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Caption: Sophograph - 1889 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
• I ' .I'll R 1 sculptured like Phid \m< il im 1 more lab* igma- m< an an] r count Amei a h » day thi lard the highest a; :ia ra of the i ill, ai hence c lrly claim to exhil he highest t e of civil: ion in the w rid. We do certainly live in the 1 the greatest, the most wonderful age of the world's histo and r < ence for the "g 1 old times'' should not blind us to the fact. When uttenberg in his little worksh< in M itz perfected his printing press, little id he think that his in ntion was the beginning of a new era. Then and there originated tl true liberty and power of the American Republic. Born at Meintz, carried west 1 bj the Pilgrim Fathers, gather ing strengti an gor among the pines, the hills of ew hngland, the red woo< the vineyards, the peaks and cascades of California, the tempests of Minnesota, and the breezes of Florida; its intluence flows back withe wave of the Atlantic, bearing freedom speech, nobility of thought, greatness o heart, and purit f government, making old forms of despotism and mon archy totter and fall. Taught by her divine lips the whol< world shall »t be enlightened, and one d be made to resound with .raises to God in the highest, on earth peace, good will to men JUttuttm 9ittt0* ho ha i the d hill glow OD the » nil I 11 th m e r i> \ JJ And Winter is di nigh. he ilt- trees WIUT** n I the cot' I he id. • lawn re acl I l>\ the t r, Ii noted, I tfone. i with yellow and irn i ^ lark-red md l»r- D ( I ipi an imacl All reallj i c !»«• trin ibnndai We gatl i ' it oni th«- | • fnllj th ) rig t Ipi .1 i u) applied. time h; nil Suinn AH i I h«»u I" iill thai An rinl.l. in I'.. I I * * L I vvoll hon> |
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