MANUEL LONDON, Assistant Professor of... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1976)
  • 1974: ...y selection committee of Center Professors, has recommended that Ladislav Zgusta, Professor of Linguistics, be appointed as a Professor in the Center for Advanced Study, 1 effective September 21, 1974. T h e Chancellor at Urbana-Champaign and the Vice President for Academic Development and Coordination concur in this recommendation. I recommend approval. O n m o t i o n of M r . L i v i n g s t o ... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1976)
  • 1974: ...eginning September 27, 1974 1Y , at an annual salary of 17,820. Administrative Staff 22. DEAN BARJUNGER, Executive Assistant to Vice President for Planning and Allocation, beginning September 21, 1974 NY , at an annual salary of 32,900. 23. LARRY E. MATEJKA, Director of Student Financial Aids, Urbana, beginning January 1, 1975 N Y , at an annual salary of 24,000. 24. THOMAS M. O'KEEFE, Associate V... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1976)
  • 1974: ...ld and volleyball. A member of the volleyball team competed for the U.S. at the 1973 World University Games. Director of athletics is Walter G. Versen. CHIKAS FOOTBALL SCHEDULE FOR 1974: Sept. 21. . , At Grand Valley State College S e p t . 28. . , Eastern Illinois University 5. . , Oct. At Valparaiso University O c t . 12. . , At University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee O c t . 19. . . At Milton College... (Reference Folder - 1973)
  • 1975: ...ON, Professor of Music, beginning August 21, 1975 Q , at an annual salary of 23,000. 7. DAVID RAM-HUNG KWAN, Assistant Professor of Veterinary Physiology and Pharmacology, beginning September 21, 1975 1Y , at an annual salary of 18,000. 8. W. MORLEY LEMON, Assistant Professor of Accountancy, beginning August. 21, 1975 1 , at an annual salary of 17,000. 9. H O N FUNG L I , Assistant Professor of El... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1976)
  • 1976: ...BERLOCHER, Assistant Professor of Entomology, beginning August 21, 1976 1 , at an annual salary of 14,000. 29. JUAN J. CARBAJO, Assistant Professor of Nuclear Engineering, beginning September 21, 1976 1 , at an annual salary of 14,600. 30. ARTHUR L. DEVRIES, Assistant Professor of Physiology and Biophysics, beginning October 1, 1976 3 , at an annual salary of 16,600. 31. NICHOLAS DIVIRGILIO, Assoc... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1978)
  • 1976: ... by linivenlrioj. industry, and the federal government. --'. -.',". The Level 6 C-compiler was developed bv. the Jtaff of the Center, for Advanced Computation. ,4G0 BOARD OF TRUSTEES September 21 rescind its action of November 19, 1976, relative to a Licensing Agreement for C-Gompiler Object Code, and has further recommended that the board- authorise the execution of a modified license agreement t... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1978)
  • 1976: ...nt Committee recommends that the rights of the University be released to the inventors. 4. 'Methods for Improving the Accuracy of Oxygen Potential Measurements ,404 BOARD OF TRUSTEES September 21 G. Trench deFreitai, research assistant in ceramic engineering, Urbana,. and Dennis R. O'Boyle, associate professor of ceramic engineering and of nuclear engineering, Urbana, inventors. University Patents... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1978)
  • 1976: ...mmer of 1976. The University has surveyed the building and determined that, due to the advanced deterioration, it would not be economically feasible to repair. ,416 BOARD OF TRUSTEES September 21 die facilities it has for use in public service activities. The units are not meant for use on any vehicle and are solely for display or instructional purposes. John Deere Company has disclaimed any warra... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1978)
  • 1977: On September 21, 1977, the Board of Trustees transferred its rights in this concept to the University of Illinois Foundation. On June 14, 1978, University Patents, Inc., elected not to service the concept under its agreem... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1980)
  • 1977: ...for certain of its investments; and Whereas, the Finance Committee previously held hearings in Urbana and Chicago, following which the Committee recommended and the Board adopted on September 21, 1977, amended procedures involving shareholder responsibility and specifically involving investments in companies doing business in South Africa; and Whereas, the Finance Committee has subsequently receiv... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1980)
  • 1977: ...ied high school subjects' and on a combination of high school percentile rank 1 Subject Matter Pattern Requirements for Admission of Freshmen at Urbana-Champaign, Board of Trustees, September 21, 1977 see Appendix B.l and March 17, 1983 see Appendix B.2 ; and at Chicago, Board of Trustees, July 21, 1983 see Appendix B.3 . ,350 BOARD OF TRUSTEES September 15 and admission test score. Those approved... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1984)
  • 1977: ...ants shall receive priority over nondegree applicants. Each campus will establish specific requirements for the admission of nondegree applicants. Amends Board of Trustees action of September 21, 1977; see Appendix A.7. Second Bachelor's Degree Policies Second bachelor's degree applicants must meet the same requirements for admission as transfer applicants for a first degree and may be required to... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1984)
