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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

i95o] Degrees U N I V E R S I T Y OF I L L I N O I S 1197 Urbana Conferred June 18, 1950, at GRADUATE COLLEGE D e g r e e of D o c t o r of P h i l o s o p h y In Agricultural Economics GLEN THURSTON NELSON, B.S., M.S., Utah State Agricultural College, 1942, 1947 DONALD BIRTALL WILLIAMS, B.S., Sydney University, 1943; B.Com., Melbourne University, 1947; M.S., 1949 In Agronomy DENTON EUGENE ALEXANDER, B.S., 1941 PAO H U A L I U , B.S., M.S., National Central University, 1940, 1944 R U H - H W A M A , B.S., University of Nanking, 1934; M.S., 1946 In Animal Science KENNETH A U S T I N BURKE, A.B., A.M., McMaster University, 1944, 1945 GEORGE EDWARD ROBINSON, JR., B.S., Alcorn Agricultural and Mechanical College, 1942; M.S., 1945 In Bacteriology BERNARD ALBERT STEINBERG, A.B., New Y o r k University, 1947; M.S., 1948 In Botany JOHN WALTON HALL, B.S., M.S., Massachusetts State College, 1940, 1942 TAKUMA TANADA, B.S., M.S., University of Hawaii, 1942, 1944 In Ceramic Engineering W I L L I A M DANIEL FITZPATRICK, B.S., M.S., 1941, 1947 SUDHIR SEN, B.S., Patna University, 1938; M.S., University of Calcutta, 1940 In Chemical Engineering FRANK OSCAR EKMAN, B.A.Sc, M.A.Sc, University of British Columbia, 1944, 1946 NOEL EDWARD NORMAN, B.S., University of Western Australia, 1943; M.S., 1948 JOHN FREDERICK TAYLOR, B.S., Louisiana State University, 1945; M.S., 1948 ROBERT DANIEL TOOMEY, B.S., M.S., University of Washington, 1945, 1946 In Chemistry ARNOLD HENRY ANDEREGG, A.B., Montana State University, 1940 JOHN LYNDE ANDERSON, B.Chem., University of Minnesota, 1947; M.S., 1948 ROBERT ARCHIE PHILIP ROBERT L Y N N BOHON, B.S., 1946 GIRARD BUYERS, B.S., H a v e r f o r d College, 1943; M.S., 1947 DORNIN CAESAR, B.S., Yale University, 1939; M.S., 1948 EDWARD CARNAHAN, B.S., University of Wisconsin, 1947; M.S., 1948 JEAN VEGHTE CRAWFORD, A.B., Mt. Holyoke College, 1940; A.M., Oberlin College, 1942 HORACE ALBERT D E W A L D , B.S., Allegheny College, 1944 JACOB F U C H S , A.B., New York University, 1944; M.S., 1947 WILLIAM EDWARD GOODE, B.S., M.S., North Texas State -Teachers College, 1946, i°47 BENJAMIN ELMER GREENWELL, B.S., Monmouth College, 1945; M.S., 1948 LEO FRANCIS HENEGHAN, A.B., Illinois College, 1946 HAROLD W A Y N E H I L L , JR., A.B., James Millikin University, 1947; M.S., 1948 CLAUDE RAY HUDGENS, B.S., Southern Illinois University, 1947 ALEX KOTCH, JR., B.S., M.S., Pennsylvania State College, 1946, 1947 GENE FREDERICK LATA, B.S., College of the City of New York, 1942; M.S., 1048 DAVID JACOB M A N N , B.S., Long Island University, 1941; M.S., 1947 WILLIAM RIEDEL MILLER, B.S., Iowa State College, 1946; M.S., 1948 P A U L H E R M A N MOHR, A.B., M.S., 1947, 1948
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