Caption: Commencement - 1937 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
ci\ ili ation and modern society w huh i nm as it should he, perhaps it is badl) in need of revision and i ment. Perhaps we have acquir Imoreknowh or e lju tthan wi > in the use of knowledge. Men have not alwa\ m been wise in their use ot discoveries whether scientific aphi< il. The social and political impli< ti ns '•' I • .. ng are not easy to predict when a new science or a new con; in nt is being developed. In many situations even the historian cannot help us very much in our attempts to judge the future by the past. Possibly we have discovered more know ledge than is good for us, but if that is the ( ise we need more and better educated men and women who will have both the intellectual curiosity to find out what is wrong with society and the ability to make it right. But, mark my words, it will be men and \\- men with true intellectual curiosity and ability, actuated by high ideals of public service and not by purely selfish ambitions of private gain, who will serve society in solving these problems. It hardly seems necessary to point out that these problems are from today your problems. They are in fad t he problems of the graduates of every college and niversit v in this and all other countries. If the colleges nd universities are not successful in inspiring more and f their graduates with these ideal f supports them and makes their existence pos h and belie\ e a id lists. You have ! lined mind is better than an untrained min confidence in knowledge as a basis for a pi -gr.un of r living as ) wr p' .enee here toda) testifies. 1 pla i»i it rclianc'! in that Confidence ol sours; without it (5f