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Caption: Sophograph - 1889 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
N Introduction to the SOPHOGRAPH at this time will scarcely be necessar) VVe trust it comes to you like an old friend, in whom are visible some improvements which the lapse of a year have affected. W e have endeavored to make the SOPHOGRAPH neat and attractive, as well as useful to all its readers. Our aim has been truthfulness and original!! In pursuance of the latter you will notice the absence of the time honored pr< hecy," which is necessarily a chestnut on account of its continued re pit ion; also, " Ye Entomologist," which has posed in so many different attitud Our intention has been the kinde in the matter of grinds, and we 1 endeavored to treat everyone fairly, and it has been on the side of U . it ve have erred at all. Neither have we catered to the favor of the powi that be, but have in all things used our right as free American cil modified by the respect which we gratefully a< knowledge to the institution < t which we are > mi bers, an have expressed ir opinioi unti idled by any cot derati save that of ice. < I advertisements show the light in which we are he! by the merchants of this an I other place- and we only hope they will be tr< with the same generosity that they have u Is i To any who should be so critical as to think that >ur muse, who relate A
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