Caption: Engineering Open House Guide - 2006 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

8 EOH 2006 PROJECT DESCRIPTIONS Agricultural Engineering Science Building Engineering has to offer you!! Location: Ground floor This exhibit is suitable for: hs Agricultural Engineering Sciences Building 1304 W. Pennsylcania, Urbana Map Code: A The Agricultural Engineering Sciences Building is home to the Agricultural Engineering Department and the Department od Food Sciences. How Does Popcorn Pop? FIRST Lego League Alpha Epsilon Honor Society Popcorn has been around for over 4,000 years, but how much do YOU know about it? This display will explain what popcorn is and what makes it pop. It will also feature several varieties of homegrown popcorn available for sampling. Location: Near Room 137 This exhibit is suitable for: All COE Office of Special Programs Mock competitions from the FIRST Lego League. COE hosts the East Central Illinois Regional Tournament annually. index.php?id=FIRST05 Location: Atrium This exhibit is suitable for: All Digital Computer Lab Illini Pullers Illini Pullers Illini Pullers Quarter-Scale Tractor Design Team is displaying this year’s pulling tractor. Three 16 horsepower Briggs and Stratton engines and a continuously variable transmission power the tractor. Illinois students design and manufacture the tractor as an extracurricular activity. The team competes annually against 30 other universities. They are judged in several categories including maneuverability, static design, and pulling ability as well as written and oral reports. Location: 1st Floor This exhibit is suitable for: All Physical Property Measurement of Bio-diesel Fuels for Low Temperature Combustion Modeling individual Many of the physical properties of diesel fuel are well known, but with so many different feed stocks for biodiesel, the physical properties are extremely hard to standardize. The purpose of this project is to properly estimate the properties of biodiesel for low temperature combustion modeling. Location: 1st Floor This exhibit is suitable for: hs,adult Bioengineering In Action Digital Computing Lab 1304 W. Springfield, Urbana American Society for Agricultural and Biological Engineers Map Code: E The Digital Computing Lab is the former home to the Department of Computing and Communica- ASABE We are student members of the American Society for Agricultural and Biological Engineers. Come and see what Agricultural and Biological EMBS, Bioengineering Department Ever wonder what it means to be a bioengineer? Interested in becoming involved in a rapidly growing new field? Come see what bioengineer really do. There will be hands-on project demonstrations in the new cell and tissue engineering lab and bioinstrumentation lab. Room Number: 3110-3111 This exhibit is suitable for: hs, adult Show Times: Friday 11-2 Saturday 11-NOON.