UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Today in the History of the University of Illinois

Welcome to the new "Today in the History of the University of Illinois" feature! This is an extremely experimental project to build a database of major events in the University's history, currently totaling more than 500,000. The current database below was compiled using software programs that identified all dates in the pages on this site and in its more than 70,000 pages of digitized historical material. Since all dates were 100% automatically identified, there may be errors, and many date references may refer to routine events. This is a work in progress, please contact University Archives with comments, questions, recommendations, etc. A total of 31 events are recorded for today.

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Extended Matches

Matches from large statistical sources like the Board of Trustees Proceedings can generate thousands of results. These are currently hidden, but you can also view all matches.

Page Matches
  • 1860: ...t of the building and the surrounding grounds was estimated to be 60,000 to 80,000, ftn2 2 but by the time the contract with Reverend Jonathan C. Stoughton's company was finally signed on July 2, 1860, only 19,298.79 was paid. ftn3 3 Of the 193.9 acres purchased, 8 were set-aside as the grounds for the new building, with a 100-acre farm nearby. All in all, the new grounds and their surroundings we... (Champaign and Urbana Institute Building / Old Main University Building)
  • 1860: ...ertainly alive to their opportunities in thus seeking to get a state agricultural college that did not exist to occupy a seminary building that was not yet even on paper. 6 Cultivation On July 2, 1860, the contract between the cities and Stoughton s company was finally signed and the boundaries of what would seven years later become the Illinois Industrial University were set. The company paid 19,... (Life Springs Forth from the Treeless Prarie)
  • 1862: ...ded no pledge of state funds. This lack of funding caused the Board of Trustees to delay construction of the seminary building during their first meeting on August 31, 1861. 2 Ripening On July 2, 1862, when the country was solidly in the throes of the Civil War, President Abraham Lincoln signed the first Morrill Land Grant Act into law, entitled AN ACT Donating Public Lands to the several States a... (Harvest)
  • 1963: ...ofibookstore.uiuc.edu outerweb aboutus.asp http: uofibookstore.uiuc.edu outerweb aboutus.asp ftnref2 2 Board of Trustees Proceedings, July 2, 1963 ftnref3 3 Board of Trustees Proceedings, July 2, 1963 ftnref4 4 http: uofibookstore.uiuc.edu outerweb aboutus.asp http: uofibookstore.uiuc.edu outerweb aboutus.asp ftnref5 5 University of Illinois Archives, Building and Statue Dedication Programs: RS 2 ... (Illini Union Bookstore andAdmin Office Building)
  • 1963: ...inistrative offices entrance. ftn9 9 ftnref1 1 http: uofibookstore.uiuc.edu outerweb aboutus.asp http: uofibookstore.uiuc.edu outerweb aboutus.asp ftnref2 2 Board of Trustees Proceedings, July 2, 1963 ftnref3 3 Board of Trustees Proceedings, July 2, 1963 ftnref4 4 http: uofibookstore.uiuc.edu outerweb aboutus.asp http: uofibookstore.uiuc.edu outerweb aboutus.asp ftnref5 5 University of Illinois Ar... (Illini Union Bookstore andAdmin Office Building)
  • 1963: ... books, which would be purchased through Illini Union reserve funds. The total cost to remodel the area for the bookstore was estimated to be around 42,000 and the project was approved on July 2, 1963. ftn3 3 In 1964 the Book Center finally opened, which stood until 1992, when the Center was absorbed back by the Bookstore and its space in the Union replaced by a computer lab. ftn4 4 Groundbreaking... (Illini Union Bookstore andAdmin Office Building)
  • 1990: ...ello, Fadder, here I am at Camp Granada" based on his experiences there. The University purchased the building in 1988 and the building was rededicated as the Police Training Institute on July 2, 1990. ftn7 7 The Experiential Training Center is a 7-acre training site, complete with "five-story tower with climbing wall, rappel sites, and a zip line along with 12 ground based teambuilding and proble... (Police Training Institute)

