Caption: Booklet - Citizenship at UI (1929) This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

"And that," added the wise cleric, "would to jndi< that we have before us the inter< rting phenomenon of an irn istible force meeting an immovabl object, That, I'm thinking, will be good for both of them." School and Church W o r k i n g T o g e t h e r These religious foundations are not a part of tl i uni but they are at one with the university, and the uni\ them. T h e y are supported by their denominations and si no state funds. But the university allows e r lits up with in eight t. . t|r {h hours for study in the history of religion, which its students pursue under the theologians of the foundation and in the matter of giving a civilizing spiritual direction to the life of tin ' lents it takes <unsel with the foundations as the foundations do with it. It knows that you can pour all the world culture into men and still breed only a race of pitiless materalists. It knows that what Cardinal N e w m a n said on that subject is • trm nd as final as it is brief. T h e words shine in bronz< in another tablet adorning the foundation which bears his name. T h e y r e a d : Quarry the granite rock th razors or moor the ssel with a thread of silk; then ;. m hoj such keen and ( lieate instruments as human I and human r, • > contend against those giant passion and pride of men. And so the uni' ity v mi the rel S foun ms and th' e foun< tions v rk without cl. him:. Durin the d; I n in Urbai tl \Y foundation v 1< > id dim >uncing on the 1 \ bulletin 1< rd 01 > LVVI an impt dis ur to 5tu< nt the Roi n I itholi t klahoma. Thus >irit ird m d in nd I thi t 1 is m ttitude I ins ten i and >li 1 hum .:•.«• 1 the ii 1 A Great Man's W i s d o m and Patience Tl : nd that attitude itifull) n\ i t tl :ni ni lm. v I bi hi hi hil • I th !K vi he | i| th. || 1; ( ' ' " \ st n { ,] : ,: tat ii I n nd li.ii,: 11 i