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Caption: Course Catalog - 1868-1869 VERSION A This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

12 FIRST YEAR.—First three books of Xenophon's Anabasis. Herodotus. Greek Prose begun. SECOND YEAR.—Demosthenes, Thucydides, Homer's Illiad. THIRD YEAR.—Xenophon's Memorabilia of Socrates. Selections from Plato and the Greek Poets. Select portions of Smith's History of Greece will be read in course, and lectures given on the Greeian History, Literature and Philosophy. DEPARTMENT OF HISTORY AND SOCIAL SCIENCE. The study of this department will extend through three years. The instruction will be given partly with text books, but chiefly by lectures with, systematic readings of specified authors, and daily examinations on the same. The study of historical geography will keep even pace with the history studied, and the chronology will be rendered as clear and distinct as possible. "Written exercises on chronology, and essays in historical criticism will constitute prominent features of the course. FIRST YEAE.—First Term.—Discovery, settlement and colonial history of United States, with notices of other American States. American geography. Two lectures (or lessons) a week. Second Term.—History of the United States from the time of the Revolution. Two lectures (or lessons) a week. TMrd\Term.—Political economy. Five lessons a week. SECOND YEAR.—First Term.—Ancient history of Greece and Rome with notices of other ancient nations. Ancient Geography. Five lessons (or lectures) a week. Second Term.—Mediaeval history, with history of Christianity and ancient schools of philosophy. Scholasticism. Five lessons (or lectures) a week. Third Term.—Modern history—general European history. European geography. Five lessons (or leetures) a week. THIRD YEAR.—First Term.—Constitutional history of England, and of the United States. Two lectures a week. Second Term.—History of civilization Analysis of historical forces and phenomena. Notices of the history of the arts and inductive sciences. Third Term.— Political philosophy. Constitutional and international law. COMMERCIAL DEPARTMENT. The course in this department will occupy one or two year3, according to the time the student may give to the special studies of the department. First Term.—Book-keeping by single or double entry—applied to farming mechanic and mercantile accounts. Theory of the several principal and auxiliary books. Theory of journalizing. Penmanship. Commercial calculations. Second Term.—Partnership business. Commission and shipping accounts. Manufacturng accounts. Farm books. Herd and stock books. Business forms and papers. Notes. Endorsements. Drafts. Bills of exchange, inland and foreign. Bills of lading. Accounts current. Accounts sales. Inventories, invoices, receipts, etc. Commercial correspondence.
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