Caption: Booklet - Citizenship at UI (1929) This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

University of Illinois." Then follow instructions hich ar< ii < . 1 worded but which represent years of tests and rete I at the 1 ni versit} of Illinois. Heard Hopkins "As If a God" In Greece, nearly eleven years after the war, farmei • I economists still treasure the memory and profit by the instn 1 of Prof. Cyril Hopkins. Me went among them in wartime to show them how the discoveries which he : id his colleagues had mad' during twenty-five year on the testing fields of the I. 'niversitv of [llinois could he applied to their - own land. " T h e y listened to h i m , " said one familiar with the SUCCi S of that mission, " a s if h< w e r e a g o d . " T h e great m a n died in 1 9 1 ' ' at ( ii- braltar while on th< j o u r n e y h o m e a f t e r the completion n\ his w rk. But his w o r k g >es on. The next generation (rreeks will have tten his n a m e but they \\ ill he doing what he T H E LAW B U I L D I N G t<»ld their f a t h e r s to Ao. 1 >a i l y t h o u s a n d s i people r id i n g thl . :i the 1 [olland tunnel C n Mew ^ •rk and New Jerse} are safe from the peril oi i s I" mse Prof. A. G Willard built on the i npus th 1 ni\ rsity of Illinois concrete tubes which were one >urth th ipacity of the ventilation duets ni the HollanI' je< i and thru- definitel) prosed that systems which he ai other vi ui had devi d were eflicient and would cam II nectii •!!< Ka< Is I i in a That Kai n Millions auda wI i I llm< • is |)i >ld ill pi it / - It u and it h ta 11 n ten tw nt\, th tv. t c\