Caption: Student Regulations - Undergraduates - 1961 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

sri i i \i i/» i> 11 \i i MI M * V \ \ i in i s I I dm W M i I 1 i — H M ml ——)(M A i II itrcfui I. \ M. I \ he Marg. V I \ luilding II Id l II*|| |I J || — K. Sh M ilhrmai '.i Ah I \\ illi.mi l Mi. M!.i.•lop'— i I heumtn Building Durh i A 1 a tut *c ape Mum ford Hall Ralph I). DeM Musi, [00 Smith M Hall Loui> H Wettnoi c i I Busim • Vdministi ation Duanr A. Hi.migan l'h\ ni( i! } (li ition and R (— 121 G< Huff i -iKi.r m l(l\% il il. Heath Physics—3( Physi Building P. ( lerald K i uger Physiology—H<S Nal History Bl Frederic R. Steg rda hology— 114 <r< 1 (.ill LI03 (I (.. Humph re) 9 Restaurant Management 2 Bevier Hall Mildred Bunnell Social W o r k 211 Pai I Kinlf. ll.ill John I Johnson ring—109 Civil Engine ring Ha Pauline V. Chapman ; . English Building Allan G. Holaday G P 1 -Nit il History Building 1 R. Shaffer Pa ( mica—260c Bevier Hall M ret K. ( ear Jour m and ( mmunicationa — 119 Gregory Hall Arthur K. Strang I nd Industrial Relations ? • nith Sixth Street, Champaign \\ Iter H. Franke 1204 West Oregon Street. Urban a Marietta Stevenson, Director Teacher Placement—200 Gregory Hall J. Marlowe Slater • • • • Student Churches, Religious Foundations N e a r the campus are churches of all faiths, many of which have established 'nidations for student activities. Recognizing the spiritual nevds of Student away from home, the foundations have extensive programs of religious, social, nd ' activities. The first church for college students was organized near the University ot Illinois campus in 1906, and the campus religious foundation idea was horn here In 1913. Both of these ideas have now spread to college communities everywhere. Although intended primarily to serve their denominational memhers. the religious foundations extend a welcome to all students to join and participate in program H rewarding to the individual and the communty.