Caption: Dedication - Illini Union (1941) This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
u KV.J h a :7/, 1U ML i • i // / // / on i')4l .7./ T H E students, facult and alumni of the University of Illinois are I to open their new Union Building. More than thirt /ears ago the idea of providing such a building v. mceived on this c a m p u s and a campaign for its consummation was actually initiated. T o d a \ following thrc e<~. of e effort ir. which many Illini and others have partici; ted, that i a 1 een illy and full rea! ed. T h e new Illini Union stands ready for a variety of rvic t. ; nt, an :'ut c . leraions of students of this University. Conceived in acco nee with the b nd t tr. itions of earb American colonial architecture, it is one of the most distinguished buildiri But notable as its architecture, furnishings and equipment m an appreciation of bea 1 craftsmanship and di lified surroundin. of its kind in A m e n and a n inspiring those • o use • this building 1 a anot: finer purpose. It symb< ?s the demo, tic pirit of a great Univ< It is a pla mni may m s equal! trelcom t each which socially and informally, and tin n i c idem has an equal a plac< all th< tht Univcrs in- to each othei • construe i a qui; this building has been < I the chiei University administration, heartily supported In every way by the Hoard ol Trustees Wl' . yc ll C < r foi (an us 1 I Ii ; and a lit I'm thi 1 Uni Buildi h i t is hop! ' ill all wh tCI its d. ill 1 n Ellin tit facult. es \\ eaent The sole idea has nb I' I ' tocratic f llfr I 111. it will more ii nti 06&1 4L i