UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Today in the History of the University of Illinois

Welcome to the new "Today in the History of the University of Illinois" feature! This is an extremely experimental project to build a database of major events in the University's history, currently totaling more than 500,000. The current database below was compiled using software programs that identified all dates in the pages on this site and in its more than 70,000 pages of digitized historical material. Since all dates were 100% automatically identified, there may be errors, and many date references may refer to routine events. This is a work in progress, please contact University Archives with comments, questions, recommendations, etc. A total of 210 events are recorded for today.

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  • 1924: ftn7 7 The January 25, 1924 dedication featured addresses by Dean and Professor Emeritus Eugene Davenport on "Making Headway in Scientific Agriculture", as well as its later-namesake, Herbert Mumford, Dean of the College of Agr... (New Agriculture Building / Mumford Hall)

Digital Library Matches
  • 1818: Jan. 25, Tues. . . .Semester examinations. IQ49 Second Semester Feb. 1, Tues (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1948)
  • 1853: ...he meeting, and a resolution passed that that body itself would attend. The call read as follows: i The citizens of Chicago are requested to meet at the South Market Hall this evening, January 25th to take into consideration the subject of establishing an Industrial University and State Normal School, and to petition the Legislature to appropriate the Seminary Fund for that purpose. By order of th... (Book - History of the University (Powell))
  • 1854: ...ar lecturer, and he was followed by agents in every locality, who persuaded men to join the League and subscribe to its funds. One of the chief mass meetings held occurred in Chicago, January 25, 1854, under call of the Council and Mayor and of the Mechanics' Institute, and after a speech by Prof. Turner, resolutions in support of the objects of the Industrial League were adopted. Similar meetings... (Book - History of the University (Nevins))
  • 1854: ..."The Mechanics of Chicago are hereby especially and earnestly requested to unite and turn out en masse, to meet our friends of the league, at SOUTH MARKET HALL, next Wednesday evening, January 25th, at half past seven o'clock. P. Graff, Pres. J. Deer Ives Schovill E. McArthur Nobel Martin S. D. Childs Geo. P. Hansen Directors Mechanics Institute." 1 5 Some of the objections to the plan had been pr... (Book - History of the University (Powell))
  • 1854: ...utions. The physical and social development promoted by it would only increase the demand for the system of liberal education which the colleges then furnished." 17 The mass meeting of January 25 was entirely satisfactory to the friends of the cause; it was presided over by the mayor of the city and was well attended by representatives of all professions, and occupations; "Professor Turner's addre... (Book - History of the University (Powell))
  • 1858: ...ons in motion in the agricultural and other societies in his part of the state. "Turner to Trumbull, January 4, 1858, Trumbull collection, library of congress. "Kennicott to Trumbull, January 25, 1858, Trumbull collection, library of congress; see also appendix, p. 438. i ,Illinois Plan Before Congress 99 He added that President Cary of Farmers college, Ohio, had written him that petitions were be... (Book - History of the University (Powell))
  • 1858: 19 f g j Jan. 25 I g j 26 p. 257 I I , Feb. 1 293 I Royce, Feb. 4 298 I I , Feb. 5 4 1 7 " Morrill, Feb. 24, two petitions 472 I " ; Mar. 10 483 I Royce, Franklin Co., Vermont, Mar. 12 ,Petitions to Congress 35TH 445 MIS.... (Book - History of the University (Powell))
  • 1864: On January 25, 1864, while yet in the Army, he was married to Miss Tina Weedon of Woodbury, Tennessee. For a time Mrs. Smith lived in Illinois but the severity of the climate compelled her to return to her home in the s... (Dedication - Smith Music Hall)
  • 1866: On January 25 a circular letter was issued setting forth the conditions and asking cooperation and support of all citizens. The circular was signed by J. B. Turner, Joseph Morton, and William Brown, who had been chosen... (Book - History of the University (Powell))
  • 1866: ...ty, contrary to the example set by Morgan and Champaign, delayed activity on the vital question of securing the location until the latter part of January. Not until the enabling act of January 25, which gave the light to towns and counties to tax, was passed did McLean become aroused. Once ,248 History University of Illinois started she rushed through all her arrangement within a couple of weeks. ... (Book - History of the University (Powell))
  • 1867: ...ly law bearing upon this subject reads thus: "The faculty of the university shall consist of t h e chief instructors in each of the departments." Act of the General Assembly, approved January 25, 1867, section 10. Without defining the term, t h e committee recommends the constitution for this purpose of the following departments, together with the assignments mentioned of those deemed chief instru... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1894)
  • 1867: ...at any point whatever; and any other corporation in this state may make bids and subscriptions for the purpose of securing said location at any point whatever. 1 This act was approved January 25, 1867. "Within a month the contest for the location of the University, which had narrowed to four counties, Champaign, Logan, McLean and Morgan was decided in favor of Champaign county; and on the 28th of ... (Book - 16 Years (Edmund James))
  • 1867: ...the documents published were extracts from the proceedings of the board of supervisors of Champaign county; also a letter from Supervisor Harnit of Champaign county dated Springfield, January 25, 1867, in which he openly and definitely accused certain citizens of Champaign county of saying to him that they had bought members of the legislature to secure the location of the university for less than... (Book - History of the University (Powell))
  • 1867: APPROVED, January 25,1867. Sess. L. 111., 1867, p. 122. ORGANIZATION AN ACT to provide for the organization and maintenance of the Illinois Industrial University. SECTION i f Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illino... (Book - History of the University (Powell))
  • 1867: ...le counties and cities to raise funds by taxation. This bill was passed by the senate without opposition on January 16, passed by the house on January 23, and signed by the governor on January 25. On January 11 Mr. Eastman of Chicago introduced a bill that asked for a division of the fund to establish a polytechnic school in Chicago. This bill was referred to Mr. Fuller's committee on state instit... (Book - History of the University (Powell))
  • 1870: TUESDAY, JANUARY 25. Morning 9 o'clock Agricultural Chemistry; Prof. A. P. S. Stuart, of the Industrial University. Afternoon, 2 o'clock Soils of Southern Illinois; H. C. Freeman, of the State Geological Surrey, Evening, 7 o... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1870)
  • 1872: ...times and places following: At Dixon, Lee county, commencing on Monday, January 15, at 7 P. M., and continuing, with three sessions daily 9 A. M., 2 P. M. and 7 P . M., until Thursday, January 25, at 9 P. M. At Pontiac, Livingston county, commencing on Monday, January 29, at 7 P. M., and continuing until Thursday, February 1, at 9 P. M. At Avon, Fulton county, commencing on Tuesday, January 30, at... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1872)
  • 1878: ... The hearing on the will was set for the latter part of December, and the University in the meantime executed an appearance. This report was received for record. ,170 BOARD OF TRUSTEES January 25 I now recommend that the Board accept the bequest under the conditions attached to the gift and that counsel for the Morava estate be notified of this action. On motion of Mr. Barr, this bequest was accep... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1934)
  • 1886: , Jan. 25,1886. Hon. S. M. Millard, President Board of Trustees, University of Illinois: The following resolutions were passed by the Thirty-second Annual Meeting of the Illinois btate Teachers'Association, held at... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1886)
  • 1887: ...awyer Lawyer Lawyer Government Clerk June 4, 1887 Lawyer Farmer Miller Nov 30, 1881 Lawyer Teacher Lawyer Civil Engineer Chemist Mrs J R Mann Mrs 0 Ellison Mrs M A Scovell Mrs B F Donnell Jan 25, 1887 Champaign. Chicago. Lloyde, Frank H McLaue, James A B S Moore, Aaron H Morava, Wensel-B S, Capt Patchin, John Pollock, James L B L Richards, Chas L B S Rudy, William D - B S Kutan, Abram R Savage, Ma... (Course Catalog - 1888-1889)
  • 1887: , January 25, 1887 Rantoul. Estep, Jessie Seattle, Wash. Deceased. ,178 UNIVERSITY OP ILLINOIS. Larned, Mary S., Mrs. F. A. Parsons Kingman, Kan. Mahan, Jennie C, Mrs. P. W. Plank Lincoln, Neb. Page, Emma, M. L Manvill... (Course Catalog - 1891-1892)
  • 1887: ...son. Davis, Nancy Jane, Mrs. M. A. Scovell, Lexington, Ky. ,LIST OF GRADUATES. 239 Deardorff, Sarah C, B.S., Mrs. B. F. Donnel, Teacher, Ashland, Kas. Estep, Ida May, died at Rantoul, January 25, 1887. Estep, Jessie, 626 Bradley St., Seattle, Washington. Larned, Mary S., Mrs. M. L. Parsons, King-man, Kas. Mahan, Jennie C, Mrs. P.W. Plank, 1421 H St., Lincoln,Neb. Page, Emma Elizabeth, B.L., with W... (Course Catalog - 1894-1895)
  • 1897: January 25, 1897. Hon. A. J. Miller, State's Attorney, TJrbana, Illinois: DEAR SIR: - It seems well to express to you the earnest desire of all connected with the management of the University that the students who th... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1898)
  • 1897: '' Jan. 25 The name of James Nicholas Brown was enrolled in the Illinois Farmers' Hall of Fame, being the second man . to receive this honor (Book - Early History of University (1916))
