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Caption: Dedication - Foellinger Auditorium This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

T*-f he Auditorium has played a major role in the University's history for mote than three quarters of a century. Early planners of the Unixiersiiy^sdevetopment envisioned a structure that would serve as a southern boundary to the Quadrangle while providing a local point around which the campus's future growth could be established. Clarence Howard Blackall (Class of 18771, creator of the Bowdoin Theatre in Boston, one of the Urhana campus's planners, and architect of the Auditorium said: "Our University of Illinois wffl focus about the Auditorium. This building is located upon the only commandit^ site of the entire grounds, at the crest of the slight rise towards the south from Green Street, where it will form the center of the growth for many years to come, so that ultimately this structure which now seems in a way Ear to the south will be surrounded on all sides by large and developed schools." A number of possible uses for such a building were discussed, and in 1905 the University Board of Trustees approved plans to construct a multipurpose facilityforconcerts, lectures, and other events.
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