Caption: Sophograph - 1889 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
Short Thick Broad Feet, and Perfect Feet CAN BE FITTED IN R oooo<i „ Cordovian J 3LO French HAND-MADE SHOES AT THE LOWEST PRICE Men's Machine-Sewed Calf Shoes in Congress, Bal and Button, at $2.50. Men's Fine Calf Shoes, Button, Bal and Congress, at $ 2 . 7 5 : will compare with any $3.50 Shoe in the Market. I a J 2 7 Ji^Q 2 c BEIL S ^ E E f . CflJinF)|?^lISI * *) STRAIGHT n£R80N who are willing to pay a little more than the price cha for T< 0. CIGARETTES. mHESE Cigarettes are made from the most deli —\ J rCOM ed and highest leaf gn ) >luioco the ordinary trade Cigan • will ti > D u Vitgtnii h these Cigarettes far super .••rs. r all that tl pi yt ALLEN k GINTER, MANUKA UREI RICHMOND. V.\