  • 1902: URBANA, Jan. 25, 1902. :2o the Board of Irustees, Your Finance Committee begs leave to report that it has examined the vouchers submitted by the Business Manager for the three months ending December 31, 1901, on which war... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1904)
  • 1904: Jan. 25 The secretary presented a notice that Mr. Hay's bond as purchasing agent would expire February 12th, and it was ordered that the bond be renewed for the present amount, 15,000, and that the premium of 25 ... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1910)
  • 1908: ...ed by' the University, and the motion was adopted. The board adjourned. W. L. PILLSBURY, W. L. ABBOTT, Secretary. President. ,1907 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES. 417 Meeting of January 25, 1908. A special meeting of the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois was held at the Palmer House in Chicago, January 25, 1908, pursuant to the following notice which was sent out by the secreta... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1910)
  • 1908: ...ROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES. 417 Meeting of January 25, 1908. A special meeting of the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois was held at the Palmer House in Chicago, January 25, 1908, pursuant to the following notice which was sent out by the secretary, January 16, 1908: Upon t h e call of t h e P r e s i d e n t , Mr. W. L. A b b o t t , t h e r e w i l l be a special m e e t i ... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1910)
  • 1908: ...deals. FIRE; ESCAPE-; IMPROVEMENTS. The Committee on Buildings and Grounds made the following report, which was adopted, and the appropriations asked for were made: CHICAGO, ILLINOIS, January 25, 1908. To the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois: Your Committee on Buildings and Grounds approves recommendations made by the Supervising Architect, Professor White, as follows: 1. The erecti... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1910)
  • 1908: CHICAGO, January 25, 1908. To the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois: Your committee has read and considered the "Plan for the Further Development of the Household Science Department" and makes the following" rec... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1910)
  • 1908: , January 25, 1908. To the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois: Your Committee on Agriculture recommends that Mr. Mosier's salary be made 2,400 from September 1, 1907. Your Committee also recommends that Mr... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1910)
  • 1908: ...e Physics Building. The regular order of business was then taken up, and the secretary presented the minutes of the regular meeting of December 10, 1907, and of the special meeting of January 25, 1908, which were approved as presented. ELECTION OF OFFICERS. Mr. W. L.-Abbott was elected president of the board for the ensuing year. Mr. W. L. Pillsbury was elected corresponding and recording secretar... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1910)
  • 1908: ...dings and Grounds. EEVOCATION OF C. P. A. CERTIFICATE, With, regard to the form of procedure to be followed in the revocation of a C. P. A. certificate see minutes of board meeting of January 25, 1908 , the Secretary presented- the following opinion from Judge Harker : It appears from a petition presented to the Board of Trustees by John Everett, asking for the revocation of a certificate issued t... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1910)
  • 1908: Jan. 25 Approved on motion of Mr. Blair. 4. A request from Assistant Professor E. J. Lake that he be granted leave of absence from September 1, 1908, for one year on half pay, for the purpose of studying in Europ... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1910)
  • 1911: ...iven below at that point, p. 76. The foregoing report of the Committee of the Whole was received for record. It was voted to adjourn to meet at the University in Urbana, on Wednesday, January 25, 1911, to attend the unveiling of the portrait 5 U ,66 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS. Jan. 17 of James J L Brown in the University's Farmers' Hall of Fame, and S to convene for the transaction of business at 9 a.... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1914)
  • 1912: ...ashing 684 ..do High School Life. Advertising 685 ..do Western Union Telegraph Company... Services . 68 ..do The Hamlin Plumbing Company Plumbing 68; Jan. 17 H. E. Cunningham Expenses 68i Jan. 25 Surgical Publishing Company, Advertising 68 . . d o . . . . . C. T. Houzalin Agency ..do ... 6901 ..do Western Journal of Education ..do ... Services . . d o . . . . . Chicago Telephone Company, C. J. Bis... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1914)
  • 1913: ,Meeting of January 25, 1913. A special meeting of the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois was held at the Blackstone Hotel, in the city of Chicago, at 12:30 P.M., on Saturday, January 25, 1913, pursuant to the follo... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1915)
  • 1913: ...ing of January 25, 1913. A special meeting of the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois was held at the Blackstone Hotel, in the city of Chicago, at 12:30 P.M., on Saturday, January 25, 1913, pursuant to the following notice which was sent out by the secretary on January 20, 1913: Upon the call of the president, Mr. W. L. Abbott, a special meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Universi... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1915)
  • 1913: ...of the president, Mr. W. L. Abbott, a special meeting of the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois will be held at the Blackstone Hotel, in the city of Chicago, on Saturday, January 25, 1913, beginning at 12:30 P.M., for the further consideration of the bids on the Stock Judging Pavilion, and for the consideration of such other matters as may be duly presented. When the board convened th... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1915)
  • 1913: ... the new plans for the Stock Judging Pavilion, and also a report of the progress of the work on the new Armory. MINUTES APPROVED. The secretary presented the minutes of the meeting of January 25, 1913, which, on motion of Mrs. Evans, were approved. APPOINTMENTS MADE BY T H E PRESIDENT OF T H E UNIVERSITY. The secretary presented the following report of appointments made by President James to fill ... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1915)
  • 1913: ...Counsel of the University, the question as to the legal status of the contract with English Brothers for this building this point having been referred to the counsel at the meeting of January 25, 1913, page ; and that Dean Harker had given it as his opinion, first, that the vote of the Executive Committee taken January 10, 1913; reported to the board and approved The date in parenthesis is the dat... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1915)
  • 1913: March 5, January 25, 1913, page awarding the contract for this building to English Brothers constitutes a legal contract with that firm irrespective of the signing of a formal document by the officers of the board; and, secon... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1915)
  • 1913: ...the Executive Committee and the State Architect on January 10,1913, exceed the authority which had been given them, their action was approved by the Board of Trustees at its session of January 25. The awarding of the contract, therefore, to English Bros , may be considered as board action, irrespective of the action taken by the Executive Committee and State Architect. Now, if the terms of the con... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1915)
  • 1913: January 25, No. Date. To whom. For what. Amount. 1913. 25 C . J . K e r n 11244 Jan. 11245 ..do W. G. Eckhardt 11246 ..do A.A.Armstrong 11247 ..do C. C. Pervier 11248 . . d o . . . . . E. R. Barker 11249 ..do . Cora... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1915)
  • 1915: ...y of Illinois was held at Hotel LaSalle, in the city of Chicago, at 10.00 a. m., on Saturday, January 30, 1915, pursuant to the following notice which was sent out by the Secretary on January 25, 1915: Upon the call of the President, Mr. W. L. Abbott, there will be a special meeting of the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois a t Hotel LaSalle, in Chicago, on Saturday, January 30, 1915,... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1916)
  • 1915: January 25, 1915. Venning, Frank L.., Instructor in Landscape Design, for four months beginning February 1, 1915, at a salary of one hundred twenty-five dollars 125 a month (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1916)
  • 1915: 17 5054 Jan. 25 Geo. Schiff 5055 . d o . . . . A. R. Grindley 5056 .do.... H . I . Nelson 5057 . do.... Ralph Smith 5058 . do.... E. J. Percival 5059 .do O. A. Mclnnes 5060 .do H H. Krukewitt, Homer 5061 .do.... W. J. Wi... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1916)
  • 1915: ...69 ..do J. A. Detlefsen 170 ..do 171 ..do.... F. K. Robeson 172 ..do.... Geo. E. Frazer, Comptroller 173 Jan. 20 L. E. Knorr, Assistant Comptroller 174 ..do.... Bausch Lomb Optical Co 175 Jan. 25 J. E. Morgan 176 ..do.... J. M. Mylroie 177 Jan. 27 Champaign Seed Co 178 ..do.... Fuller-Morrison Co 179 Jan. 28 J. E. Whitchurch 180 ..do.... M. J. Prucha 181 ..do.... F. A. Pearson J. M. Barnhart 182 .... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1916)
  • 1915: Jan. 25 L. E. Knorr, Assistant Comptroller (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1916)
  • 1915: ... C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C 1915 739 Jan. 22 G. E. Stechert Co 740 ..do.... Chicago Medical Book Co 741 ..do.... Smith Totman Co 742 ..do.... Henry Kraemer 743 ..do.... The Burr Co 744 Jan. 25 A. C. McClurg Co 745J ..do.... James G. Biddle 746 ..do.... Chas. Mollet 747 ..do.... Studebaker Corporation of America, 748 ..do.... The Western Electric Co 749 . do The Holtzer-Cabot Electric Co 750 ..d... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1916)
