Caption: Book - Century of Physics (1973) This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

• • * > ** * < * » ' ' m« p . - m, i, ( o n t r e c l end gr wlth Mnu "t*< ^ • P ^ n d t n t eervica gi P 8 (oi the b e t a t r o n Labo hN rt at P ' P« ^ n a . Ln anl L Lpai Lon ol , , 0 p i . I n < f chf Ktti U l i *< *»••" i.«boracorj Ln L9< . Flora assembled and t r a t n a d a b u s i n e s s St l i t , 0VtI 0: ,uv uUnu nul Mluh toi with Fames P< e as 1 i . , , 8 8 Manag. , , which smo hly took Ln >erv nt t h e bi LMaa o p e r a t i o n s Oi the new l a b o r a t o r y as it becai it mi * thi Phya i s Fred Wi and Prank itt. who occupy positions designated Physical Sciei e Technical pervisor, have provided essential expert services to Wise has been in the Department and the Materials Research Laboratory. harge of shop services since 1959. W i n came to t l e department in 1950. i His most He is an inventive designer of cryogenic and vacuum equipment. widely appreciated contributio was the early development of a steady supply of liquid helium, which is required as a refrigerant by solid state and low temperature researchers continuously at the rate of hundreds of liters per da> The Problem of Spa^• 1 or the Physics Department The Physics Laboratory at Green and Mathews Streets, completed in 1909, provided ample space for the Department until about 1938. time the Department secured a gar cyclotron. Laboratory. At that on Goodwin Street to house the It was modified and expanded, and named the Nuclear Radiation From 1932 to 1954 a aeries of alterations in the Phys 9 and Laboratory brought marginal s p u e in > use as research laboratoi offices until every nook from basement to attu was ( nverted into usable space. square feet. A State appropriation of $1,500 000 was the 300 MeV betatron and the Laboratoi betatrons. The net assignabl- space grew to a total of about 65,000 ec red in L945 to build I Ln stadium Di ive to hou At Kerst \s Lneiatcnc< , the building was named the Phy< hai tn Betatron laboratory I the l< it rone • > he pi llctad Research Laboratory, r that the building would out l "Afte, Ralph Flora's death, Ln L9I M *nager for Depai went •*•• «' p b * cami thi Bul # M