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Caption: UI Foundation Series - Need for Student Union (1937) This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

« ALUMNI GIFTS MADE THESE MEMORIALS POSSIBLE - - c V NTT U I ^t- * 2 i U U l i UNIVERSITY T A F T A L M A MATER S T A T U E . The central figure, Alma Mater, in the presence of Learning and Labor, greeting the children of Illinois. Made possible through gifts by the late Lorado Taft, '79, the sculptor, the graduating classes of '23-29, and the alumni. Dedicated in 1929, on the fiftieth anniversary of Dr.Taft's graduation M E M O R I A L S T A D I U M filled to capacity (69,000) at its dedication in 1924. This structure is finished in brick and stone. Two hundred columns, dedicated to students and alumni who died in theWorld War, form colonnades along the outside of both stands. A gift of alumni, students and other friends ORADO TAFT, internationally known sculptor; Samuel W* Stratton, President of the •* Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Samuel W* Parr, chemist; James R* Mann, statesman; Henry Bacon, designer of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D* C*; Nathan C* Ricker, architect; J* A* Ockerson, river engineer; Ira O* Baker, engineering education; James Newton Matthews, poet; Thomas Arkle Clark, Dean of Men; George Huff and Jake Stahl, sportsmen; and others! You, an alumnus of the University of Illinois, what have been your feelings as you read this list of names? Familiar names? Yes* Then has the realization come to you, suddenly perhaps, that these are names of men who have been your fellow alumni at the University of Illinois? That Lorado Taft, internationally known sculptor, is Lorado Taft, Illinois, '79? That all these distinguished men who have passed on have in common with you their Alma Mater, the University of Illinois? After all, pride in achievement is pardonable* And you can take pride in the achievements of your fellow alumni** With the alumni body of your University exceeded in size by those of only two other universities, what opportunity for achievement exists! "The University of Illinois is a vast laboratory of science and citizenship, built by and for the people of Illinois* Its discoveries are always at the world's service and the whole world seeks its service* The University is always doing something that compels the wide world to take notice* Having done that, it imparts the fact with a laconic touch which in an age of glamorous exploitation is like the touch of a cool, steady hand* One-fourth of this University's income goes into research and approximately the same amount of the faculty's energy* That is what makes it a university of world rank instead of a kind of collegiate department store*" When James O'Donnell Bennett wrote this after a visit to the campus, he evidently felt the same glow of admiration and pride in the State University that you alumni have when you think of it and of the men and women who have made it great* * It would be impossible to list in this booklet the names.and positions of air the noted living graduates of the University. For example, there are the presidents of four great universities, faculty m e n and research workers in practically every college and university in the country, leaders in business, industry, the professions, in every walk of life. You will find fellow alumni outstanding in every community. U N I V E R S I T Y OF I L L I N O I S Published twice a week. Eighth Foundation Number. Vol. X X X I V , No. 65 Tueid.y, April 13, 1937. Entered as second-class matter December 11, 1912, at the post office at Urbana, Illinois, under the Act of August 24, 1912. Acceptance for mailing at the special rate of postage provided for in section 1103, Act of October 3, 1917, authorized July 31, 1918. BULLETIN University Hall, patriarch of the campus. From 1873 to 1893 this was the University
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