  • 1915: L aO 5927 Jan. 25 Pay roll Shaw, Hazel Y 0 5928a . . d o . . . . 0 5929a . . d o . . . . 0 5930a . . d o . . . . L. E. Knorr, Assistant Comptroller 0 5931a . . d o . . . . Burroughs Adding Machine Co 0 5932a . . d o . . . ... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1916)
  • 1915: ...AND EQUIPMENT VOUCHERS Continued. 655 No. 1915 To whom. For what. Amount. O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 5939a Jan. 25 G. A. Garrison . 5940a . . d o S t a n d a r d Cap Seal Co 5941a,.. d o . . . . J. Adams Puffer 5942a . . d o . . . . E. K. Donoho 5943a . . d o . . . . Maud C. Hessler 5944a .-.do.... J. P. Stout 5945a,.... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1916)
  • 1915: ...lom W194 . . d o . . . . L. E. Knorr, Assistant Comptroller... W195I Jan. 22 J. F. Schnellbach W196 ..do. B. A. Strauch W197 ..do. Rogers Hall Co W198 ..do. Pay roll: Ricketts, Hazel W199 Jan. 25 Ralph Hilscher W200 ..do. J. F. Schnellbach W201 ..do. M. C. Sjoblom W202 ..do. H. F. Ferguson k W203 Jan. L. E. Knorr, Assistant Comptroller.. W204 Jan. Paul Hansen W205 ..do. Ernst Hertzberg Sons W206 J... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1916)
  • 1916: January 25, 1916. French, H. E., Graduate Assistant in Chemistry, for five months beginning February 1, 1916, at a salary of thirty dollars 30 a month (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1916)
  • 1916: January 25, 1916. Robinson, R. E., Instructor in Mechanical Engineering, from February 7, 1916, to June 30, 1916, with salary at the rate of one hundred twenty dollars 120 a month (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1916)
  • 1916: Jan. 25, "No. Date. To whom. For what. Amount. 1916 4854 Jan. 25 Buffalo Meter Co 4855 ..do.... The Hoppes Mfg. Co 4856 ..do.... H. S. Capron, Treasurer. 4857: ..do.... M. E. Thompson, Cashier 4858 ..do.... M. E.... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1916)
  • 1916: 1916 4854 Jan. 25 Buffalo Meter Co 4855 ..do.... The Hoppes Mfg. Co 4856 ..do.... H. S. Capron, Treasurer. 4857: ..do.... M. E. Thompson, Cashier 4858 ..do.... M. E. Thompson, Cashier 4859 ..do.... M. E. Thompson, Cashier ... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1916)
  • 1916: W o o d 90 Jan. 25 M. E. Thompson, Cashier. 91 ..do.... F. H. Whittum 92 ..do.... J. M. Lindgren 93 ..do.... Mr. Steinhoff 94 Jan. 28 J. F. Brandon 95 ..do.... R. H. Perrott 96 ..do.... E. T. Gants 97 ..do.... L. C. MacMill... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1916)
  • 1916: 321 Jan. 25 M. E. Thompson, Cashier.. 3221 do... M. E. Thompson, Cashier.. 323 Jan. 27 Flanigan-Pearson Co 324 .do.... Florence E. Watson.... 3251Jan. 28 The Globe-Wernicke Co 326 do. Illinois State Reformatory. 327 ... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1916)
  • 1916: do I 5621 Jan. 25 M.E.Thompson Cashier Sundry bills I 5622 . . d o . . . . M. E. Thompson Cashier Labor bills I 5623 ..do.... M. E. Thompson. Cashier ..do I 5624 ..do.... L. M. Wakley Salary, January, 1916 I 5625 ..do.... ... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1916)
  • 1916: 174 Jan. 25 M. E. Thompson, Cashier. Sundry bills 175 Jan. General supplies. C. H. Besly Co 176 . do.. Maas Brothers ..do 177 . . d o . . Fuller-Morrisson Co ..do Gas. 178 . . d o . . The Peoples Gas Light Coke Co. 1... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1916)
  • 1916: Jan. 25 M. E. Thompson, Cashier c 121 ..do. Peck Hills Furniture Co c 122 123 c 124 ..do. The Inner Braced Furniture Co ..do. Spencer Lens Co c Co o 125 ..do. Taylor Instrument and Fortnightly Notes Alumni Quarte... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1916)
  • 1917: ...nuing until December 31, 1916, at a salary of forty dollars 40 a month, subject to the rules of the Civil Service Commission. October 21, 1916 . The Board adjourned. URBANA, ILLINOIS, January 25, 1917 I certify that in the foregoing pages, numbered 179 to 192, inclusive, is contained the record of the transactions of the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois at its meeting of December 12... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1918)
  • 1917: ...ems to dispose rather thoroly of the contention that the University of Illinois is subject to the State Superintendent of Printing. Sincerely yours, H. E. CUNNINGHAM Secretary OPINION January 25, 1917 State Matters: Printing for University of Illinois Hon. Andrew Russel, Auditor of Public Accounts, DEAR SIR: Springfield, Illinois I am in receipt of your letter of January 22, 1917, in which you enc... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1918)
  • 1918: January 25, 1918 . Bockius, Doris E., Graduate Assistant in Chemistry, for five months beginning February 1, 1918, at a salary of thirty dollars 30 a month (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1918)
  • 1918: January 25, 1918 . Lovewell, Gladys, Assistant in Physical Training for Women, from January 1, 1918, to July 1, 1918, at a salary of sixty dollars 60 a month (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1918)
  • 1918: January 25, 1918 . Nolan, A. W., Assistant Professor in the College of Agriculture and Agricultural Experiment Station, at a salary of thirty-six hundred dollars 3,600 a year, from January 1, 1918, to June 30, 1918; ... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1918)
  • 1918: January 25, 1918 . Singer, H . D., Acting Head of the Division of Neurology of the College of Medicine until August 31, 1918, without salary; this is in addition to his position as A ssociate Professor of Psychiatry ... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1918)
  • 1918: January 25, 1918 . Simmons, Gertrude, Nurse in the Dispensary of the College of Medicine, at a salary of sixty dollars 60 a month, beginning December 1, 1917, and continuing until further notice, subject to the rules... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1918)
  • 1918: January 25, 1918 . Vaubel, Daniel, Stenographer in the United States School of Military Aeronautics, at a salary of sixty dollars 60 a month, beginning when he reports for work, and continuing until further notice. D... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1918)
  • 1919: January 25, 1919. Lapp, C. J., Assistant in Physics, from January 3,1919, to June 30,1919, on parttime, at a salary of sixty dollars 60 a month (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1920)
  • 1919: January 25, 1919. McCombs, F. H., Graduate Assistant in Chemistry, for six months, beginning January 1, 1919, at a salary of thirty dollars 30 a month (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1920)
  • 1919: January 25, 1919. Stockham, D. W., Student Assistant in Foundry Work in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, from January 1,1919, to June 30,1919, at a salary of twenty: five dollars 25 a month, January 27, 1919... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1920)
  • 1919: , Jan. 25, 1919. DAVID KINLEY Vice President FRANK C. HENDRY Approved: EDMUND J. JAMES Capt. U. . A y Commandant President, University of Illinois This agreement was approved. MEDICAL SCHOLARSHIPS 62 Letter from the... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1920)
  • 1919: ...apidly the lessons of cooperation. He has an enormous network of organizations of producers and of consumers, supported by credit asso9. The text of this decree is printed in The Nation, Jan. 25, 1919 International i0. the mteresting booklet by J. W. Bubnoff: "The Cooperative Movement in Rutsia", Manchester, 1917. Ca nS Ct ,People's Bank of Moscow serving is the fin ciations, wit ancial ,UIVC hear... (War Publications - WWI Compilation 1923 - Article 22)
  • 1920: ...tions, and details for a new Library building, and to make contract for the construction of the first unit after the appropriation for the building is made." 163 ,164 BOARD op TRUSTEES January 25, On motion of Mrs. Blake, the minutes were approved as corrected and printed on pages 155 to 161 above, M A T T E R S S U B M I T T E D BY P R E S I D E N T K I N L E Y The Board considered the' following... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1922)
  • 1920: ...uary 1, 1921, to September 1, 1921, subject to the rules of the Civil Service Commission. This appointment supersedes his previous appointment. December 21, 1920 ,174 BOARD OF TRUSTEES January 25, Kraus, Fred, Technician in the Chemical Laboratory, in the Department of Physiology and Physiological Chemistry, for seven months and twenty-five days, beginning January 7, 1921, at a salary of ninety-on... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1922)
  • 1921: ...s at the meeting of December 14, 1920, as approved by the Board on January 21, 1921. Secretary of the Board of Trustees ,,MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS January 25,1921 A special meeting of the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois was held at the Blackstone Hotel, in Chicago, at 10 a.m. on Tuesday, January 25, 1921, pursuant to the following notice which ... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1922)
  • 1921: on Tuesday, January 25, 1921, pursuant to the following notice which was sent out by the Secretary on January 19, 1921: On the call of the President, Mr. Robert F. Carr, there will be a special meeting of the Board of Trustees o... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1922)
  • 1921: on Tuesday, January 25, 1921, to consider matters submitted by the President of the University and the Committees of the Board, and such other matters as may be duly submitted. The following members were present: President Carr,... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1922)
  • 1921: ... and this matter was left to the discretion of the President of the University, and the building program was approved. At this point, at 1 p.m., a recess was taken. AFTERNOON SESSION, JANUARY 25, 1921 When the Board convened after the recess, the same members were present as during the morning session. HORTICULTURE BUILDING Mr. Holabird and Mr. Long, of the firm of Holabird and Roche, presented sk... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1922)