  • 1977: ...es Conference has indicated that no further Senate jurisdiction is involved. I recommend approval. On motion of Mr. Hahn, this recommendation was approved. Board of Trustees minutes, September 21,1977, pages 390-395. Reorganization of Admission Enrollment Categories, Chicago Circle and Urbana 16 T h e Chicago Circle and the Urbana-Champaign Senates have approved the reorganization of admission enr... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1984)
  • 1977: ... The September meeting of The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois was held in Chicago Room C, Chicago Mini Union, Medical Center campus, Chicago, Illinois, on Wednesday, September 21, 1977, beginning at 9:00 a.m. President George W. Howard III called the meeting to order and asked the secretary to call the roll. The following members of the board were present: Mr. William D. Forsyth, J... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1978)
  • 1977: ... acting chancellor at Urbana-Champaign the appointment of Dr. David F. Bright, presently associate professor of classics, as chairperson of the Department of the Classics, beginning September 21, 1977, on an academic-year service basis, at an annual salary of 17,825. Dr. Bright will continue to hold the rank of associate professor on indefinite tenure. Dr. Bright will succeed Professor Miroslav Ma... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1978)
  • 1977: ...ing chancellor at Urbana-Champaign the appointment of C. Benjamin Cox, presently professor of secondary education, as chairperson of the Department of Secondary Education, beginning September 21, 1977, on a twelve-month service basis at an annual salary of 27,833. Dr. Cox will continue to hold the rank of professor on indefinite tenure. Dr. Cox will succeed Professor Ian D. Westbury who asked to b... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1978)
  • 1977: ...ing October 1, 1977 NY , at an annual salary of 35,000. 100. E. LANDRUM YOUNG, director of laboratory animal resources, Office of Laboratory Animal Care, Graduate College, beginning September 21, 1977 NY , at an annual salary of 28,500. O n motion of Mr. Livingston, these appointments were confirmed. Sabbatical Leave of Absence, 1977-78, Urbana 15 On motion of Mrs. Rader, a sabbatical leave of abs... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1978)
  • 1977: ... AGENDA The board considered the following reports and recommendations from the president of the University. Implementation of Amendments to Open Meeting Law Public Act 80-862 1 O n September 21, 1977, the governor signed Public Act 80-862, which amends the open meeting law, to provide that proceedings at meetings required by the law to be open may be recorded by a representative of any news mediu... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1978)
  • 1977: ...hysical Plant Department Medical Center as approved by the Board of Trustees for FY 1978. The Buildings and Grounds Committee approved the selection of this firm for this project on September 21, 1977. T h e student advisory vote was: Aye, Miss Conlon, Mr. Overstreet, Miss Winter; no, none. O n motion of Mr. Neal, this recommendation was approved by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Forsyth, Mr. Howard... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1978)
  • 1977: On September 21, 1977, the Board of Trustees approved a recommendation for exchange of certain parcels of land with the city of Peoria and authorized other modifications contained in a separate cooperation agreement with ... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1978)
  • 1977: ... of which were distributed at the meeting, and a copy was filed with the secretary of the board. Report on the Implementation of Board Policy Related to South African Investments On September 21, 1977, the Board of Trustees approved a course of action with regard to the voting of proxies having shareholder proposals related to South Africa. The board has publicly expressed its opposition to all co... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1978)
  • 1977: ...yes no yes no April 18, 1978 Bankamerica P.O. Box 37108 San Francisco, California 94137 Gentlemen: The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois, in the public meeting held on September 21, 1977, directed that the University express its opposition to all corporate activity which supports a n d o r furthers the policy of apartheid in South Africa. In accordance with that direction, we are enc... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1978)
  • 1977: ... PRESIDENT OF THE BOARD President Howard called attention to the schedule of regular meetings for the coming months: J u n e 15, U r b a n a Agronomy D a y ; July 20, Chicago Circle; September 21, Medical Center. T h e r e being no further business, the Board adjourned. EARL W. PORTER GEORGE W. HOWARD III Secretary President LUNCHEON GUESTS Guests of the Board at luncheon included members of the R... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1978)
  • 1977: ...ampus, May 15,1977 5,600 ANNOUNCEMENTS FROM THE PRESIDENT OF THE BOARD President Howard called attention to the schedule for the next three regular meetings: July 20, Chicago Circle; September 21, Medical Center; October 19, Urbana. He also announced that a n executive session had been requested and would be convened after the meeting to consider a report on pending litigation and an employment ma... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1978)
