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Caption: Booklet - Our University (1919) This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
, ubrsfV ***** g A Straigl this mateti atest Date si e center, 333 *~ NOJSUBBA^ nri i E stale university is in danger because greater services than ever are demanded from it, although it is operating on a stationary income which the increased cost of living has reduced one-half in value. Endowed institutions are raising funds with which to The meet these conditions. state university is the people's university. I It belongs to you and to every other citizen, Therefore it must turn to the people. That the people may know something of the grave situation, the Champaign Rotary club asked Dr. David Kinley, acting president, to prepare this statement. Read it carefully—preserve it—write and talk to your representatives in the next legislature. 1HE r> tli" St; ing an educating O C ducting invest the wealth ol tigators to con on it for rese than over bef demands is reasons, brief], The Univer which comes f ticallv station, ACT1N The total i rived from i priations, salt Federal appr poses and ca operations of erifts. | The p are for prod lories, go ha from year to ations and th generally sp< oporat ion an< Income S The Univc n 1911 1 N N
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