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Caption: UI Library School Alumni Newsletter - 12 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY SCHOOL ASSOCIATION NEWS LETTER Number 12 December, 1928 To the Association DEAR FELLOW M E M B E R S : Two years ago the Association set out to secure 200 life members; we now have 136; a very good record, but we need the other 64 to complete our original plan, for an endowed scholarship. Wouldn't it be wonderful if we could complete this endowment fund before the next annual meeting of the A.L.A.? There are 104 of you who have annual memberships. Doesn't that notification slip worry you with the regularity of its coming? W h y not get it off your mind once and for all? Life membership payments can be made all at once or over a period of five years, as you like. And note, the latter method is without interest charges such as most alumni associations add when the life membership is paid for in portions. In assuming the life membership you not only achieve the selfish aim of relieving yourself of the annoyance of annual payments, but you show your appreciation of your school and your profession in helping to complete a fund, the purpose of which is to bring to your profession members with better preparation. It is a great personal gratification to be able to do something which shows one's loyalty to an abstract ideal and which also contributes toward the happiness of a fellow being. Here is a way to attain that gratification. Besides, it is without extra cost to yourself. You are not being asked to contribute to this endowment fund. You are merely being asked to pay at the present time the amount you can expect to pay as membership fees during the period of your library career. However, if you do not feel that you can become a life member immediately, do keep up your annual membership. The support of each member is needed if the aims of the Association are to be realized. Cannot each one of you, life members or annual members, constitute yourself a committee of one to bring in one new life member and one new annual member? Have you ever tried to interest outsiders in making a contribution to this fund? Mr. Ernst Hertzberg of the Hertzberg bindery at Chicago recently donated $200 toward its completion. There are probably others like him who are interested in the welfare of our school and our alumni, who are willing to do likewise. If any of you who read this News Letter are not members, w hy not join now? Arouse interest at your state meetings—arrange for an Illinois dinner or luncheon. Find out what our school is doing and talk it up! Remember the old football yell: Let's go, Illinois! At least 64 new life members and 200 annual members by ]une. Can we do it? AMELIA KRIEG, President
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