  • 1977: ...A copy of the report is filed with the secretary. ANNOUNCEMENTS FROM THE PRESIDENT OF THE BOARD President Howard called attention to the schedule for the next three regular meetings: September 21, Medical C e n t e r ; October 19, U r b a n a ; November 18, Chicago Circle. H e also announced that an executive session had been requested and would be convened after the meeting to consider reports on... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1978)
  • 1977: ...nald W. Brady, comptroller also vice president for administration for the University ; Mr. R. R. Manchester, treasurer; and Dr. Earl W. Porter, secretary. 369 ,370 BOARD O F TRUSTEES September 21 INTRODUCTIONS President Howard recognized and introduced a number of officers attending the meeting in new capacities: Dr. Peter Yankwich, appointed vice president for academic affairs at the July 20 meet... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1978)
  • 1977: ...ual salary of 15,500. 94. WILLIAM L. WARNER, assistant professor of health and safety- education, beginning August 21, 1977 1 , at an annual salary of 15,000. ,390 BOARD O F TRUSTEES September 21 Administrative Staff 95. CRAIG S. BAZZANI, executive assistant to the vice president for administration, beginning October 1, 1977 NY , at an annual salary of 35,000. 96. JOHN R. CAMPBELL, director of res... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1978)
  • 1977: ...raduate 2. Graduate a. Full standing b. Limited standing e. Nondegree 3. Irregular iindefgraduate 4. Unclassified 5. Nondegree ,392 3. Degree-pursuing tion process. BOARD OF TRUSTEES September 21 students will continue to be given priority during the registra- Nondegree students present a different concern. Assuming this category wilt not be used to admit unqualified students, procedures must be e... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1978)
  • 1977: ... at the current time, this structure should fulfill their possible needs if their role in the continuing education for participating professionals it expanded. ,394 BOARD OF TRUSTEES September 21 SCHEMATIC PRESENTATION OF ENROLLMENT CATEGORIES Class Codes Freshmen Sophomore Junior Senior Nondegree Second bachelor's Graduate, beginning Graduate, advanced Degree Full-time Part-time A1 B A B A B A B ... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1978)
  • 1977: ...ation, as approved by the FAA, is hereby incorporated herein and made a part hereof; and Whereas, the FAA has approved a project for development of the Airport ,406 BOARD OF TRUSTEES September 21 herein called the ''Project" consisting of the- following-described- airport development: . . . . . . construct five-stall Fire Crash Rescue Building approximately 5,200 s J.v ft. , including ramp area, a... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1978)
  • 1977: ...competitive bidding as opposed to the negotiated sale of such bonds with particular reference to the parking structure for Chicago Circle. At that meeting and at the board meeting on September 21, Vice President Brady reviewed the presumed advantages of a negotiated sale, at least in the present instance: the assumption of cost savings by private placement; the certainty as to the timing and its f... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1978)
  • 1977: ...ceptance of a purchase offer for the bonds and for the awarding of contracts for the structure were withdrawn because of the need to correct technical errors. ,414 BOARD O F TRUSTEES September 21 Lease of Space for Cooperative Extension Service 36 The president of the University, with the concurrence of appropriate administrative ofiBcers, recommends the approval of execution by the comptroller an... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1978)
  • 1977: ...shall not require access to classified information in the conduct of the University's business and who do not occupy positions that would enable them to affect ,418 BOARD OF TRUSTEES September 21 the University's policies or practices in the performance of classified contracts are not required to be cleared, provided the Board of Trustees by formal action affirms and makes a matter of record in th... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1978)
  • 1977: ...r by University of Illinois wind ensemble Determine ground movements associated with tunneling and deep excavation in soil 21 500 25 000 79 284 ,6.748 2 0.-000 ,422 BOARD OF TRUSTEES September 21 Amount to Bs Paid U thi University 16 230 With Whom United States Energy Research and Development Administration SE-77-C-02-4310 United States Environmental Protection Agency: 68-03-2555 R805293010 United... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1978)
  • 1977: ... Trustees on July 20, 1977, the authority of the Executive Committee to consider and act upon any proposed settlement of the Krannert litigation was confirmed. ,430 BOARD OF TRUSTEES September 21 any recovery by the plaintiffs. T w o appeals are pending from orders of the circuit court, imposing sanctions upon the architects and the contractor in connection with the discovery process. Another appe... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1978)
  • 1978: ...an of students; director, EOP; and TRIO coordinator of the Office of the Dean of Students since August 21, 1984, and prior to that, assistant dean of students and director, EOP from September 21, 1978, through August 20, 1984, has requested leave for the period January 15, 1993, through May 14, 1993. He proposes to conduct a study of participants in the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign E... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1990)
