Caption: Magazine - The Siren (1911 Selections) This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
THE SIR I.N JUnmms of (Eljrtstmtts $00Its w I n 1 (Christmas hut a month away, the SIREN has been har* assed by a swarm of faculty authors who arc anxious to have their hooks re viewed at a moderate cost. [9] 1 is especially fecund in what our editor is so certain (Ireen Sti t lo< al ha purchased the entire fir t edition. () iboi I [all gets the s ond. < X. B. The book is publi rtied with apologies to Prof. Kaskawiski of th Romance language department. Prof. C, \V. Rolfe, enervated with a phenominal second wind, gr< us with "Rocked to Sleep." This Christina literary salutation marks the culmination of a life-long acquaintan hip with geological specimens. It is full of flint hut not hard to grasp, and appeal especially to sentimental co-eds who arcannoyed with masculine attentions. Next, we are pleased to review William Dietrich's " Macon or Sparerihs". In this truly American dissertation the long-unsettled partiality of certain Epicureans for Bacon has been brought to a pleasing conclusion. Ribs win with plenty to spare. "An excellent after-Christmas-dinner mint." Chicago Tribune. hold as to call "Holiday Sumbissions;" nine Sunday-afternoon publications have been cautiously shoved under his door. With a broad policy of faculty support he has carefully criticised each one. Dean Kinley's delightful little huhhling-over, "My Humorous Acquaintships," is an indispensible volume for an afternoon in the woods or an nutting excursion. Containing choice bits of humor, selected from a wide circle of old friends, and teeming with slaps at old maids and cracks at mothers-inlaw, it will convulse with merriment even a dragged-out family head who has lugged the flat-iron lunch three miles thru the "murmuring pines and the hemlocks/' Dean Clark, with the zeal of a popular novelist, salutes us with "Gallantry and Gossip/' tn this spinster's handbook, his lively sense of humor skips Freshmen will be attracted especially by Leo liana's "Broadway Temptations." In this instructive pamphlet the glare of "the gay white way'" is almost extinguished. The brilliancy oi and trips thru 300 pages, strongly salt- the electric light L dimmed; the effec1 1 with the brine of social life and del- tives 3 of the Israelite is checked. icately spiced with Cranston convivial- «„,,,, 1(ru . ks ;iIV rec0mmended as inity. vestments. Specimens may be inspect"An excellent gift for Aunt Selina." ed at the "< i \ in." Mr. 1 [ana has three The New York Sun. beauties. Director Harding appeals to Christ m; hopper, with "Tout , for Tin Morn .." 'I he hook has a melody all its own. healing not primarily with music, but with splendid tuggestion for lob iter appetite with o) tei in >mcs, it populai ity i i inevitable A 1:1 For the purpose of propagating the creative spirit among our facult) membei s, .1 commit! of se\ en has been appointed to 1 insider the ad vi abilit) 1 'i adding new com scs to ou in 1 ii ilium, in ordei to us< th. ub Heat*.11 .1 text books, I .atei :