  • 1921: ...1 I certify that in the foregoing pages, numbered from 163 to 180, is contained the record of the transactions of the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois at the meeting of January 25, 1921, as approved by the Board on February 18, 1921. Secretary of the Board of Trustees ,MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS February 18, 1921 A special meeting of the Board of ... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1922)
  • 1921: ... vases as a token of their appreciation of his distinguished services as a member and as President of the Board. MINUTES APPROVED The Secretary presented the minutes of the meeting of January 25, 1921. On motion of Mrs Evans, the minutes were approved as printed on pages 163 to 180 above. 181 ,182 BOARD OF TRUSTEES February 18, M A T T E R S S U B M I T T E D BY P R E S I D E N T K I N L E Y The B... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1922)
  • 1921: ...lowing vote: Aye, Mr. Abbott, Mrs. Blake, Mrs. Busey, Mr. Carr, Mrs. Evans, Mr. Hoit, Mr. Ward; no, none; absent, Mr. Blair, Mr. Herbert, Mr. Small, Mr. Trimble. ,168 BOARD OF TRUSTEES January 25, A P P O I N T M E N T OF DR. G. E. GIBSON 16 A request for authority to appoint Dr. George E. Gibson as Associate Professor of Physical Chemistry, at a salary of 4500 a year, beginning September 1, 1921.... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1922)
  • 1921: ... the Department of Home Economics, from February 1, 1921, to June 30, 1921, at a salary of two hundred dollars 200 a month. January 18, 1921 ,176 BOARD OF TRUSTEES COMPTROLLER'S REPORT January 25, President Kinley presented also for record the report of the Comptroller for the quarter ending December 31, 1920. REALIZATION O F INCOME AS AT D E C E M B E R 31, 1920 Original Budget Estimate Received ... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1922)
  • 1921: ...e for the enforce. ment of the regulations already adopted by the Board of Trustees in regard to these matters see minutes of March 9, 1920, page 753, December 14, 1920, page 156, and January 25, 1921, page 166 , and in general for the handling of them in accordance with the following provisions: 1. Every offer of a gift or a loan shall be reported by its recipient to the President of the Universi... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1924)
  • 1921: ... of the inadequacy of our dairy herd and of the physical equipment of the Dairy ,142 BOARD OF TRUSTEES M a r c h 12, Department. Accordingly, I recommended to the Board of Trustees on January 25, 1921, the appointment of a commission to study and report on the whole subject. B y authority of the Board, I appointed on that commission the following: Mr. George A. Fox, Sycamore Mr. W . A. Brewerton, ... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1924)
  • 1921: ... the relations and obligations of the Department of Dairy Husbandry to the dairy industry of the State and to the State as a whole. A similar commission was authorized by the Board on January 25, 1921, and the Commission made its report on February 1, 1923, which was submitted to the Board on March 12, 1923 Minutes, page 141 . So much time has elapsed and so many changes have taken place since tha... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936)
  • 1921: ... the relations and obligations of the Department of Dairy Husbandry to the dairy industry of the State and to the State as a whole. A similar commission was authorized by the Board on January 25, 1921, and the Commission made its report on February 1, 1923, which was submitted to the Board on March 12, 1923 Minutes, page 141 . So much time has elapsed and so many changes have taken place since tha... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936)
  • 1922: January 25, 1922 x Behrens, M. A., Assistant in Business Organization and Operation, for five month, beginning February 1, 1922, at a salary of one hundred twenty dollars 120 a month (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1922)
  • 1922: January 25, 1922 Fleming, Rex, Student Assistant in Pharmacognosy, for one semester, beginning February 6, 1922, at a compensation of fifty dollars 50 for the period (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1922)
  • 1922: January 25, 1922 Justin, Florence, Assistant in Home Economics, for five months, beginning February 1, 1922, at a salary of two hundred dollars 200 a month (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1922)
  • 1922: January 25, 1922 Law, G. B., Student Assistant in Pharmacy, for one semester, beginning February 6, 1922, at a compensation of fifty dollars 50 for the period. Leonard, E. P., Student Record Clerk, on one-half time, ... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1922)
  • 1922: January 25, 1922 MacNeill, Henry, Instructor in Piano, from February 1, 1922, to June 30, 1922, at a salary of one hundred fifty dollars 150 a month (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1922)
  • 1922: January 25, 1922 Rudolph, R. W., Assistant in Pathology and Bacteriology, on one-half time, for four months, beginning February 1, 1922, at a salary of seventy-five dollars 75 a month (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1922)
  • 1922: January 25, 1922 Sandberg, Hildur L., Stenographer in the Department of Agricultural College Extension, at a salary of eighty dollars 80 a month, from January 1, 1922, to September 1, 1922, subject to the rules of th... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1922)
  • 1922: January 25, 1922 Wood, Mrs. H. M., Senior Stenographer in the Department of Mathematics, at a salary of eighty-five dollars 85 a month, for five months, beginning February 1, 1922, subject to the rules of the Civil S... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1922)
  • 1923: January 25, 1923 Steinert, H . E., Assistant in Chemistry, on one-fourth time, forfivemonths, beginning February I, 1923, at a salary of thirty dollars 30 a month (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1924)
  • 1924: ...t was formed we should have an adequate outlet and then could proceed with the drainage of our own present areas. I submit this report of Professor White, as given in his letter dated January 25, 1924, the report of the engineer, a letter from our Legal Counsel advising as to method of procedure, and a report from the engineer of interviews with land owners along the line of the Embarrass river, a... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1924)
  • 1924: ...College of Agriculture and Director of the Agricultural Experiment Station University of Illinois Read at the Dedication of the New Agricultural Building of the University of Illinois January 25, 1924 ,EDUCATION AND RESEARCH IN AGRICULTURAL PROGRESS "" TN DEDICATING this fine new building for the use of the College of Agriculture and the Agricultural Experiment Station, it seems appropriate to rai... (Dedication - New Ag Building Speech)
  • 1924: ...College of Agriculture and Director of the Agricultural Experiment Station University of Illinois Read at the Dedication of the New Agricultural Building of the University of Illinois January 25, 1924 ,E D U C A T I O N AND RESEARCH IN AGRICULTURAL PROGRESS I N D E D I C A T I N G this fine new building for the use of the College of Agriculture and the Agricultural Experiment Station, it seems app... (Booklet - Agricultural College and Experiment Station (1924))
  • 1927: ...of M r s . Grigsby, this leave w a s granted. LEAVE OF ABSENCE FOR COLONEL W. T. MERRY 6 Colonel W . T. Merry, Commandant,requestsa leave of absence for one month and twenty days from January 25, 1927, to accompany his wife, who is in il health, l to Arizona. I recommend that this leave be granted. O n motion of M r . Armstrong, this leave w a s granted. LEAVE OF ABSENCE FOR MR. THOMAS R. PALFREY ... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1928)
  • 1927: January 25, 1927 Winters, R. H., Assistant in Chemistry, on one-half time, for five months beginning February 1, 1927, at a cash compensation of three hundred dollars 300 . This supersedes his previous appointment.1 ... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1928)
  • 1929: January 25, 1929 Hogan, James Denton, Instructor in Architecture, in the College of Engineering, forfivemonths beginning February 1, 1929, at a cash compensation at the rate of two hundred dollars 200 a month (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930)
  • 1929: January 25, 1929 Preston, Herbert Dodson, Assistant in Animal Husbandry, in the College of Agriculture, beginning February 15 and continuing until September 1, 1929, at a cash compensation at the rate of one hundred ... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930)
  • 1932: January 25, 1932 Medrow, Mrs. Ethel Virginia, Junior Stenographer in the Library, beginning January 16, 1932, and continuing until August 31, 1932, subject to the rules of the Civil Service Commission, at a cash comp... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1932)
  • 1932: ...a s granted. LEAVE OF ABSENCE FOR DR. J. HOWARD BEARD 7 A recommendation that Dr. J. Howard Beard, University Health Officer, be given leave of absence for one month with full pay from January 25 to enable him to undergo surgical treatment. H e expects to be able to return to his duties shortly after the beginning of the second semester. This will involve no additional expense as his colleagues wi... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1932)
  • 1932: ...SITY OF ILLINOIS January 25, 1933 The January meeting of the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois was held at the Palmer House, in Chicago, at 10 o'clock a.m. on Wednesday, January 25, 1932. The following members were present: President Barrett, Mr. Armstrong, Mr. Barr, Mrs. Grigsby, Mrs. Hopkins, Dr. Noble, Mr. Trees, Mr. Williams. President Chase was present; also Judge Johnson, and M... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1934)