  • 1978: ...nd State University, as professor of dairy science on indefinite tenure, director of the Agricultural Experiment Station, and associate dean of the College of Agriculture, beginning September 21, 1978, on a twelve-month service basis, at a salary of 47,000. Dr. Cragle will succeed Dr. Glenn W. Salisbury, who is retiring effective August 31, 1978. T h e nomination is made with the advice of a searc... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1980)
  • 1978: ...ector of graduate programs in business administration, Washington State University, as professor of marketing on indefinite tenure and head of the Department of Marketing, beginning September 21, 1978, on an academic-year service basis, at an annual salary of 35,000. Dr. Narayana will replace Professor Robert E. Weigand who requested to be relieved of the administrative appointment effective Septe... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1980)
  • 1978: ...ointment of Dr. Roger R. Yoerger, presently professor of agricultural engineering and acting head of the Department of Agricultural Engineering, as head of the department, beginning September 21, 1978, on a twelvemonth service basis, at an annual salary of 37,400. Dr. Yoerger will continue to hold the rank of professor of agricultural engineering on indefinite tenure. He became acting head on Augu... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1980)
  • 1978: ...pointment of Dr. John Hower, formerly program director, geochemistry, National Science Foundation, as professor of geology on indefinite tenure and head of the department, beginning September 21, 1978, on an academic-year service basis, at an annual salary of 38,000. Dr. Hower will succeed Dr. Philip A. Sandberg who has been acting head since Dr. Fred A. Donath asked to be relieved of this adminis... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1980)
  • 1978: ...chard Merritt, presently professor of political science and research professor in the Institute of Communications Research, as head of the Department of Political Science, beginning September 21, 1978, on an academic-year service basis, at an annual salary of 38,000. Dr. Merritt will continue to hold the ranks of professor of political science and 1 Robert W. Howell, professor of agronomy and head... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1980)
  • 1978: ...ted Science Laboratory, on 75 percent time, beginning October 21, 1978 1 , at an annual salary of 21,000. 86. KAREN B. OUZTS, research assistant professor of architecture, beginning September 21, 1978 1Y , at an annual salary of 17,000. 87. JOSEPH F. PORAC, assistant professor of business administration, beginning August 21, 1978 1 , at an annual salary of 18,500. 88. MASTURA RAHEEL, assistant pro... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1980)
  • 1978: ...ms, Urban Health Program, Medical Center, beginning July 17, 1978 NY , at an annual salary of 51,000. 100. ERNEST R. MORRIS, executive assistant to the chancellor, Urbana, beginning September 21, 1978 N Y , at an annual salary of 25,500. 101. CALVIN L. OWENS, director of Visual Aids Service, Urbana, beginning August 21, 1978 NY , at an annual salary of 30,000. O n m o t i o n of M r . F o r s y t ... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1980)
  • 1978: ...2 1 , 1978 1 , at an annual salary of 16,500. 32. WILLIAM J. MAHER, assistant university archivist, newspaper librarian, and assistant professor of library administration, beginning September 21, 1978 1Y , at an annual salary of 14,000. 33. GEORGE W. MCCONKIE, professor of educational psychology in the Center for the Study of Reading and in the Department of Educational Psychology, beginning Octob... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1980)
  • 1978: ... professor of electrical engineering, beginning October 16, 1978 1 , at an annual salary of 18,500. 15. RANDALL E. WESTGREN, assistant professor of agricultural economics, beginning September 21, 1978 1Y , at an annual salary of 20,000. Administrative Staff 16. ALICE A. HADDIX, special assistant to the vice president for administration, beginning November 20, 1978 N Y , at an annual salary of 26,9... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1980)
  • 1978: ...ated in Senate Bill 83 for development of an agricultural center in western Illinois; for Oentury -Three for tms center have been removed from this summary. ,380 BOARD or TRUSTEES September 21 FY 1978 Capital Appropriations for New Projects 3 The Eightieth General Assembly appropriated, and the governor approved, 11,564,325 for new capital projects for FY 1978 for the University of Illinois. A par... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1978)
  • 1978: ...ludes 15.0 nonrecurring. Includes 98.0 nonrecurring. 1 Excludes retirement, which at full funding will require 48,834.3, or an increment 27,890.4 over FY 1978. ,374 BOARD OF TRUSTEES September 21 Table 2 Summary of the FY 1979 Capital Budget Request by Campus and Category Category Buildings, Additions, a n d o r Structures Funds to Complete BondEligible Buildings Land Equipment Space Realignment, ... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1978)
  • 1978: ...uirements. Upon approval, the various colleges will choose the revised patterns which are From Code on Campus Affairs and Regulations Applying to All Students. ,396 BOARD OF TRUSTEES September 21 most appropriate for their curricula. A copy of the appropriate section of the Undergraduate Programs catalog incorporating the proposed revisions has been filed with the secretary of the board for record... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1978)