Digital Library Matches
  • 1860: On July 2, 1860, arrangements having been made by which the promoters had secured sufficient land and the necessary amount having been subscribed, a contract was made and signed that provided for the erection of the... (Book - History of the University (Powell))
  • 1862: ... ignorance. It was a fact that all interested parties should have known, that congress had, on July 23, 1866, passed an act extending the time five years beyond the date set in the law of July 2, 1862. Those wanting direct location by the legislature ignored this act of congress in saying that Champaign's offer was superior because it had a building ready for occupancy at once while there was no t... (Book - History of the University (Powell))
  • 1862: ...ols, protesting against the bill permitting George Washington University to receive 45,000 a year from the government as an agricultural college, under the provision of the Morrill act of July 2, 1862. Feb. 25 Annual Military Ball. March 8 William L. Abbott was re-elected President of the Board of Trustees for- the ensuing year. March 8-9 Second annual meeting of the Illinois Water Supply Associat... (Book - Early History of University (1916))
  • 1862: ...ings in Chicago. 51 of these G4 buildings have a valuation in excess of 5,000 Figures as at May 1, 1916. Estimated. ,,,ANNALS OF T H E UNIVERSITY 1862 Act passed by Congress, and approved July 2, 1862, donating public lands, on the ratio of 30,000 acres for each Senator and Eepresentative, to the states and territories which would provide colleges for the benefit of Agriculture and the Mechanic Ar... (Book - Early History of University (1916))
  • 1862: ...ng to the history of the movement leading to its adoption, the one individual most directly responsible for the preparation and enactment of the Land-Grant College Act, which was approved July 2, 1862. 7 U. S. C. A., Sec. 301, ff. He was a man of great abilities and wide learning, thoroughly familiar with the history of education and of the great universities of Europe and the United States. Nevin... (Booklet - UI Charter of Freedom (1942))
  • 1862: Approved July 2, 1862. AN ACT to amend the fifth section of an act entitled "An act donating Public Lands to the several States and Territories which may provide Colleges for the benefit of Agriculture and the Mechanic Ar... (Book - History of Illinois Land Grant Endowment)
  • 1862: ...shall seem meet, and to that end to pass a law establishing an institution for instruction in the mechanic arts at Chicago, to carry out, in part, the provision of the Act of Congress of July 2d, 1862. And the undersigned, your petitioners will ever pray, etc. MYRON C. PARSONS,; Committee, THOS. W. BAXTER, CHICAGO, Jan. 28th, 1865. ,DOCUMENT NUMBER 28 The Land Grant Colleges and the 1862 Land Gran... (Book - History of the University (Powell))
  • 1862: ...ent unto your Honorable Body, as follows: That at a meeting of Manufacturers and Mechanics, recently held in Chicago, for the purpose of taking into consideration the Act of Congress, of July 2d, 1862, making appropriation of Public Lands for the purpose of establishing Colleges of instruction in Agricultural and Mechanic Arts the undersigned were appointed a committee to lay before your Honorable... (Book - History of the University (Powell))
  • 1862: ...be published annually, and one copy be transmitted by said corresponding secretary, by mail, free to each of the other colleges endowed under the provisions of an act of congress, approved July 2,1862, entitled" An act donating lands to the several states and territories which may provide colleges for the benefit of agriculture and the mechanic arts;" one copy to the United States secretary of the... (Book - History of the University (Powell))
  • 1862: ...by the Congress of the United States, donating public lands to the several states and territories which may provide colleges for the benefit of agriculture and the mechanic arts, approved July 2, 1862, be and the provisions therein contained, accepted by this state. 2. Be it further enacted, That the Secretary of this state inform the Secretary of the Interior, at Washington, that the State of Ill... (Book - History of the University (Powell))
  • 1862: ...he act of July second, eighteen hundred and sixty-two, shall have expired. APPROVED, July 23, 1866. LAWS OP ILLINOIS AN ACT accepting the donation of Public Lands from Congress, approved July 2d, 1862. SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois, represented in the General Assembly, That the act passed by the Congress of the United States, donating public lands to the several s... (Book - History of the University (Powell))
  • 1862: Approved, July 2, 1862. EXTENSION OF TIME AN ACT to amend the fifth section of an act entitled, "An act donating public lands to the several states and territories which may provide colleges for the benefit of agriculture ... (Book - History of the University (Powell))