  • 1932: ...Board. The Comptroller reports that the Treasurer advised him that on December 26, 1932, the rate of interest on the University's account became one-half of one per cent, and effective January 25 the rate will be one-quarter of one per cent. T h i s r e p o r t w a s received for record. SELECTION OF PRESIDENT O n motion of M r . B a r r , consideration of t h e steps t o be t a k e n with referen... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1934)
  • 1933: ... On motion of Mr. Armstrong, this recommendation was adopted. DATE OF JANUARY MEETING On motion of Mr. Trees, it was voted to hold the January meeting at 10 o'clock a.m. on Wednesday, January 25, 1933, at the Blackstone Hotel, in Chicago. APPOINTMENTS MADE BY THE PRESIDENT The Secretary presented for record a list of appointments made by the President of the University. Andree, Henry Francis, Inst... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1934)
  • 1933: ...previous appointment . December 6, 1932 T h e Board adjourned. H. E. CUNNINGHAM H E L E N M. GRIGSBY Secretary Chairman ,MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS January 25, 1933 The January meeting of the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois was held at the Palmer House, in Chicago, at 10 o'clock a.m. on Wednesday, January 25, 1932. The following members were pres... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1934)
  • 1933: ...llowing vote: Aye, Mr. Armstrong, Mr. Barr, Mr. Barrett, Mrs. Grigsby, Mrs. Hopkins, Dr. Noble, Mr. Trees, Mr. Williams; no, none; absent, Mr. Blair, Mr. Horner. ,168 BOARD OF TRUSTEES January 25 APPROPRIATION FOR RADIO STATION 4 A request from the Director of the University Radio Station for an appropriation of 1,500 to cover the cost of certain mechanical changes in the Station, and certain proc... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1934)
  • 1933: ...ant C L I B R A R Y SCHOOL Olga Skartvedt, Assistant Delia Mathys, Assistant Mrs. Evelyn Kayser Jackson, Assistant Mrs. Nellie Myers McNabb, Assistant ,178 B O A R D OF T R U S T E E S January 25 COLLEGE OF F I N E A N D A P P L I E D A R T S ARCHITECTURE Name E. F . Toth, Instructor H. J. Harman, Assistant W. A. Ganster, Assistant M . R. Dobberman, Assistant J. J. Fiscus, Assistant and Storekeepe... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1934)
  • 1933: ...ployee" as used in this Act, shall be construed to mean: First Every person in the service of the State, including all persons in the service of the University of Illinois on or after January 25, 1933 except members of the instructional, research, and administrative staffs thereof when not, al the time of the injury, actually engaged in an occupation declared to be extra-hazardous in Section Three... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936)
  • 1933: ...OREY, Secretary University Committee on Accident Compensation for Employees SUMMARY OF ACCIDENT C A S E S S E N T TO COURT OF CLAIMS Number of Amount cases Accidents occurring between January 25, 1933, and June 30, 1935 : 38 104286 Accidents occurring between July 1, 1935, and April 1, 1936 21 1 605 51 Claims not reviewed by University Committee but submitted direct by attorneys representing e m p... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1938)
  • 1933: ...ployee" as used in this Act, shall be construed to mean: First Every person in the service of the State, including all persons in the service of the University of Illinois on or after January 25, 1933 except members of the instructional, research, and administrative staffs thereof when not, al the time of the injury, actually engaged in an occupation declared to be extra-hazardous in Section Three... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936)
  • 1934: January 25, 1934 Batchelor, Harold Walter, Student Cataloger in the Library, on one-half time, for seven months beginning February 1, 1934, at a cash compensation at 1 The date in parenthesis is the date on which Act... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1934)
  • 1936: January 25, 1936 Cooper, Helen Margaret, Student Cataloger in the Library, on one-half time, beginning February 10, 1936, and continuing until August 31, 1936, at a cash compensation at the rate of fifty dollars 50 a... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936)
  • 1936: January 25, 1936 Cross, James Martin, Assistant in Chemistry, on one-fourth time, for five months beginning February 1, 1936, at a cash compensation at the rate of thirty dollars 30 a month (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936)
  • 1936: January 25, 1936 Hoover, William Farrin, Assistant in Geology, on one-half time, for five months beginning February I, 1936, at a cash compensation at the rate of sixty dollars 60 a month (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936)
  • 1936: January 25, 1936 Spence, Roderick Wharley, Assistant in Chemistry, on one-third time, for five months beginning February 1, 1936, at a cash compensation at the rate of forty dollars 40 a month (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936)
  • 1936: January 25, 1936 Cooper, Helen Margaret, Student Cataloger in the Library, on one-half time, beginning February 10, 1936, and continuing until August 31, 1936, at a cash compensation at the rate of fifty dollars 50 a... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936)
  • 1936: January 25, 1936 Cross, James Martin, Assistant in Chemistry, on one-fourth time, for five months beginning February 1, 1936, at a cash compensation at the rate of thirty dollars 30 a month (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936)
  • 1936: January 25, 1936 Hoover, William Farrin, Assistant in Geology, on one-half time, for five months beginning February I, 1936, at a cash compensation at the rate of sixty dollars 60 a month (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936)
  • 1936: January 25, 1936 Spence, Roderick Wharley, Assistant in Chemistry, on one-third time, for five months beginning February 1, 1936, at a cash compensation at the rate of forty dollars 40 a month (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936)
  • 1938: January 25, 1938 Bailey, L. E., Laboratory Helper in the Chemistry Department, for seven months beginning February I, 1938, subject to the rules of the Civil Service Commission, a t a cash compensation a t the rate o... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1938)
  • 1938: January 25, 1938 Larsh, Howard W., Assistant in Botany, on one-half time, for five months beginning February 1, 1938, at a cash compensation at the rate of sixty dollars 60 a month (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1938)
  • 1938: January 25, 1938 Larson, Bernt Oscar, Assistant in General Engineering Drawing, in the College of Engineering, for five months beginning February 1, 1938, at a cash compensation at the rate of one hundred fifty dolla... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1938)
  • 1938: January 25, 1938 Riecken, Frank Frederick, First Assistant in Soil Survey, in the Department of Agronomy, in the Agricultural Experiment Station, for seven months beginning February I, 1938, at a cash compensation at... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1938)
  • 1938: January 25, 1938 Rohde, Carl, Special Research Graduate Assistant in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, in the Engineering Experiment Station, on one-half time, for five months beginning February 1, 1938, at a cash c... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1938)
  • 1938: January 25, 1938 Stansifer, Mary, Home Adviser at Large, in the Extension Service in Agriculture and Home Economics, beginning February 7, 1938, and continuing through August 31, 1938, at a cash compensation at the r... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1938)
  • 1938: January 25, 1938 Wood, William G., Assistant in History, on one-half time, beginning February 3, 1938, and continuing through June 30, 1938, at a cash compensation at the rate of sixty dollars 60 a month (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1938)
  • 1938: ... h e members of the Executive Committee of the Board, and this Committee concurred in the recommendation of t h e Committee on Buildings and Grounds. The building has been closed since January 25, except t o the members of t h e faculty who must have access t o their offices in that building and to students who have necessary business therein. These are being admitted by special permits. The Commi... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1938)
  • 1939: ...e said corporation for the uses and purposes in such instrument set forth. Given under my hand and notarial seal this 31st day of July, 1936. DEAN C. HOUK Notary My commission expires January 25, 1939. Notarial Seal Public ,846 BOASD OF TRUSTEES EXHIBIT I LEASE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS FOUNDATION June 29 as Trustee under the Medical and Dental College Building Trust to T H E BOARD O F T R U S T E E ... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936)
  • 1939: ...e said corporation for the uses and purposes in such instrument set forth. Given under my hand and notarial seal this 31st day of July, 1936. DEAN C. HOUK Notary My commission expires January 25, 1939. Notarial Seal Public ,846 BOASD OF TRUSTEES EXHIBIT I LEASE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS FOUNDATION June 29 as Trustee under the Medical and Dental College Building Trust to T H E BOARD O F T R U S T E E ... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936)
  • 1939: ...logg Company U. S. Navy Bureau of Supplies and Accounts For All-Bran Research renewal Experimental Tests of Riveted Joints Amount to be received by the University 12 000 00 2 500 00 Date Jan. 25, 1939 Nov. 15, 1938 M i n o r c o n t r a c t s e x e c u t e d under general regulations of B o a r d of T r u s t e e s : Amount to be paid by the University Schedule Rates With Whom Collegiate Cap and G... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1940)
  • 1940: January 25, 1940 ' Beaumont, Ross Allen, Assistant in Mathematics, on three-fifths time, for five months beginning February 1, 1940, at a cash compensation at the rate of ninety dollars 90 a month this supersedes his... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1940)