  • 1978: ... u d e n t advisory vote w a s : A y e , M i s s Cordon, M r . Overstreet, Miss Winter; no, none. On motion of Mr. NeaL this recommendation was approved by the ,402 BOARD OF TRUSTEES September 21 following vote: Aye, Mr. Forsyth, Mr. Howard, Mr. Lenz, Mr. Livingston, Mr. Neal, Mrs. Rader, Mr. Velasquez; no, none; absent, Mrs. Shepherd, Governor Thompson. Mr. Hahn asked to be recorded as not voting... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1978)
  • 1978: .... Porter, secretary. 527 ,528 BOARD OF TRUSTEES MINUTES APPROVED February 15 The secretary presented for approval the press proofs of the minutes of the Board of Trustees meetings of September 21 and October 19, 1977, copies of which had previously been sent to the board. On motion of Mr. Livingston, these minutes were approved as printed on pages 369 to 458 inclusive. MEETING OF FINANCE COMMITTEE... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1978)
  • 1979: ...stant professor of landscape architecture, beginning August 21, 1979 1 , at an annual salary of 17,300. 28. BARTELT ELEVELD, assistant professor of agricultural economics, beginning September 21, 1979 1Y , at an annual salary of 21,000. 29. WILLIAM H. ERWIN, associate professor of architecture, beginning August 21, 1979 Q , at an annual salary of 21,500. 30. GEORGE Z. GERTNER, assistant professor ... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1980)
  • 1979: ...ginning October 1, 1979 N Y , at an annual salary of 39,000. 18. C. RICHARD NASH, associate director of business management systems, University Office of Business Affairs, beginning September 21, 1979 N Y , at an annual salary of 29,500. Increase in Special Fees for Flight Training Courses, Institute of Aviation, Urbana 6 Students enrolled in flight training courses in the Institute of Aviation cu... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1980)
  • 1979: ... percent for the past ten years , providing an amount that would cover this request." A copy of the senate resolution is filed with the secretary of the board. ,372 BOARD OF TRUSTEES September 21 The request for new operating funds of 34,106,600, presented in Table 1, varies from Alternatives I and II, contained in the preliminary budget request of July 20, 1977, by the addition of funds requested... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1978)
  • 1980: ...bana-Champaign has recommended the appointment of Dr. Theodore L. Brown, presently professor of chemistry, as vice chancellor for research and dean of the Graduate College beginning September 21, 1980, on a twelve-month service basis at an annual salary of 62,500. Dr. Brown will continue to hold the rank of professor of chemistry on indefinite tenure. He will succeed Dr. Edwin L. Goldwasser, who w... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1982)
  • 1980: ...ntment of Dr. Robert C. Bilger, presently professor of speech and hearing science and acting head of the Department of Speech and Hearing Science as head of the department beginning September 21, 1980, on an academic year service basis at an annual salary of 39,680. Dr. Bilger will continue to hold the rank of professor of speech and hearing science on indefinite tenure. He became acting head on A... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1982)
  • 1980: ... Medical Sciences, Medical Center, beginning November 1, 1980 NY50;AY , at an annual salary of 27,500. 47. DAVID LEE SMITH, associate director of Business Affairs, Urbana, beginning September 21, 1980 N Y , at an annual salary of 34,500. O n m o t i o n of M r . N e a l , these a p p o i n t m e n t s w e r e c o n f i r m e d . Changes in Policy a n d Rules-Nonacademic, Chapter X I I , Disability... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1982)
  • 1980: ...allurgy and mining engineering, on 79 percent time, in the Materials Research Laboratory, on 21 percent time, and technical director of the Electron Microscope Laboratory, beginning September 21, 1980 A79;A21 ; N , at an annual salary of 32,000. 2. MARGARET R. GROSSMAN, assistant professor of agricultural economics, beginning September 22, 1980 1 Y , at an annual salary of 24,000. 3. C. WILLIAM IB... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1982)
  • 1980: ...e, in chemistry, Chicago Circle, beginning September 1, 1980 NY , at an annual salary of 39,000. 32. SUSAN SUNDMAN, assistant director of business affairs, Medical Center, beginning September 21, 1980 N Y , at an annual salary of 27,500. O n m o t i o n of D r . D o n o g h u e , t h e s e a p p o i n t m e n t s w e r e c o n f i r m e d . Sabbatical Leave of Absence, 1980-81, Medical Center 6 On... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1982)
  • 1981: ...the appointment of Marjorie E. Mead, presently professor of clothing extension and acting head of the Department of Textiles and Interior Design, as head of the department effective September 21, 1981, on a twelvemonth service basis at an annual salary of 37,640. Professor Mead will continue to hold the rank of professor on indefinite tenure. She has been acting head since August 21, 1980, succeed... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1982)
  • 1981: ...ofessors in the center, has recommended to the chancellor at Urbana-Champaign the following faculty members for appointment as professors in the Center for Advanced Study, effective September 21, 1981: ,368 BOARD OF TRUSTEES September 17 ROBERT L. METCALF, professor of entomology, agricultural entomology, biology, and veterinary biosciences, and research professor of environmental studies RALPH S.... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1982)
