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Caption: UI Library School Alumni Newsletter - 10 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY SCHOOL NEWS Number 10 To the Association DEA R FELLOW MEMBERS : December, 1927 The University of Illinois Library School seems quite remote to many alumni who have not seen the University Campus for a number of years and who have not been in a position to take an active part in the management of Alumni Association affairs. But this should not mean that we are indifferent to the activities and progress of the Association. Rather, we should all be glad to do •rhat we can for the advancement of the School and for the encouragement of newer members of the profession. More life memberships are needed before the Katherine L. Sharp Scholarship can become a reality. Any alumni who have not yet taken fcut life memberships and who decide to use this means of helping ptudents to secure a second year in the library school and a Master's egree in Library Science, will be making a worth while investment. Those who cannot become life members immediately can at least [keep up the annual membership. Though the membership fee is small, leach one helps to swell the total, and each member's support is needed. | More scholarships are desirable, not only for second year students, [but also to encourage university graduates to enter the Library School for their first year of training. After sufficient funds have been secured to provide for the Katherine L. Sharp Scholarship for graduate study, it will be a fine thing for the Alumni Association to establish other scholarships which will serve as a means of recruiting new workers for the library profession. Do you know the other Illinois Library School people in your own state? Whether there are many or few it is worth while for Illinois alumni to get together whenever there is opportunity. An Illinois Library School alumni luncheon or dinner can be arranged in connection with the annual meeting of the State Library Association of almost any state and will be found most enjoyable. We should like to know when there are such luncheons. Please let Miss Houchens know about it, if there has recently been one in your state R U T H E. HAMMOND, President P EXECUTIVE BOARD 1927-28 President—Ruth E. Hammond, Public Library, Wichita, Kans F W Vice-President—Nellie M. Coats, Indiana State Library, Indianapoli Sc-rnnd Vice-President—Anita Hostetter, A. L. A. Curriculum Study, Chicag Secretarv-Trcasurer—Josie B. Houchens, University of Illinois Library Member cx-oflicio—Ola M. Wyeth, Public Library, Savannah, Georgia T R U S T E E S O F ENDOWMENT FUNDS Harriet E. Howe, 1927-28; Margaret Hutchins, 1927-30; J. S. Clea\ iuger, 1927-29
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