Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
i95i] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS DY\ AY J AY IOO9 7 500 2. S. C. Robinson, Assistant Dean Associate Professor of Management 3. G. C. Carter, Associate Professor of Psychology 4. Nonacademic Salaries Total, Salaries Wages Total, Salaries and Wages Expense and Equipment Expense Convention Travel Equipment Total, Expense and Equipment Total, Administration 7 100 , 13 590 (36 100) (38 2 000 100) 000 150 500 5 (5 650) S 43 750 Salaries and Wages Extramural Courses and Conferences 1. S. B. York, Supervisor of Extramural Classes, with rank of Assistant Professor BY 2. R. K. Newton, Supervisor of Engineering Extension, with rank of Assistant Professor BY INSTRUCTIONAL S T A F F IN EDUCATION $ 6 000 6 000 3. J. H. Shores, Professor of Education (See Education) (Total Salary) IN PHYSICAL EDUCATION A30 A70 2 025 (4 765) (6 790) 4. G. T. Stafford, Coordinator of Health Education D50 (See Physical Education for Men) A50 (Total Salary) 5. W. J. Huffman, Assistant Professor of Physical Education in Extension B IN LABOR AND INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS 4 050 (4 050) (8 100) S 200 6. P. L. Garman, Professor (See Institute of Labor and Industrial Relations) (Total Salary) 7. L. C. Pigage, Associate Professor (See Institute of Labor and Industrial Relations) (See Mechanical Engineering) (Total Salary) 8. E. C. Wolfe, Associate Professor (See Institute of Labor and Industrial Relations) (Total Salary) 9- J. F . Humes, Associate Professor of Industrial Psychology (See Institute of Labor and Industrial Relations) (Total Salary) 10. 0 . H. Erickson, Assistant Professor (See Institute of Labor and Industrial Relations) (Total Salary) 11. H. L. Gammill, Assistant Professor of Industrial Psychology (See Institute of Labor and Industrial Relations) (Total Salary) 12. J. M. Brumm, Assistant Professor (See Institute of Labor and Industrial Relations) (Total Salary) J 3. , Assistant Professor (See Institute of Labor and Industrial Relations) (Total Salary) H- Walter Polner, Instructor (See Institute of Labor and Industrial Relations) (Total Salary) AY50 AY50 AY33 AY33 AY34 AY AY50 AY50 AY50 BY50 BY50 BY50 BY50 BY50 BY50 BY50 BY50 DY50 DY50 4 425 (4 425) (8 850) 2 (2 (2 (7 3 (3 (7 400 400) 400) 200) 500 500) 000) 3 350 (3 350) (6 3 (3 (6 700) 000 000) 000) 000 000) 000) 850 850) 700) 550 55o) 100) 150 ISO) 300) 3 (3 (6 2 (2 (5 2 (2 (5 2 (2 (4