UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 [PAGE 1328]

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Combs, M. W., degree, 1019 Come. Lois B., appointment, 976 Comeforo, J. E,, degree, 929 Comer, Virginia L., appointment, 509, 1151 Comerford, J. E., degree, 467 Comings, E. W., appointment, 377, 556, 1140 Comm, D., degree, 1237 Commanday, R. P., appointment, 36, 95, 638, 650, 832 Commencement, budget, Chicago Professional Colleges, 677 Urbana-Champaign departments, 552 caps and gowns, rental, 393. 5 2 3. 982 platform and awning, appropriation, 995 Commerce and Business Administration, College of, academic freedom, investigation, report, 1189, 1269 advisory committees, 416 appropriation, balance reappropriated, 70, 484 associate dean, appointment, 416 budget, 622, 759 Chicago Undergraduate Division, 390, 723, 805, 1151 degrees conferred, 125, 162, 272, 459, 86i, 934, 1027, 1231 equipment, appropriation, 296 office furniture, purchase, 394 placement bureau, revolving account, 627 research, gift, 007, 1167 secretarial training, curriculum, 299 Commercial Research Laboratories, Inc., purchase. 184 Commercial Solvents Corp., contract, 185. Comminuting machine, Food Technology, purchase, 355 Committees, advisory, Agriculture, 178 Commerce and Business Administration, 416 Education, iqo Labor and Industrial Relations, 365 Pharmacy, QJ6 Veterinary Medicine, 818 Board, executive, election, 286, 1042 financial settlement of contract on Women's Residence Hall, 195 standing. 287 faculty, Blodgett case, report, 1189, 1260 case of Thomas R. Allen, hearing, 1124 wage rates for construction work at Robert Allerton Park, 506 discharge, 941 special, wage rate for construction work at Robert Allerton Park, 993 Commonwealth Edison Co., agreement, electrical service for betatron, go contract, 31, 185, 235, 237 negotiations, power plant for Chicago Professional Colleges, 290 steam service, contract, 358 changes, 492, 516 resolutions, 492, 513 Commonwealth Fund, gift, 167, qio Communication engineering option, electrical engineering, changes, 1179 Communications, doctor's degree, 407 Communications, Division of, dean, appointment. 988 established. 988 Communications Research, Institute of. appropriation- balance reappropriated, 484 budget, 6.S5* 766 radio seminar, funds, gift, 1165 Community development plan, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 71, 486 contract, 355 Community Planning, Bureau of, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 484 budget, 639, 762 Compensation plan and class specifications, nonacademic personnel, amendment, 174

Colburn, W. E., degree, 259 Colby, A. S.» appointment, 384, 594 salary adjustment, 1060 Colby, C. C , appointment, 495, 509 Colby, Mrs. Mary M., appointment, 720, 1191 Colby, \V. W., degree, 851 Coidren, C. L., degree, 1014 fellowship, 339, 1090 Cole, C. C , degree, 268 Cole, D. H., appointment, 613 Cole, D, W., degree, 1223 Cole, Hattie, appointment, 746 Cole, I. W., appointment, 36, 646, 955 Cole, T. K., degree, 462 Cole, Mrs. Judith A., appointment, 743 Cole, L. E., appointment, 757 Cole. Mrs. Margaret C , appointment, 831 Cole, P. R., certificate, 132 Cole, R., fellowship, 339 Cole, R. W-, degree, 1028 Cole, Shirley L., degree, 462 Cole, \V. H,, appointment, 691, 705 research, gifX 68 Coie Nursery Co., purchase, 1065 Coleck, F. H., degree, 864 Coleman, G. C , degree, 262 Coleman, Mrs. Gloria, appointment, 803 Coleman, Mrs. Helene C , appointment, 785 Coleman, R. D., degree, 474 Coleman, R. T., degree, 1031 Coleman, "Ruth B., appointment, 95, 681 Coleman, S. F., degree, 267, 1015 Coleman, Mrs. Shirley W., appointment, 153 resignation, 304 Coleman, Wanda J., degree, 451 Colen, Marilyn E., degree, 1226 Colgrove, R. S., fellowship. 1090 Coll, Cloetta E,, degree, 121 Collagen diseases, research, gift, 1170 Collard, Mrs. Virginia N., appointment, 732 Collegiate Cap & Gown Co., purchase, 393, 523 Collender. S., degree, 1245 Colley, Marguerite L., degree, 464 Collier, H. E., degree, 864 Collier, R. M., appointment, 567 Colliflower, Mary J., degree, 859 Collins. C. D., degree, 471 Collins, C. R., member of advisory committee, 79 Collins, Eunice, appointment, 384, 646, 663, 832 cancellation, 842 Collins, F. G., degree, 465 Collins, J. F., degree, 271 Collins, J. J., Jr., degree, 462 Collins, Lillian A., degree, 1236 Collins, Margaret A., diploma, 1247 Collins, Maurine, appointment, 661, 1088 Collins, Patricia J., appointment, 810, 832 Collins, R. D., degree, 447 Collins, W. L., appointment, 389, 618, 1151 Collins, W. R., appointment, 698. 699 Collins & Levis, contract, 308 Colman, Dorothy, appointment, 789 Colon. W. D., appointment, 877 Colonial Insulator Co., purchase, 305 Colonial Iron Works Co., gift, 907 Colonial-Premier Co., purchase, 306 Colonic dyskinesia, research, gift, 908 Colorimeters, Chemistry, purchase, 305 Colowick, S. P., appointment, 680 resignation, 1008 Colp. J. L., degree, 268 Colstock, R. L., degree, 461 Colt, I), D., Jr,, degree, 127 Colucci, V. V., appointment, 782 Colver, R. C., degree, 1233 Colvin, Doris M., fellowship, 426 Colvin, J. C-, appointment, 95, 550, 551 Combes, H. A., appointment, 640, 1148 Combine, Dixon Springs Experiment Station, purchase, 481