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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1944 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
922 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [April 8 1. Supplies and equipment, 1475 items, essential to dental student course outfits, for the Student Supply Store (Chicago), at a total cost of $2,250.94, divided as follows on the basis of the lowest or equal bids: L. D. Caulk Company, $1,237.50; S. S. White Dental Manufacturing Company, $1,013.44. 2. Textbooks for courses in the Colleges of Medicine and Dentistry for A.S.T.P., N.C.T.P., and civilian enrollees totaling approximately 880 students. Those supplied to government trainees will be subject to reimbursement to the University by the Government, and the remainder will be sold to civilian students, handling costs being added in both cases. It is recommended that the award be made to the following vendors at the prices indicated (all recommendations are to the lowest b i d d e r ) : Discount Award Vendor {per cent) Recommended American Dental Association (publisher) 30-40 ? 352 10 Blakiston Co. (publisher) 20 2 894 40 Chicago Medical Book Co. (supplier) 20 25 426 40 F . A. Davis Co. (publisher) 20 792 00 Paul Hoeber (publisher) 20 858 00 Mack Print Co. (publisher) 16M 891 40 Macmillan Co. (publisher) 20 1 480 00 Medico-Dental Publishing Co. (publisher) 20 545 60 Wiley & Sons, Inc. (publisher) 20 227 25 S. S. White Dental Manufacturing Co. (supplier) 25 131 25 Total S33 598 40 3. 225 No. 1483 Brightline haemacytometers, complete with leatherette cases, for the Student Supply Store (Chicago), from the Spencer Lens Company, the lowest bidder, at a total cost of $1,755. O n m o t i o n of M r . M c K e l v e y , t h e s e p u r c h a s e s w e r e a u t h o r i z e d as recommended. PURCHASES AUTHORIZED (14) A report of the following purchases proposed by the Purchasing Agent and authorized by the Comptroller as emergency actions: 1. One treadmill for use in Physical Education Research in the Department of Physical Education for Men, from A. R. Young of Indianapolis, Indiana, at a price of $1,785. 2. One hydraulic press, 100 ton capacity; one Worthington motor driven pump; one five-horsepower motor;—for the Chemistry Department, for use in National Defense Research, from Stein Equipment Company of New York at their price of $1,865. 3. One million 4% x 9 ^ " penalty envelopes (postage free) for the Extension Service in Agriculture and H o m e Economics, from the Union Envelope Company of Richmond, Virginia, at a price of $1.55 a thousand, or a total cost of $i,S50. O n m o t i o n of M r . M c K e l v e y , t h e a c t i o n of t h e C o m p t r o l l e r in authorizing these purchases w a s approved and confirmed. REPORT OF EMERGENCY PURCHASES OF COAL (15) T h e Comptroller reports that he has approved as emergency transactions the following purchases of coal recommended by the Purchasing Agent and endorsed by the Director of the Physical Plant: 1. Purchases for test purposes at quoted prices: Price per Ton „ , , I otal Company Tons Mine Freight Total Cost Lafayette Coal Co., Livingston, Illinois, mine 1,000 $1.60 #1.30 £2.90 $2,900 Consolidated Coal Co., Mt. Olive, Illinois, mine 500 1.60 1.30 2.90 i,45° 2. Bids received March 24 for April delivery. Orders divided equally between the three lowest bidders on the basis of the highest B.T.U. for one cent as follows:
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