Caption: Booklet - Citizenship at UI (1929) This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

Prof, Kopkiti discover} oi < element No. 61 was flashed to the world by cable. It is the only chemical element evei discovered in the \\< tern hemisphere, To the end ol reorded iime mankind \\ ill have to take a i ount of it. < Knowing that, Pr< ident Kinle) also knew he could afford to be bi iei. Mi« naming oi the discover} was as characteristic of Smith Ilopkin the manner oi recording it was characterise oi Dr, Kinley, rhe discoverei did not tag chemical element No. 61 with the label hopkinsite, He named it illinium in honor oi the Uni\« ii\ which i"i sixteen years has honored him with its confi leno and in making foi the current "Who's Who" a record oi h .11 < < i , l i e w i OtC t h e s e \\ o i ( I s : W i i h colleagues discovered the new element illinium. The \\oi ds " with ( ol leagues" v alidate the perhaps obsolete but still illUSt l .it l \ e co in pa r i s o n w huh I he.n d applied t i < Smith I [opkins on the campus, That i omparison w as " \ n d \ et he rem.mis as modest .is a H." One third of tin School nioiie\ goes into i ( earch a nd approxi m.iieh the same amount oi the fa< nit\ "s enei is w i n . i k e s n .i n m \ e r - sit \ of world i .ink instead of a kind oi coll* iate de p a l t n i e n t s i , .1 e, I n t w e n t \ i«>ui w i'i ds I 'i 1 ident Kin le\ defined the different bet \\ een .1 11 >lh md .1 u n i \ ei sit \ 1 in*: « i n M I.VI V C( > 1 1< « aid he. !• onl) 01 pi inci iull\ .1 purvevoi oi know I \ univei it) is the purvevoi oi highei know I..' . m.l also i.-v HUH DIN tin producci oi ln« )\\ led KiM'.ndi 'I h e 1 c f o n I )IM I 'I t h e tho Vit.ili 1 the m n \ it ) [)(»lu \ ! i i n d . m i e i i l . d - . , ,| 11 the \ 1 id ol its pn id( ni, "I \(i \ depai tment, it it is V 111