  • 1981: ...6,000. 4. IRVING A. BRErrowrrz, assistant professor of law, beginning August 21, 1981 1 , at an annual salary of 33,000. 5. WANG-PING CHEN, assistant professor of geology, beginning September 21, 1981 1 , at an annual salary of 20,000. 6. ROBERT G. DARMODY, assistant professor of pedology in agronomy, beginning September 28, 1981 N Y , at an annual salary of 25,000. 7. DAVID M. DESSER, assistant p... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1982)
  • 1981: ...e, beginning October 21, 1981 A , at an annual salary of 35,000. 12. JEANNE M. HOOARTH, assistant professor of family economics extension in family and consumer economics, beginning September 21, 1981 1 Y , at an annual salary of 22,500. 13. ALrRED F. MORRIS, JR., associate professor and assistant director of physical education in Rehabilitation Education Services, beginning August 21, 1981 AY; N ... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1982)
  • 1983: ...beral Arts and Sciences, has recommended the appointment of Samuel Kaplan, presently professor and acting head of the Department of Microbiology, as head of the department beginning September 21, 1983, on an academic year service basis at an annual salary of 57,500. Dr. Kaplan will continue to hold the rank of professor on indefinite tenure. He has been acting head since August 21, 1983, when Dr. ... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1984)
  • 1983: ...ciate professor of accountancy, for three years beginning August 2 1 , 1983 Q , at an annual salary of 42,000. 31. JOSEPH G. SULLIVAN, assistant professor of horticulture, beginning September 21, 1983 1 Y , at an annual salary of 29,000. 32. JOSEPH E. TAMOSAITIS, assistant professor of music, beginning August 21, 1983 1 , at an annual salary of 23,000. 33. RICHARD V. TEMPEST, assistant professor o... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1984)
  • 1983: ... in veterinary clinical medicine, beginning August 21, 1983 AY;NY , at an annual salary of 57,000. 2. THOMAS E. GOETZ, assistant professor of veterinary clinical medicine, beginning September 21, 1983 N Y , at an annual salary of 38,000. 3. JOHN H. HAGOE, assistant professor of English, beginning August 21, 1983 1 , at an annual salary of 20,000. 4. JOSEPH HOMENY, assistant professor of ceramic en... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1984)
  • 1983: ...eginning October 1, 1983 N , at an annual salary of 25,750. 3. PATRICIA A. MOORE, assistant special collection librarian and assistant professor of library administration, beginning September 21, 1983 1Y , at an annual salary of 16,000. 4. BETH S. WOODARD, reference librarian and assistant professor of library administration, beginning September 2 1 , 1983 1Y , at an annual salary of 16,000. 5. JO... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1984)
  • 1984: ...n, presently professor and acting head of the Department of Genetics and Development and professor of plant biology, as head of the Department of Genetics and Development, beginning September 21, 1984, on an academicyear service basis at an annual salary of 43,500. Dr. Tuveson will continue to hold the rank of professor on indefinite tenure. T h e nomination is made with the advice of a search com... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1986)
  • 1984: ...ory, beginning September 27, 1984 1 ; N , at an annual salary of 36,000. MARIA A. PORTA, assistant agriculture librarian and assistant professor of library administration, beginning September 21, 1984 1 Y , at an annual salary of 17,500. SUSAN J. ROSENHOLTZ, associate professor of elementary and early childhood education, beginning January 6, 1985 A , at an annual salary of 32,000. ERIC R. VIMR, a... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1986)
  • 1984: ...Y , at an annual salary of 60,000. PHILLIP I. HENSON, assistant director for Utilities and Maintenance, Operation and Maintenance Division, Heat, Light, and Power, Urbana, beginning September 21, 1984 NY , at an annual salary of 50,000. CHARLES F. ROSS, associate director, Chicago Circle Center, Chicago, beginning September 5, 1984 NY , at an annual salary of 32,000. DAVID F. SKOPEC, director of C... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1986)
  • 1985: ... TATE, assistant to the university director of public affairs, beginning July 21, 1985 N Y , at an annual salary of 34,000. STEVEN A. VEAZIE, associate university counsel, beginning September 21, 1985 NY , at an annual salary of 58,500. DOUGLAS WOLFERSBERGER, assistant vice president for administrative information systems, beginning August 5, 1985 N Y , at an annual salary of 63,000. JOHN L. WOODS... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1986)
  • 1985: ...sor of library administration, beginning September 10, 1985 N Y , at an annual salary of 18,500. REX A. LIEBL, assistant professor of weed science, Department of Agronomy, beginning September 21, 1985 1 , at an annual salary of 30,600. PENELOPE M. SANDERSON, assistant professor of mechanical and industrial engineering, on 75 percent time, and of psychology, on 25 percent time, beginning August 21,... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1986)
  • 1985: ...C e n t e r , beginning August 12, 1985 N Y , at an annual salary of 40,000. CHRISTINE A. LOHMAN, director of budget and resource planning, College of Agriculture, Urbana, beginning September 21, 1985 N Y , at an annual salary of 50,000. GARY R. MICHAEL, director of college computer services, College of Commerce and Business Administration, Urbana, beginning August 21, 1985 N Y , at an annual sala... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1986)
