Caption: Sophograph - 1889 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
* / * vfifonk ACID PHOSPHATE For Dyspepsia, Mental and Physical Exhaustion, Nervousness, Diminished Vitality, Etc. Prepared according to the direction* of Prof. K. N Horsford, of Cambridge. A preparation of the phosphates of lime, magnesia, potash and iron with phoric acid in such form he I dily assirnil I by the system. Universally n mi nded and pi cribed by physicians of all schools. J action will harmonize with snch stimulants as are necessary to take. It is the be »nic know furnishing su nance t1 brain and body. It makes a deli drink with w« ad sugar only. phoe -:o: AS A BRAIN AND NERVE TONIC. DR. W. ROHEKT land recommend it h i brain and nerve oic pepsia »p rn my experience, can cordially tally in nervous debilit nervous dj I FOR WAKEFULNESS. D B . WILLIAM P. C L O T H I E R , Buffal I I prescribed it for a Cat hoi | pr. w! at, for wakefulness, e x t r e m e nervou . and he r e p o r t s it hi * him IN NERVOUS DEBILITY. D B , EDWI vari 1'. VO f nervous dehilit and it 1 I prescril never failed to do % 1 it for man fI FOR THE ILL-EFFECTS OF TOBACCO. Dit. fm . A. with I n of to I \IA), tl r B* I b ially in i used it in ruses of impaired where the ; aff n*n Invigorating, Strengthening, Healthful, Refreshing l' iable. Pamphl giving fortl mailt Manufactured by the RUMFORD CHEMICAL WORKS. Providence. R I BKDt IKK OF MM I \ I [ONH