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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
382 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [May Salary 2 056 1 334 1 369 1 289 1 289 1 112 1 112 889 889 292 889 500 (500) (1 000) 389 778 734 734 649 519 867 260 778 667 334 334 334 712 289 345 (344) (689) 289 350 (350) (700) 289 267 267 333 (334) (667) 636 578 289 267 289 178 534 267 267 I 500 1. 2. 34. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 1314. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. English H . F . Fletcher, Professor R. M. Smith, Professor J. T. Flanagan, Associate Professor R. A. Gettmann, Associate Professor S. E. Glenn, Associate Professor E. R. Wasserman, Associate Professor R. B. Weirick, Associate Professor G. P . Haskell, Assistant Professor J. N . Hook, Assistant Professor E. G. Mathews, Assistant Professor ( 3 3 % time) G. B. Stillwell, Assistant Professor C. W . Wilkinson, Assistant Professor (50% time) (See Student Counseling Bureau) (Total Salary) R. H . Moore, Instructor (50% time) A. J. Carr, Instructor J. H . Schacht, Instructor F . G. Townsend, Instructor Margaret French, Instructor ( 8 3 % time) Cornelia Kelley, Instructor (67% time) F . W . Weeks, Instructor in Business English Margaret Bloom, Instructor ( 3 3 % time) A. L. Fellows, Instructor in Business English G. S, Amsbary, Instructor in Business English N . P . Davis, Instructor in Business English G. N . Thomas, Instructor (50% time) W . E. Buckler, Instructor (50% time) J. L. Jackson, Instructor (50% time) George Scouffas, Assistant C. T. Wilkins, Assistant (50% time) R. G. Brooks, Assistant (50% time) (See Student Counseling Bureau) (Total Salary) Sonia Miller, Assistant (50% time) L. M. Magill, Jr., Assistant (50% time) (See Student Counseling Bureau) (Total Salary) Constance Nicholas, Assistant (50% time) W . C. McAvoy, Assistant (50% time) J. H . Dugas, Assistant (50% time) Mrs. Mildred W . Goodner, Assistant (50% time) (See Student Counseling Bureau) (Total Salary) Leland Brown, Assistant in Business English J. T. Maguire, Assistant in Business English J. B. Foster, Assistant (50% time) J. F . Speer, Assistant (50% time) J. D. Bailey, Assistant (50% time) Mrs. Mary Simon, Assistant ( 3 3 % time) Mrs. Josephine Evans, Assistant R. R. Gard, Assistant (50% time) J. E. Bellamy, Assistant (50% time) D. C. Allen, Visiting Lecturer Entomology 28 1. 2. 3. 4. W. W. V. M. P . Hayes, Professor and Head of Department V. Balduf, Professor G. Milum, Associate Professor (50% time) I. Cooper, Assistant (50% time) 1 667 I 369 556 267 3
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