  • 1985: ...ce of Public Affairs, Urbana, beginning September 1, 1985 N Y , at an annual salary of 32,000. MICHELE M. THOMPSON, special assistant to the president, President's Office, beginning September 21, 1985, at an annual salary of 61,000. MICHAEL D . VELEY, director of electronic media services, Campus Office of Public Affairs, Urbana, beginning September 2 1 , 1985 N Y , at an annual salary of 34,200. ... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1986)
  • 1986: ... percent time, beginning August 21, 1986 1 , at an annual salary of 25,000. SACHIE NOGUCHI, assistant Japanese librarian and assistant professor of library administration, beginning September 21, 1986 N Y , at an annual salary of 21,100. ANDREW R. PICKERING, associate professor of sociology, on 50 percent time, and in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, on 50 percent time, beginning August 2... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1988)
  • 1988: Sept. 21, 1988 at 6:30 p.m. there is a Publicity Committee meeting. There will be plenty of folding and stamping for all CONGRATS TO OUR NEW SWE OFFICERS Administrative VP - Kelly O'Neill Engineering Council Rep Ch... (SWE - UIUC SWE Minutes Fall 1960 - Fall 1990 )
  • 1988: ...r-Suman Pinnamanani Publicity-Linda Gogola Special Projects-Valerie Keller III TV Speaker Wei-Wei Jeang from Caterpillar Ice Cream Social 301 Engineering Hall A Few Dates to Remember September 21 September 28 October 6 October 19-20 October 24 October 26 November 16 Be Professional Conference committee meeting General Meeting, 6:30 p.m. 273 Illini Union Resume Book application due-302 Engineering ... (SWE - UIUC SWE Minutes Fall 1960 - Fall 1990 )
  • 1988: , Sept. 21 to Wed., Sept. 28. Admission is 3.00 and includes a T-shirt. SWE will sponsor a "TWISTER" competition. Valerie Keller is looking into it. Publicity Illio pictures will be taken at our Sept. 28, 1988 meeti... (SWE - UIUC SWE Minutes Fall 1960 - Fall 1990 )
  • 1990: ...nd assistant professor of library administration, beginning October 21, 1990 1 , at an annual salary of 25,600. RAFAEL JIMENEZ-FLORES, assistant professor of food science, beginning September 21, 1990 N , at an annual salary of 36,000. LAURA VALERIUS, assistant professor of leisure studies, beginning October 1, 1990 N , at an annual salary of 33,000. WEI W U , assistant professor of statistics, be... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1990)
  • 1992: ...ded the appointment of Robert Wedgeworth, presently dean of the School of Library Service at Columbia University, New York City, New York, as interim university librarian, beginning September 21, 1992, on a twelve-month service basis at an annual salary of 112,000. He will also hold the rank of visiting professor of library and information science at zero percent time on an academic year service b... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1990)
  • 1992: ... of Chester S. Gardner, presently professor of electrical and computer engineering, as vice chancellor for research and dean of the Graduate College, for a two-year period beginning September 21, 1992, on a twelve-month service basis at an annual salary of 130,000. 1 T h e Industrial Advisory Board was established on March 2, 1980, with 18 members. T h e present membership is 34. ,1992 UNIVERSITY ... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1992)
  • 1992: ...h professor of internal medicine, and acting director of the School of Human Resources and Family Studies, as director of the School of Human Resources and Family Studies, beginning September 21, 1992, on a twelvemonth service basis at an annual salary of 84,000. Dr. Layman will continue to hold the rank of professor with indefinite tenure on a twelve-month service basis. He became acting director... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1992)
  • 1992: ...rofessor of microbiology, beginning August 21, 1992 1 , at an annual salary of 38,000. ALFRED KAGAN, African studies bibliographer and professor of library administration, beginning September 21, 1992 AY , at an annual salary of 45,500. WILLIAM F. KELLEHER, JR., assistant professor of anthropology, beginning August 21, 1992 1 , at an annual salary of 34,900. MICHAEL G. LACY, assistant professor of... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1992)
  • 1992: ...dicine at Chicago, beginning October 1, 1992 1Y79;NY21 , at an annual salary of 70,000. Urbana-Champaign VARKKI GEORGE, assistant professor of urban and regional planning, beginning September 21, 1992 1 , at an annual salary of 35,000. JOHN J. LIE, assistant professor of sociology, beginning August 21, 1992 1 , at an annual salary of 40,500. GERD U. NIENHAUS, assistant professor of physics, beginn... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1992)
  • 1993: ...ime, and of special education, on 25 percent time, beginning August 21, 1993 1 , at an annual salary of 39,500. NICHOLAS J. SMITH-SEBASTO, assistant professor of forestry, beginning September 21, 1993 N , at an annual salary of 38,000. CAROLYN E. TAYLOR, assistant professor of speech communication, beginning August 21, 1993 1 , at an annual salary of 36,000. MINGFANG TING, assistant professor of a... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1992)
