Caption: Student Regulations - Undergraduates - 1961 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
' w m 4 f . / i /• \ \ rh t! en i /• s / \ \ w I i ' M i 1/.. p^i PA ^ / I / s won ei v lent an » ill /'h< $ N \ il li EDMI M> . 1 1MES SCHOl IRS » Ii n op ndus v s Kiln I honors In id I. I.i: f an sit> OutM S< hoi n. 1 I M irh p dents, ] s • ven a v \ ol unities and S| I : [I HI in this sel< m is mi soph ! hon Kach o i \\ ill h.t\ r a ult\ hon s ad\ r in nd aw n *s the intelli Im He w I! le \ ird advam i stud> in vou hos \ t \s i J iln u ma\ pn . and maj obtain a p t th lib \ stacks. In maw cases, von will ' illow 1 to van unl take classes nti t t m th ire within the ulum. suallj enroll in the s al hon< s p ams r! 1 jui md senioi years, they ma) und< ake imlep ident stud) distinction in then major departments lames Scholars ha\ mi tive advanta when the) appl) for admission to nd il > and when the) compete foi fellowship such as tin* W 1 W ilson, Fulb and othei raduate K ards M ^ J liars : • then ippointments while the\ A still Sen p ipt 'I. However, .m\ freshman oi sophomore who shows una il scholai ply foi admission to the program, II h sch< juni - and sen ipplying foi admission as James Scholars should follow t> learn about these, the) as well as freshmen o sophomo es on « in nti ted in the program should consult: I hi ol I nu ei \ I lonors Progi n I niversit) ol Illinois 1205 \V On t St t I rbana, 1 llinoi^ 18