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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1912 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1911] PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OT TRUSTEES. 401 General University No. Date. To whom. Warrants—Continued. For what. Amount. 1911. Books 17497 June 30 Library Bureau Solder 17498 ..do The A. E. Price Co 17499 ..do Illinois Traction System Services. 17500 ..do A. C. Eychshymer Expenses 17501 ..do..... E. P. Lyon do 17502 ..do..... Chicago Tuberculosis Institute Slides 17503 ..do Arthur H. Thomas Co [Tubes 17504 ..do Fibre Specialty Co Cases 17505 ..do R. L. Emerson Supplies 17506 ..do. John O. Smith Clock 17507 ..do A. M. & L. A. Terwilliger Hardware. 17508 ..do A. Garrison Corn 17509 ..do Page Woven Wire Fence Co Fence 17510 ..do Chas Gray, Secy. Recording 17511 ..do Midland Linseed Co Oil meal 17512 ..do iThe Zenner Disinfectant Co Zenoleum 17513 ..do Henry A. Dreer Plants 17514 ..do Revery Rubber Co .*. Hose 17515 ..do..... J. Manz Engraving Co Etchings 17516 ..do Callaghan & Co Books 17517 ..do T. H. F l o o d & C o . . . . .'.... ..do 17518 ..do Western Carbon & Ribbon Co Carbon paper 17519 ..do Twenty Century Press Clipping Bureau. Clippings 17520 ..do Favor Ruhl & Co Pencil sharpener. 17521 ..do Remington Typewriter Co Machines 17522 ..do Empire Laundry Co Coupon book 17523 ..do Morrill & Morley Repairs 17524 ..do Henry Kleine & Co Bristles 17525 ..do..... Emerson Electric Manufacturing Co Apparatus 17526 ..do G. Cramer Dry Plate Co Plates 17527 ..do..... Bausch & Lomb Optical Co Bottles, etc 17528 ..do Illinois State Penitentiary Bookcase 17529 ..do Leeds & Northrup Co Apparatus 17530 ..do Eimer & Amend Regulator 17531 ..do Darrough & Company. Metal lath 17532 ..do The Graham Manufacturing Co Locks 17533 ..do Valve The John Douglas Co 17534 ..do Gas U. & C. Railway, Gas & Electric Co 17535 ..do Hardware Crane Co 17536 ..do Storage, etc Ebner Ice & Cold Storage Co Hardware.. 17537 ..do J. Bowman 17538 ..do Geo. Douglas: Oats , 17539 ..do Illinois Glass Company Glass 17540 ..do 'Champaign Gas & Electric Supply C o . . . Supplies J. Edward Quinn & Co Typesetter, etc.... 17541 17542 ..do Mittendorf & Kiler ....'. Furniture, etc 17543 ..do..... G. C. Willis Dry goods... 17544 ..do Reliable Plumbing & Heating Co ".. Supplies 17545 ..do Franies, etc j Walker & Mulliken 17546 ..do National Engraving Co Engraving. Hay 17547 ..do..... Chris Egginton Green Street Pharmacy Drugs, etc 17548 .Mo Zoology supplies. 17549 ..do Ernst Leitz ....; Envelopes....... 37550 ..do The Paper Mills Co D. V. Purington . Expenses.... — 17551 ..do 17552 ..do The Glidden Varnish C o . . . . . , Floor dressing Steam trap 17553 ..do V. D. Anderson Go Fertilizer 17554 ..do Swift & C o m p a n y . . . . . ; . General Electric Co ?. F a n . . . 17555 ..do Hardware 17556 ..do..... T. H. Trevett Printing Flanigan-Pearson Co 17557 ..do Hardware 17558 ..do Percival & Moorehead Paper, e t c . . . . . . . •17559 ..do Wm. Price Estate. 17560 ..do..... The Alexander Lumber Co.. .• Lumber...-----17561 ..do..... Lewis Electric Supply C o . . . . . . . . . Supplies 17562 ..do Twin City Ice & Cold Storage Co Ice. Printing, etc 17563 ..do...,. Illinois State-Reformatory. Hunter Rourke C o m p a n y . . . ; . , . . . . . . . . . Lumber . . . . . — 17564 ..do Ernst Hertzberg & Sons Binding.... 17565 ..do E. M. Burr & Company Iron work 17566 ..do 17567 ..do'..... University of Illinois Supply S t o r e . . . . . : Supplies Lumber.... 17568 ..do..... S.-E. Huff & Company Hardware John H. Doyle 17569 ..do ;.; Books 17570 ..do..... G, E. Stechert & Company. . . . . . . . . . . : . . Oil, etc 17571 ..do.,... Standard Oil Co Corn and hay 17572 ..do..,.,lJames Asher $ 1 6 00 2 00 11 75 19 60 93 67 11 00 23 50 12 00 9 10 12 00 3 75 399 22 223 20 5 00 66 00 6 25 4 50 39 20 9 39 2 25 84 75 20 00 5 00 7 50 148 40 10 00 3 60 2 02 32 40 17 98 8 38 30 00 125 75 15 00 3 60 2 36 8 00 568 4? 23 76 27 95 24 52 79 37 83 88 8 50 130 00 130 51 32 42 93 93 11 25 44 40 30 00 43 30 30 00 11 53 6 54 21 42 32 25 27 45 13 00 56 73 324 25 6 95 30 15 308 35 9 20 12 00 171 70 8 80 123 20 96 65 290 69 233 40 74 82 613 43 38 46 400 00 —26 U
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