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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1944 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1132 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Engineering Experiment Station, assistant director, appointment, 520 budget, 609 Engineering, Science, and Management War Training, budget, 716 materials for courses, purchase, 172 Engineering services, airport, 792 Engle, D. E., appointment, 7, 548 military leave, 267 Engle, Mrs. Ora M., appointment, 821 Engle, S. H-, appointment, 86, 387, 608, 976 Englis, D. T., appointment, 377, 526, 583, 974 patent, application, 338 English, budget, 588 summer semester, 379, 976 fellows and scholars, 39, 83, 34 2 , 93 1 , 962 students' use, 390 English, C. R., certificate, 833 English, R. M., degree, 429 English, W. J., appointment, 565 military leave, 437 English, W. S., scholarship, 932 decimation, 96S Englund, E., appointment, 43, 618 Engquist, E. H., degree, 422 Engstrom, Elaine R., appointment, 43, 190, 340 Enos, H. I., Jr., appointment, 974 fellowship, 341, 931 Ensign, N. E., appointment, 619, 983 Entomology, budget, 590 summer semester, 380, 977 fellows and scholars, 369, 932 research, insecticidal properties of coal tar chemicals, 330 Entrance examinations, budget, 580 Envelopes, Extension Service in Agriculture and Home Economics, purchase, 922 Epperson, A. T., degree, 417 Epstein, Mrs. Dena P., degree, 539 resignation, 372 Epstein, Lois F., degree, 1011 Epstein, S., degree, 759 Epstein, W. F., degree, 419 Equitable Life Assurance Society, easement of way, 304 Ergtiven, A., degree, 1014 Enckson, A. E., appointment, 43, 408, 632, 650 Erickson, Mrs. Aline W., resignation, 144 Erickson, C. O., degree, 426 Erickson, E. L., appointment, 593 military leave, 101 Erickson, T. E., degree, 816 Erickson, J. L.. degree, 422 Erickson, V. W., degree, 154 Erion, E. F., certificate, 721 Erlandson, Ruth M., appointment, 701, 979 degree, 540 Erley, W. L., degree, 1012 Ernest, H. J., appointment, 583 Ertron, investigation, 78 Erwin, H. P., appointment, 963 Erwin, N. H., appointment, 131, 526, 574590 Erwin, Phyllis B., degree, 419 Eshleman, R. F., appointment, 766 degree, 1009 Espenschied, R. F., degree, 760 Espy, Mary L., degree, 428 Espy, R. M., degree, 880 Espy, W. N., appointment, 383, 614, 980 Esselhaugh, Mrs. Nettie C , appointment, 643, 649 Esser, LaVerne M., degree, 882 Essley, E. L., Machinery Co., purchase, 99 2 Essman, J. W., certificate, 833 Estes, J. E., Jr., degree, 816 Estrin, M., degree, 295 Eroalfarb, D., degree, 292 Emch, A., appointment, 593 Enact, W., appointment, 983 Emergency War Food Administration, agreement, extension work in farm labor supply and distribution, 331 budget, 002, 928 Emig, H. M„ appointment, 689 Emling, M. W., degree, 884 Ending, R. E., degree, 1014 Emmick, R. D., appointment, 765 resignation, 968 Employees, accident insurance, 735 active duty with Illinois Reserve Militia, wages, 403 classifications, 34, 110, 750, 795 compensation plan, 32 councils, 33) n o disability leaves, 877 injuries, budget, 579 medical examinations, 229 salaries and wages, adjustments, 504* 75*> 793, 794, 79S increases, 177, 368 minimum, request, 211 overtime and holidays, 366 policy, 334, 399» 4^2 study, 314 See also Staff. Employer's Fire Insurance Co., insurance, purchase, 906 Employers Liability Assurance Corp., Ltd., bid, 906 Empson, C , military leave, 730 Emshoff, C. W., certificate, 800 Enameled Utensil Manufacturers Council, agreement, 394 Enamel standards, investigation, 394 Endicott, R. B., memher of advisory committee, 164, 800 Endowment funds, budget, 716 Agriculture, 624 Commerce, 600 Dentistry, 682 Fine and Applied Arts, 659 Liberal Arts and Sciences, 581 Library, 698 Medicine, 670 Physical Education, 664 Physical Plant Department, 704 investment, 82, 278, 337,-747, 95* summary, 561 Eng, B. R., certificate, 273 Eng, Mrs. Sara L., appointment, 43, 644 Engdahl, G. W., degree, 422 Engel, E. H., appointment, 284 degree, 430 resignation, 372 Engel, Edith A., degree, i o n Engel, H. A., certificate, 944 Engel, H. E., degree, 296 Engelage, Harriet A., degree, 418 Engelbrecht, LuVerne E., degree, 161 Engeljohn, Mrs. Ethel W., appointment, 131, 57o, 671 authority to sign name of Secretary of Board, 505, 896 Enger, M. L., appointment, 610, 619 leave of absence, 323 Engineering, College of, appropriation, X-ray equipment, 327 budget, 609 curriculum, mining, revisions, 801 degrees conferred, 160, 294, 424, 759, 884, 1014 gift, air condenser, 517 meters, 517 professional degrees, requirements, 202 sanitary engineering option, bachelor's degree, 449 Engineering aides, curriculum, 332
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