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Caption: UI Library School Alumni Newsletter - 30 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

4 University of Illinois Library School 1>) Students with 15 to 16 hours of credit may complet WOr k for A degree by attendance in both 1942 summer terms. it c) Studentl with 22 to 23 hours of credit may secure the degree b Jt.riticv the second six weeks term. * att^ ancci during the second six weeks term. ' 3) For advanced first year students and students in the second pro-rani leading to the Master's degree. By attendance in both six ^ i terms a total of three units of graduate credit may be earned, m a U * ?it possible to secure the Master's degree in three summers. Institute for Librarians of Public Libraries A three-day institute for librarians and staff members of public librari, will be held August 5, 6, and 7. Recent developments in public library practice will be the subject of the Institute. Special attention will k given to the activities of public libraries in time of war. Rooms will be available at about $1.00 per day and meals should cost from $1.00 to SI.50 per day. No admission fee will be charged. Faculty Carl M. White, Ph.D., Director Ethel Bond, A.B., B.L.S., Associate Professor of Library Science Anne M. Boyd, B.L.S., Associate Professor of Library Science E. W. McDiarmid, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Library Science Mildred E. Singleton, A.M., Associate in Library Science Gwladys Spencer, Ph.D., Associate in Library Science Visiting F a c u l t y j j j liSdSU Lura E. Crawford, B.S., B.S. in L.S., Librarian, Gage Park High School. Chicago. Mae Graham, A.B., B.S. in L.S., Assistant Professor, Department of Library Science, College of William and Mary. Paul Howard, M.S., Librarian, Gary Public Library, Gary, Indiana. Sidney Kramer, Ph.D., formerly Librarian, Arizona State Teachers College Tempe, Arizona. Wendell W. Smiley, M.A., Librarian, Georgia Teachers College, Collegeboro. Georgia. Ada M. Wood, A.B., B.S. in L.S., Librarian, Lake Forest Public Schools, Lake Esx^o* Illinois. Forest, TII: :_ Ellsworth R. Young, A.B., B.S. in L.S., Executive Assistant, American Library Association Committee on International Relations, New York. liSaStt Program of Courses Courses and Teacher-Librarians First Six Weeks (Emphasizing Elementary School Problems) Lib. Sci. S8. Reading Guidance in Children's Literature, 3 hours. Wood. Lib. Sci. S9. School Library Management, 3 hours. Wood. • r,w *
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