  • 1862: ... 8, 1904. The interview is a little fuller in details in regard to some events. Clark Robinson Griggs and the Location of the University I The Morrill Land Grant Act was signed by Lincoln July 2, 1862; and though Illinois delayed her acceptance of its benefits, all attempts to secure a dissipation of the funds made available fell through, and after the adjournment of the Legislature of 1865 it was... (Book - History of the University (Powell))
  • 1862: ...mes were difficult and declared their intention to carry through the project as soon as at all practicable. Thus work on the seminary building was suspended.46 After the land grant act of July 2, 1862, had been signed, Dr. C. A. Hunt of Urbana suggested again that they take advantage of the situation and attempt to secure the location of the proposed agricultural and mechanical college for their u... (Book - History of the University (Powell))
  • 1862: ...is measure which was essentially from the people and for them was in no danger this time of perishing by means of the veto; it became a law without hesitation or constitutional quibble on July 2, 1862, by the hand of President Abraham Lincoln. This bill as finally passed was practically as it was when first introduced. The important changes were to insert thirty thousand acres of land for each mem... (Book - History of the University (Powell))
  • 1862: ... Turner even succeeded in determining the language of the bill which was introduced into congress on December 14, 1857, by Representative Morrill and which was finally enacted into law on July 2, 1862. President Edmund J. James of the University of Illinois has shown very clearly that it could not have been a "mere coincidence that the language of the act of 1862 'to promote the liberal and practi... (Book - History of the University (Powell))
  • 1862: ... December, but it met with an adverse committee report. Senator Benjamin F . "Wade finally introduced it in May, 1862, and after a ready passage by both houses, it was signed by Lincoln on July 2. The act passed was substantially the same as that vetoed. The chief differences were that 30,000 acres, not 20,000, were granted for At this meeting Turner advocated the passage of the Morrill bill; and ... (Book - History of the University (Nevins))
  • 1867: ...n regard to the establishment of agricultural colleges was displayed in a resolution offered by Mr. Eddy on January 12, suggesting the need of haste as the college must be in operation by July 2, 1867, and providing that corporations desiring the location should notify the legislature by the twenty-third day of the session. Not till four days later did a member of the senate, Mr. McConnell, inform... (Book - History of the University (Powell))
  • 1881: ...chairman, was appointed to report on chairs, lectureships, etc., and to suggest the names of suitable persons to fill them. The license to incorporate was issued by the Secretary of State July 2, 1881, to Drs. Jackson, Earle, and the writer and on October 14, 1881, a final certificate of incorporation was issued to Drs. Jackson, McWilliams, the writer, St. John, and Earle, the founders and incorpo... (Book - History of University of Illinois at Chicago (1921))
  • 1913: ..." i t would be desirable to organize ' - inifcific department of dentistry when the medical school shall be well established." i-rl heless, the dental plans went forward vigorously, for on July 2, President James Miimended t h a t the College be reopened on the following Oct. 1, with four years i iM rh school work, the regular standard of the University, as prerequisite. A t o t a l i ,'0,000 for ... (Book - History of University of Illinois at Chicago (1921))
  • 1917: ...of Illinois Bulletin No. 52 ,The Colleges and Schools 247 and on July 10 it left Champaign, this time to begin preparation for overseas service. Pour months later it arrived in Prance, On July 2, 1917, ambulance units 109, 110 and 111, consisting of 36 men each, and recruited at the University in response to a call from the War Department, entrained for Allentown, Pennsylvania, to go into an army ... (Book - 16 Years (Edmund James))
  • 1926: July 2. Her address at present is Royal Oak, Mich. , is Cataloger at the University of Mary Marvland. j versity of Louisiana, Baton Rouge. Florence Blackburn, '21, passed her examinations for a teacher's certifi... (UI Library School Alumni Newsletter - 8)
  • 1928: ...IDENT KINLEY, AUGUST 3, 1928, WITH REFERENCE TO THE SOUTHEATT CAMPUS AREA August 3, 1928 President David Kin leyy University of Illinois DEAR PRESIDENT KINLEY: In answer to your letters of July 2, to each of us,we have given considerable attention to the needs of the University so far as the southeast campus and the Forestry area are concerned. We believe that the Forestry should be considered a p... (Book - 30 Year Master Plan (Tilton & O'Donnell))
  • 1962: ... petitioning for readmission Earliest date for full credit if w i t h d r a w i n g for military service nine weeks completed Labor D a y holiday Last day of instruction Final examinations July 2, Mon., 5 p.m. July 4, W e d . July 19, Thurs., 7 p.m 6, Mon. Aug. Aug. 6, Mon. Aug. 23, T h u r s . Aug. 27, Mon. Sept. 3, Mon. Sept. 0, T h u r s . Sept. 7, Fri.-Sept. X, Sat. 58 , KM n V l III Pet I ICS... (Student Regulations - Undergraduates - 1961)
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