  • 1993: ...R, assistant professor of music, beginning August 21, 1993 1 , at an annual salary of 41,334. ERIC MICHIELSSEN, assistant professor of electrical and computer engineering, beginning September 21, 1993 1 , at an annual salary of 49,000. ALEXANDER VARDY, assistant professor of electrical and computer engineering, on 100 percent time, and research assistant professor, Coordinated Science Laboratory, ... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1992)
  • 1993: ...icine at Chicago, beginning September 1, 1993 1Y95;NY5;NY , at an annual salary of 120,000. Urbana-Champaign VLADIMIR I. GELFAND, professor of cell and structural biology, beginning September 21, 1993 A , at an annual salary of 62,000. ZHI-PEI LIANG, assistant professor of electrical and computer engineering, beginning August 21, 1993 1 , at an annual salary of 49,000. MARGARET MEIXNER, assistant ... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1992)
  • 1994: ...icine at Chicago, beginning September 1, 1994 1Y60;NY40 , at an annual salary of 100,000. Urbana-Champaign AKIRA CHIBA, assistant professor of cell and structural biology, beginning September 21, 1994 N , at an annual salary of 41,500. Yi Lu, assistant professor of chemistry, beginning September 15, 1994 1 , at an annual salary of 41,000. Administrative Staff SUSAN M. IRZA, assistant vice chancell... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1994)
  • 1995: ...Arts and Sciences, has recommended the appointment of Kwok-Yung Lo, presently acting chair and professor, Department of Astronomy, as chair of the Department of Astronomy, beginning September 21, 1995, on an academic year service basis with an administrative increment of 3,000. Dr. Lo will continue to hold the rank of professor of astronomy on indefinite tenure on an academic year service basis wi... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1994)
  • 1995: ... and professor, Department of Chemical Engineering and professor, Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology, as head of the Department of Chemical Engineering, beginning September 21, 1995, on an academic year service basis with an administrative increment of 5,000. Dr. Zukoski will continue to hold the rank of professor of chemical engineering on indefinite tenure on an academic year ... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1994)
  • 1995: ...gy; professor, Center for the Study of Reading; and professor, Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology, as chair of the Department of Educational Psychology, beginning September 21, 1995, on a twelve-month service basis with an administrative increment of 3,000. Dr. McConkie will continue to hold the rank of professor of educational psychology on indefinite tenure on an academic year... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1994)
  • 1995: ...d Sciences, has recommended the appointment of Adam T. Martinsek, presently acting chair and professor, Department of Statistics, as chair of the Department of Statistics, beginning September 21, 1995, on an academic year service basis with an administrative increment of 2,000. Dr. Martinsek will continue to hold the rank of professor of statistics on indefinite tenure on an academic year service ... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1994)
  • 1995: ...sor of theatre, beginning August 21, 1995 1 , at an annual salary of 31,500. CHRISTINE A. JENKINS, assistant professor, Graduate School of Library and Information Science, beginning September 21, 1995 1 , at an annual salary of 40,000. TOM KREBS, assistant professor of economics, beginning September 21, 1995 1 , at an annual salary of 52,000. LYNN NORINE WILEY, coordinator of the Illinois Referenc... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1994)
  • 1995: ...professor, Graduate School of Library and Information Science, beginning September 21, 1995 1 , at an annual salary of 40,000. TOM KREBS, assistant professor of economics, beginning September 21, 1995 1 , at an annual salary of 52,000. LYNN NORINE WILEY, coordinator of the Illinois Reference and Research Center and assistant professor of library administration, University Library, on 50 percent ti... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1994)
  • 1995: ...assistant professor of library administration, University Library, on 50 percent time, September 18-20, 1995 NY50 , at an annual salary of 20,750, and on 100 percent time, beginning September 21, 1995 N100 , at an annual salary of 41,500. GREGORY K. YOUNGEN, physics astronomy librarian and assistant professor of library administration, University Library, beginning September 21, 1995 NY , at an an... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1994)
  • 1995: ...ember 21, 1995 N100 , at an annual salary of 41,500. GREGORY K. YOUNGEN, physics astronomy librarian and assistant professor of library administration, University Library, beginning September 21, 1995 NY , at an annual salary of 48,000. Administrative Staff LOUIS S. BINDER, associate dean of student affairs, College of Medicine at Chicago, on 82 percent time, physician surgeon in emergency medicin... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1994)
  • 2000: ...WOHLERS HALL n Dedication Ceremonies September 21, 2000 College of Commerce and Business Administration University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign ,e are grateful to the University of Illinois for many things but particularly for the far-ranging education... (Dedication - Wohlers Hall)
  • 2000: On September 21,2000, in recognition of their lead gift, Commerce West is being renamed Wohlers Hall. Room 260 will be called the Judd D. Malkin Dean's Suite and Room 141 will be known as the Neil G. Bluhm Lecture Hall. ... (Dedication - Wohlers Hall)
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