  • 1941: ..., extension of sick leave from January 24 through February 27, 1941, with full pay. Mr. John Henry, laborer in the Physical Plant Department, sick leave from December 7, 1940, through January 25, 1941, with full pay. Dr. E. M. Lyman, Associate in Physics, Dr. N. F. Ramsey, Jr., Associate in Physics, and Dr. M. H. Kanner, Instructor in Physics extension of leaves without pay through August 31, 1941... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1942)
  • 1941: ...041. Dr. L. L. McQuitty, Associate in Psychology and Counselor, Personnel Bureau, one year from February 1, 1941. D r . E. E. P . Seidmon, Instructor in Bacteriology and Public Health, January 25 through August 31, 1941. D r . Samson D. Entin, Assistant in Medicine, February 1 through August 31. 1941 D r . H a r r y J. Yellen, Assistant in Medicine, February 1 through August 31, 1941. D r . Zigmor... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1942)
  • 1943: January 25, 1943 COOLSEN, FRANK GORDON, Assistant in Economics, on three-fourths time, beginning February 1, 1943, and continuing through June 30, 1943, at a salary at the rate of one hundred five dollars 105 a month... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1944)
  • 1943: January 25, 1943 S M I T H , JAMES ALFRED, Assistant in Physical Education for Men, on one- fourth time, beginning February 8, 1943, and continuing through May 31, 1943, at a salary at the rate of fifty dollars 50 a ... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1944)
  • 1943: ...nce to cinder drive. Do finished grading around building and plant grass seed 515 00 Provide interior painting as directed 450 00 Total estimated cost 2 665 00 Original contract dated January 25, 1943 31 500 00 Other additions 1 352 84 Contract change order No. 6 present order 2 665 00 Total 35 517 84 Orders for this supplementary work were placed with King and Petry, Champaign, general contractor... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1944)
  • 1944: ...stant in Chemistry resignation effective February I, 1944. WALKER, R U T H , Assistant Clerk-Typist in the Extension Service in Agriculture and H o m e Economics resignation effective January 25, 1944. WILLIAMS, M R S . MARJORIE M., Junior Clerk-Stenographer in the Department of Entomology resignation effective February 16, 1944. WINKLER, PAUL WALTER, Junior Library Assistant in the Catalog Depart... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1944)
  • 1945: January 25, 1945 BATES, ETHELLE CAROLINE, Staff N u r s e in the Research and Educational H o s pitals, for eight months beginning January I, 1945, subject to University Civil Service rules, at a salary at the rate o... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1946)
  • 1945: January 25, 1945 BRUNER, IDA BLANCHE, Assistant in H o m e Economics, in the College of Agriculture, for four months beginning February 1, 1945, at a salary at the rate of one hundred fifty dollars 150 a month (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1946)
  • 1945: January 25, 1945 CARROLL, EMMA, Staff N u r s e in the Research and Educational Hospitals, for eight months beginning January 1, 1945, subject to University Civil Service rules, at a salary at the rate of one thousan... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1946)
  • 1945: January 25, 1945 CHASE, ROBERT ELLIS, Assistant in Obstetrics and Gynecology, in the College of Medicine, for seven months beginning February 1, 1945, without salary (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1946)
  • 1945: January 25, 1945 ENOS, HERMAN ISAAC, JR., Assistant in Chemistry, on three-fourths time, for four months beginning February 1, 1045, at a salary at the rate of one hundred twenty-three dollars seventy-five cents 123.... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1946)
  • 1945: January 25, 1945 GINGRICH, FRANKLIN FORREST, Assistant State F a r m Labor Supervisor of Victory F a r m Volunteers, in the Extension Service in Agriculture and H o m e Economics, for one year beginning January 1, 10... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1946)
  • 1945: January 25, 1945 MARTIN, DOROTHY ELAINE, Assistant in Chemistry, on one-half time, for four months beginning February 1, 1045, at a salary at the rate of eighty-two dollars fifty cents 82.50 a month (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1946)
  • 1945: January 25, 1945 RODKEY, FREDERICK STANLEY, Professor of History, on indefinite tenure, beginning February I, 1945, at a salary at the rate of four thousand four hundred dollars 4400 a year this supersedes his previo... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1946)
  • 1945: January 25, 1945 SIMRALL, DOROTHY V A N W I N K L E , Assistant in Psychology, for five months beginning February 1, 1945, at a salary at the rate of one hundred thirty-two dollars 132 a month this supersedes her pre... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1946)
  • 1945: January 25, 1945 T E W , PATRICIA ROSE A N N , Junior Laboratory Assistant in Neurology and Neurological Surgery, in the College of Medicine, for eight months beginning January 1, 1945, subject to University Civil Se... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1946)
  • 1946: ...g and College of Agriculture buildings. Bids were taken on January 21, but they were so much higher than the estimates that they were rejected. New bids were called for and received on January 25, and a tabulation thereof is submitted. Director Havens and Comptroller Morey recommend the award of the contract to the lowest bidder, Whetzel Brothers, at a guaranteed maximum price of 16,940, the contr... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1946)
  • 1946: ...Secretary presented the minutes of the meeting of December 28, 1946. On motion of Mr. Davis, the minutes were approved as printed on pages 191 to 214 above. 21 5 ,2l6 BOARD OF TRUSTEES January 25 MATTERS PRESENTED BY PRESIDENT STODDARD The Board considered in executive session the items on the agenda and took action on the following matters presented by the President of the University. ADDITIONAL ... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1948)
  • 1946: Stems January 25 C. A. Petry E. N. DeAtley Sons 1. Guaranteed maximum cost plus fixed fee: Cost 23 000 Fixed fee 3 400 2. Fixed fee with estimate only of the total cost, without guarantee: Fixed fee 2 230 3 200 Estimated ... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1948)
  • 1946: ...prox. 1 899 00 64.2 9 0 ,224 Item Employers' Liability Insurance Policy 1,854 tablet arm classroom chairs BOARD OF TRUSTEES Department Business Office, Bursar Physical Plant, Galesburg January 25 Cost i 412 07 18 261 90 Vendor Liberty Mutual Insurance Company of Chicago Peabody Seating Co. O n motion of Mr. Davis, the action of the Comptroller in authorizing these purchases was approved and confir... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1948)
  • 1946: On January 25 bids were submitted to the Board showing a total cost of 1,615,775 for the building. The Board approved the award of the contracts to the extent possible within the present appropriation on the understand... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1948)
  • 1947: ...ch equivalent in instructional time and credit to a semester. T h e first term would begin with freshman registration on September 20, 1946 instruction to begin September 25 , and end January 25, 1947; the second semester would begin February 3 and end May 29, 1047; the third or summer term would begin June 9 and end September 27, 1047. M r . Davis reported that the Committee on General Policy rec... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1946)
  • 1947: ...C A., Research Assistant, Pharmacology, Materia Medica, and Therapeutics Medicine resignation effective 12-1-46. ,MEETING O F T H E B O A R D OF TRUSTEES OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS January 25, 1947 T h e J a n u a r y meeting of the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois was held on Saturday, J a n u a r y 25, 1947, at the University Club, 76 East Monroe Street, Chicago, according to t... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1948)
  • 1947: ... to cover the outside possible cost of the purchase of the Clark property was referred to the Committee on Buildings and Grounds for appraisal and recommendation to the Board Minutes, January 25, 1947, page 216 . M r . McKelvey commented on this matter a n d recommended that the a p p r o p r i a t i o n be m a d e . O n m o t i o n of D r . M e y e r , t h i s p u r c h a s e w a s a u t h o r i ... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1948)
  • 1947: ...tees on September 24, 1946 Minutes, page 4 3 . . . . . . . 3 554 178 2. Galesburg Undergraduate Division at Mayo General Hospital, covering budget approved by the Board of Trustees on January 25, 1947 Minutes, page 220 1 916 818 3. Auxiliary activities food service and housing at the Chicago and Galesburg Undergraduate Divisions income only 1 432 150 4. Increase in University income allowed for in... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1948)
  • 1947: ...NG LABORATORY 26 Bids were received on February 4 for electrical work in connection with remodeling Room 215 Electrical Engineering Laboratory. See Minutes, July 30, 1946, page 9, and January 25, 1947, page 221, for appropriation and previous bids. Bids were received under three plans: 1 on the basis of a guaranteed maximum cost plus fee in addition; 2 cost plus fixed fee, with cost estimated only... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1948)
  • 1947: ...for this research program, they will be valuable to the department on a long-time basis. Bids for the general work and electrical work already have been received and approved Minutes, January 25, 1947, page 221, and February 27, 1947, page 271 . Bids were received on March 11, 1947, for heating and miscellaneous piping, plumbing, and vacuum cleaning and air conditioning. T h e lowest bidder on all... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1948)
