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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
i95i] 12. 13. 14. 15. UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS DY D E IO47 D . E. Philpott, Research Associate E. A. Ohler, Instructor 4.00 Part-time Assistants Nonacademic Salaries Total, Salaries Wages Total, Salanes and Wages Expense and Equipment Expense, General Expense, Electron Microscope Convention Travel Equipment Total, Expense and Equipment Total, Physiology. Cooperative Investigations Salaries and Wages U. S. PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE # 4 2 8 (C) 3 960 4 900 11 700 2b 253 (no 513) 3 500 (114 013) 18 200 2 000 800 1 000 (22 000) ?I3« 013 1. Eugene HenriouIIe, Research Assistant U. S. PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE #423(0) DY DY $ 3 000 2 930 2. Gloria B. Fein, Research Assistant Salaries and Wages Preventive Medicine 1. , Professor and Head of Department AY 2. S. R. Rosenthal, Associate Professor (Salary under Institution for Tuberculosis Research) 3. G. G. Jackson, Assistant Professor DY 4. Edward Press, Assistant Professor (Salary under Division of Services for Crippled Children) 5. M. M. Hirsch, Research Assistant E 6. Nonacademic Salaries Total, Salaries Wages Total, Salaries and Wages Expense and Equipment Expense Total, Preventive Medicine Salaries and Wages Psychiatry 1. F. J. Gerty, Professor and Head of Department 2. W. S. McCulloch, Professor of Psychiatry and Physiology and Neurophysiologist 3. David Shakow, Professor of Psychology 4- L- J. Meduna, Professor 5- H. T. Carmichael, Professor 6. Franz Alexander, Clinical Professor 7- D. M. Olkon, Clinical Associate Professor, Emeritus (Retiring allowance payable by Retirement System) 8. Mrs. Beulah C. Bosselman, Clinical Associate Professor... 9- Joel S. Handler, Assistant Professor 10. S. N. Stein, Assistant Professor and Research Physiologist n . P. E. Nielson, Assistant Professor (See Health Service) (Total Salary) 12. Lester MacLean, Assistant Professor 13- Donovan Wright, Assistant Professor •4- Mrs. Irene C. Sherman, Clinical Assistant Professor. 15- Mrs. Virginia Tarlow, Clinical Assistant Professor 16. Marianne L. Simmel, Instructor and Clinical Psychologist $ 12 000 6 750 3 6 (28 I (29 200 270 220) 050 270) 1 5O0 ? 30 770 AY50 AY AY AY AY50 AY25 AY33 BY BY BY80 BY20 BY50 BY50 BY25 BY25 DY ? 6 750 10 300 10 300 7 930 5 130 3 120 2 580 8 000 7 440 5 000 (2 600) (7 600) 3 5O0 3 000 1 410 1 410 5 4«>
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