Arthur Newell Talbot II, Kenneth's third child, has been in general building construction all of his life, as an estimator, project manager, construction manager, "you name it. I have built hospitals,industrial plants, schools (education facilities as they're called now), office buildings, malls, shopping centers. I also built a tennis ball plant for General Tire Company -- an interesting job! In other words, it's been a diversified general building contracting situation."
Arthur II was born in 1925 at Champaign, Ill. However, he grew up in towns across the country as his family made its home in Wisconsin, Nebraska, Colorado, Arizona, California, South Carolina, Virginia and New York. "Since 1946 I've headquartered in Phoenix," working mostly in the Arizona-Colorado area.
Some of Art's work involved fixing building designer's mistakes. "Ever gone into a building that had 1400 windows, and every one of them leaked?" he asks. "That was a 'fun' job, up at Telluride, Colorado. I'll never forget that as long as I live. They had an architect out of Los Angeles who designed a flat-top, two-story condominium at 10,000 feet in the snow country. And he designed it just like he would if he were putting it down in Southern California. And believe me, every one of those cotton-pickin' windows leaked!"
In 1946, Art met Alice Rawlins, a fellow student at the University of Arizona; they were married in 1949. Alice died in 1967. They had one daughter, Louise Valine Talbot, born in 1952 in Phoenix. In 1968, Art married Marjorie Smith, who at the time was the director's executive assistant at the Arizona Oil and Gas Conservation Commission. Marjorie has two children. Art and Marjorie live in Phoenix.
Arthur's daughter, Louise Talbot Lohman, is a graduate in foreign affairs from the University of the Pacific, Stockton, Calif. She and her husband Joseph Lohman live in Palos Verdes, Calif., and own and operate New York Food Co., Inc., a large catering business in Hermosa Beach. They have two children -- a son, Shane Brendon, born in 1988, and a daughter, Caitlin Margaret, born in 1994.
Virginia Talbot --
Mildred Virginia Talbot
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