  • 1947: ...oposed, the building would not be completed but ,1947 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 317 additional appropriations will be requested in accordance with the authorization of the Board Minutes, January 25, 1947, page 227 . The additional sums would increase funds for this project to 1,602,000. Consideration is being given to changes in the internal arrangement and ihe exterior design of the building. These ... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1948)
  • 1947: ...equested an increase of 2,350 in contract with A. S. Schulman Electric Company for new service connections to Temporary Cafeteria Building. The original contract approved by the Board January 25, 1947 did not provide for such connections, since the requirements service connections were not known. They have now been determined and requested increase provides for them. Funds are available for this i... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1948)
  • 1947: ...of 21,084. The Board of Trustees on April 24 Minutes, page 342 made an appropriation for this improvement. This report was received for record. REAPPROPRIATION OF BUILDING FUNDS 33 On January 25, 1947, the Board of Trustees authorized a request to the 65th General Assembly of Illinois for the reappropriation of funds remaining unexpended as of June 30, 1947, in the appropriations made by the 64th ... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1948)
  • 1947: ...nstructed large enough to accommodate the new Fine Arts Building when the latter is built. The original contract was for the main distribution tunnels and was approved by the Board on January 25, 1947. The addition to the contract now proposed is for the branch line to the buildings. This work can be completed by September I, and funds are available. 3. Award of a contract, in the amount of 14,020... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1948)
  • 1947: ...h the A. S. Schulman Electric Company for electric cable service to the Electrical Engineering Building and the Women's Residence Halls. The original contract approved by the Board on January 25, 1947 did not provide for such service, since the requirements were not known at that time. They have now been determined and the requested increase provides for them. Funds are available for this increase... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1948)
  • 1947: ... the Electrical Engineering Building. This addition will provide for a lightning protection system which was not included in the original contract approved by the Board of Trustees on January 25, 1947 Minutes, page 229 . 2. An addition of 2,000 to the contract with the John Felmley Company for general work on the Electrical Engineering Building. The original contract was approved by the Board of T... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1948)
  • 1947: ...addition of 2,000 to the contract with the John Felmley Company for general work on the Electrical Engineering Building. The original contract was approved by the Board of Trustees on January 25, 1947 Minutes, page 229 . This addition will provide for the acceptance of an alternate bid providing for the installation of weather strips submitted at the time of the original contract, but which was no... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1948)
  • 1947: ...pital expenditures and a recurring appropriation of 7,000 for annual operation and maintenance expense. September 8, 1947 1. Additions to contracts awarded by the Board of Trustees on January 25, 1947, for the construction of the Utilities Distribution System at UrbanaChampaign: Warner Construction Company construction of tunnels and conduits . 442 210 W. A. Pope Company piping in steam distributi... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1948)
  • 1947: ...ISTRIBUTION TUNNELS 10 W. A. Pope and Company, Chicago, are installing piping in the heat tunnel of the Utilities Distribution System under a contract awarded by the Board of Trustees January 25, 1947 Minutes, page 228 . One division of the original bid provided for a line to the site of the new Veterinary building. Since funds are not available for the construction of this building, it is not nec... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1948)
  • 1947: ...halt tile in the Machine Laboratory in the new Electrical Engineering Building to a grease-proof type. The original contract with the John Felmley Company was approved by the Board on January 25, 1947 Minutes, page 229 . This change is requested by the Electrical Engineering Department, as the oil to be used in the Machine Shop is detrimental to the ordinary type of asphalt tile. T h e extra cost ... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1948)
  • 1947: ...2,180.77 i n the contract with W. T. Mahoney and Sons, contractors for the plumbing work on the new Electrical Engineering Building. The original contract was approved by the Board on January 25, 1947 Minutes, page 229 . This increase is to provide for additional gas, water, and compressed air outlets in certain ground floor rooms of the building, as requested by the Department of Electrical Engin... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1948)
  • 1947: ...S. Schulman Electric Company, Chicago, for the electrical work in the construction of the utilities distribution system. The original contract was approved by the Board of Trustees on January 25, 1947 Minutes, page 228 . When plans and specifications were prepared for this work, it was the opinion of Sargent and Lundy, Engineers, Chicago, that the number and location of cable racks in existing man... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1948)
  • 1947: ...or the Drug Plant Experimental Station near the Morton Arboretum in DuPage County. This firm has achieved a national reputation in the field of functional archi- ,220 BOARD OF TRUSTEES January 25 tectural design. T h e amount of land available for this project, the open and rolling character of the country, and the relation of building requirements to farming and other out-of-door activities point... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1948)
  • 1947: .... Cooperating teachers appointed by the President of the University page 234 . The Board adjourned. H. E. C U N N I N G H A M PARK LIVINGSTON Secretary President ,230 BOARD OF TRUSTEES January 25 APPENDIX APPOINTMENTS MADE BY THE PRESIDENT The date in parenthesis is the date on which the appointment was made by the President of the University. Part-time appointments are shown by fractions after th... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1948)
  • 1947: .... K., Graduate Intern, Hospital Pharmacy P h a r m a c y , December 21, 1946-June 30, 1947, without salary, to be provided with maintenance and uniforms 1-6-47 . ,232 BOARD OF TRUSTEES January 25 KINTNER, P. M., Assistant, Electrical Engineering C J 4 , February 1, 1947June 15, 1947, 450 1-15-47 . KUBITSCHEK, H . E., Assistant, Physics C , five months beginning February 1, 1947, 500, supersedes 1-... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1948)
  • 1947: ...7, 45 a month 12-26-46 . ZEMAN, T. C., Adjunct, Ophthalmology Illinois Eye and E a r Infirmary , nine months beginning December 1, 1046, without salary 1-11-47 . ,234 BOARD OF TRUSTEES January 25 RESIGNATIONS AND CANCELLATIONS BROWN, D. S., Assistant Professor, Pomology Horticulture C , Assistant Chief, Pomology S resignation effective 3-31-47CROUCH, IRENE, Instructor, Home Accounts Extension H o ... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1948)
  • 1947: ...cher to the Business Office for services of employees temporarily engaged to do the work contemplated by the position. Such temporary charges inay not exceed the ,236 BOARD OF TRUSTEES January 25 amount of time provided by the position unless indicated herein or otherwise approved by the President. All unexpended balances remaining in the salary budget lapse at the close of each calendar month unl... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1948)
  • 1947: ...ublic Information Salaries and Wages 1. Nonacademic Salaries 2. Wages Total, Salaries and Wages 4 500 17 600 22 100 3000 25 100 2 100 27 200 H H 5 8o 220 5 Soo 2 ,240 BOARD OF TRUSTEES January 25 Expense and Equipment General Departmental Expense Toted, Public Information Salaries and Wages Veterans' Benefits Administration 1. C. R. Wayman, Administrator and Counselor Effective October 1 DY 2. Non... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1948)
  • 1947: ...ansportation H75 See Trucks and Cars H25 Total salary 2. D. D. Woolsey, Grounds Foreman F r o m Physical Plant Labor H Total, Grounds 2 6S5 885 3 540 3 378 2 655 ,250 BOARD OF TRUSTEES January 25 TRUCKS AND CARS 1. A. F. LaRusso, Superintendent of Roads, Grounds, and Transportation See Grounds Total salary 2. Wesley Caulkins, Automotive Mechanic Foreman F r o m Physical Plant Labor 3. A. C. Rose, ... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1948)
  • 1947: ...Economics R. B. BROWNE, Dean of University Extension H. M. GRAY, Associate Dean of the Graduate School C. R. GRIFFITH, Provost A. J. HARNO, Dean of the College of Law At its meeting on January 25, the Board of Trustees received nominations from the Faculty Council for appointments to the Advisory Committee of the Institute. The President of the University was requested to submit a revised list of ... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1948)
  • 1947: ...ULATING MACHINE INSTALLATION IN CHICAGO 12 The University has an installation of International Business Machines in Chicago in addition to the one in Urbana, under a contract approved January 25, 1947 Minutes, page 224 . It is desired to enlarge this installation to provide for further mechanization of the registration procedure at the Chicago Undergraduate Division. The present installation in Ch... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950)
  • 1947: ...ng installation 9 4 J 4 Asbestos and Magnesia Materials Company, Chicago, contractor for insulation 2 005 The original contracts for this work were awarded by the Board of Trustees on January 25, 1947 Minutes, page 228 , but this part of the work was not included as the plans for the student and staff apartment building had not been completed. Funds are available in the State appropriation for the... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950)
