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Caption: Sophograph - 1889 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
•lUipple on the gxxphomoru S*c;u r p H E last meeting in the fall term of 1885 was o long to be remembered X by all who were present. For some time an unmistakable spot had been slowly but surely spreading itself over the sun which usually shines so brightly upon our illustrious class, and Monday. Dec. [3, in the Physical lecture room, the storm broke upon us with all its fury. Clouds of war hung dark and lower ing over us, and for two long hours the cannon's roar was only broken by th 4, sharper reports of musketry and small arms. I )n one side Generals ( iraes Steele and "Bill" Rounds were in command, while the opposir forces were marshalled by Generals "Alpha" Davis, and "Foreman" M tt. The ball was opened by a volley of musketry which Gen. Davis aimed at he enemies head, but the aim was poor and the shot went high abovt its mark Davis lieuten ant, Greaves, came valiantly to his superior's assistance with a battery of ar Ilery, but as his powder was damp, he failed to produce any effect whatever, hi guns all refusing to go off. Gen "Grimes" now opened up from the centt t the opposing column with his twelve pounders, but he had forgotten 10 put an) thing in his guns except powder, so a big noise was the < result. Gen. Rounds came to his assistance and got in some good work with hi urpshoo ing. Commodore Schaefer, a neutral man, now >ui 1 a broad si into ach side, doing more damage than had b< lone 1 his ammunition, being "hostile cats," was very e ctive. Gen. Bennett had durin the entin »gh» k up a sputtering fire, but now be^ n to draw back I and a w minutes larer the fight was declared off The General II del h at d k indeed it look 1 for our ph. h \ hall houi l.u |** shades of the library, those ime fi coral 1 lock in.is, she ling t( of tru< ite Th rll rt 11 i t s I mdeur u| nd filled with nd pea and us la rayi ; II I by ;i lately 1 troubled bul now • las
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