  • 1947: ...ventilating installations in the Electrical Engineering Building were by Carson-Payson Company, Danville, under a cost plus a fixed fee contract authorized by the Board of Trustees on January 25, 1947 Minutes, page 228 . The maximum estimated cost was 176,954. The Comptroller has reported that due to increased labor rates and material costs, the total cost of the heating and ventilating installati... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950)
  • 1947: ...r. O n m o t i o n of M r . M c L a u g h l i n , t h i s c o n t r a c t w a s a w a r d e d a s r e c ommended. REPORT ON ELECTRICAL CONTRACT FOR UTILITIES DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM 18 On January 25, 1947 Minutes, page 228 , the Board of Trustees awarded a contract to the A. S. Schulman Electric Company for the electrical distribution work in connection with the construction of the Utilities Distribut... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950)
  • 1947: ... CITY OF CHICAGO FOR NAVY PIER AND DRILL HALL 24 The lease with the city of Chicago for the portion of Navy Pier used by the Chicago Undergraduate Division, authorized by the Board on January 25, 1947, expires on June 30, 1954. The lease for the adjacent Drill Hall, authorized on March 27, 1947, expires on the same date. For several months negotiations have been carried on by University officers w... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1954)
  • 1949: ...possibility of securing part or all of this sum through a sellliquidating loan. ,228 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Additional Approprialion Requested, '947-1949 1 000 000 100 000 250 000 I 050 000 January 25 CHICAGO: Hospital Additions Atmospheric Research Utilities Distribution System Land Housing Residence Halls and Nurses Home 2 510 Power Plant and Utilities 3 4 Second Unit of Hospital Addition 3 o Experim... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1948)
  • 1949: Jan. 25, Tues. . . .Semester examinations. 1 Feb. I, Tues. Baccalaureate and Commencement Exercises. IQ49 Second Semester Jan. 25, Tues (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1948)
  • 1949: ...7 1949 Jan. 3, Mon., 7 a.m Christmas vacation ends. Jan. 17, Mon. Jan. 25, Tues. . . .Semester examinations. 1 Feb. I, Tues. Baccalaureate and Commencement Exercises. IQ49 Second Semester Jan. 25, Tues. Jan. 28, Fri Feb. 2, Wed. Feb, 5, Sat Feb. 7, Mon Mar. 2, Wed Apr. 14, Thurs,, 12 noon Apr. 18, Mon., 1 p.m Apr. 29, Fri May 30, Mon May 25, Wed. June 3, Fri June 12, Sun. 1 June 13, Mon. 1 1949 Su... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1948)
  • 1949: Jan. 25, Tues. . . Semester examinations. 1949 Second Semester Jan. 31, Mon (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1948)
  • 1949: V3028V-466 January 25, 1949 Instruction of veteran for an extramural course in accountancy under PL16 Contract No. VA28r-vr1112 Robert J. Downs Renting of McCullough farm Crops equally divided Amount to be Paid by the Universit... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950)
  • 1950: On January 25, 1950, after a hearing on the petition, Judge Joseph A. Graber entered a decree finding that the action of the Board on July 21, 1948, relating to ,i95o UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS IOOI the funds and securities... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950)
  • 1952: ...that he may accept a temporary appointment from the Ford Foundation to work in India. LONGACRE, ANDREW, Research Professor of Physics leave of absence, without pay, January 18 through January 25, 1952, and February 8 through February 15, 1952APRIL MEETING On motion of Mr. Johnston, the Board voted to hold the next meeting on Thursday, April 24, 1952, beginning at 4:00 p.m., in the LaSalle Hotel, C... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952)
  • 1954: ...r, Physics, beginning February 15, 1954, at an annual salary of 3,300. 4. LEROY J. VOTAVA, Placement Officer, Office of Nonacademic Personnel, Chicago Professional Colleges, beginning January 25, 1954, at an annual salary of 3,4 5. JEROME L. WITTELS, Electronics Engineer, Physics-Betatron, beginning February I, 1954, at an annual salary of 4,680. 6. LOUISA M. ZILLER, Assistant Food Production Mana... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1954)
  • 1956: ...ago Undergraduate Division Electrical work, Arbor Suites Electric service for operation of radio transmitter at Robert Allerton Park, Monticello, Illinois Rates per contract 12 000 00 January 25, 1956 July r, 1956 Effective Date October 2, 1957 August 23, 1956 Amount to be Paid by the University 110 00 Rates per contract June 22, 1956 Leases With Whom Audio-Master Corp. John Deere Plow Co. Walt Di... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1958)
  • 1957: ... beginning November 1, 1956, without salary D Y . 2. WARREN R. SCHOONOVER, Professor of Soils in the Department of Agronomy, assigned to India North Central Region, for two years from January 25, 1957, at an annual salary of 15,000 F Y . Appointments to Nonacademic Staff The Director of Nonacademic Personnel reports the following appointments to a supervisory position of upper level responsibility... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1958)
  • 1957: ...ordinator ZDY25 Total Salary 3. Gulie H . Blackmon, Professor of Horticulture FY T w o years from January 29, 1957 4. W a r r e n R. Schoonover, Professor of Soils FY T w o years from January 25, 1957 5. Wilbur H . Tammeus, Associate Professor of Agricultural Extension FY T w o years from March I, 1956 6. William J. Foreman, Assistant Professor of F a r m Management FY T w o years from July I, 195... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1958)
  • 1957: ... independent antennas School survey Fatigue of aluminum and steel lugs Amount to be Paid to the University J 1 2 000 00 I 875 00 22 000 00 Effective Date March i, 1957 August 23, 1957 January 25, 1957 ,1957 With Whom The Reinforced Concrete Research Council United States Air Force AF zo 6oo -i22i United States Air Force AF 29 6ol -544 United States Air Force AF33 6i6 -5o8l United States Air Force ... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1958)
  • 1957: ...in Food Technology S , nine months from December I, 1957, 4750 a year, supersedes 12-11-57 . HARADA, MASARO, Instructor in Applied Materia Medica and Therapeutics Dentistry , 2 s time, January 25-August 31, 1958, 2400 a year 12-31-57 . HEYDEMANN, JULIUS, Clinical Assistant Professor of Radiology Medicine , nine months from December I, 1957, without salary 12-11-57 . HOWELL, ROBERT W., Assistant Pr... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1958)
  • 1959: ...3, 1958-August 31, 1959, 2600 a year 12-18-58 . SCHOONOVER, WARREN R., Professor of Soils Agronomy College of Agriculture, assigned to India under the provisions of Contract ICA-W-48 , January 25-June 30, 1959, 1250 a month 12-19-58 . SKOLNIK, EMMANUEL M., Otolaryngologist in the Division of Services for Crippled Children, 2 10 time, eight months, and Associate Professor of Otolaryngology Medicine... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1960)
  • 1964: ... Fellow Trainee in Education, nine months from September 16, 1963, 2,000 9-23-63 . LEVIN, NATHAN W., United States Public Health Service Fellow Special in Medicine, September 26, 1963-January 25, 1964, without salary 10-17-63 . LEVY, HOWARD B., United States Public Health Service Fellow Trainee in Physiology, nine months from September 16, 1963, 2,000, supersedes 10-17-63 . MAGNUS, DAVID P., Part-... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1964)
  • 1977: ...nt has been filed in the Circuit Court of Cook County Case No. 79L 1164 by Desiree McTeer based on alleged negligence which occurred in connection with a blood transfusion on or about January 25, 1977, in the emergency ,1979 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 201 room service at the University of Illinois Hospital. T h e named defendants are Dr. Robert Seligsohn and Jean O'Neill, R.N., both of whom are on the... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1980)
  • 1980: ...hing assistant in pediatrics at the Medical Center campus, and is pending before the Illinois Industrial Commission Case 81-WC-02842 in connection with accidental injuries incurred on January 25, 1980, in the course of her employment by the University. The claimant suffered a fractured left humerus and was ultimately hospitalized at Northwestern Memorial Hospital. Subsequently she developed compli... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1982)
  • 1981: ...eering Building be renamed the Nathan M . Newmark Civil Engineering Laboratory, in honor of Professor Nathan M. Newmark, former head of the department, who retired in 1976 and died on January 25, 1981. Professor Newmark joined the faculty in 1930 and was head of the department from 1956 to 1973, developing one of the nation's most active research centers in . 2 The Range IV level of charges for un... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1982)
  • 1996: ...try, on 90 percent time, scientific director, Psychiatric Institute, on 10 percent time, and professor of biochemistry, on zero percent time, College of Medicine at Chicago, beginning January 25, 1996 AY90;NY10;NY , at an annual salary of 150,000. RAY GONZALEZ, assistant professor of English, on 50 percent time, and assistant professor, Latin American Studies Program, on 50 percent time, beginning... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1994)
  • 2000: ...ork done to date on the general campus plan and also certain work done previous to November 30 on the plans for the Horticulture group and the McKinley Hospital. ,166 BOARD OF TRUSTEES January 25, On motion of Mr. Abbott, this bill was ordered paid, by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Abbott, Mrs. Blake, Mrs. Busey, Mr. Carr, Mrs. Evans, Mr. Hoit, Mr. Ward; no, none; absent, Mr. Blair, Mr. Herbert, Mr... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1922)
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