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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
860 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [July 25 Aeronautics, as will accurately speak the fact of certain changes and modifications in the scope of work involved in said project and the respective responsibilities of the parties hereto as respects the accomplishment and payment of the costs and expenses of such work. O n motion of M r . Hickman, this resolution was adopted by the following v o t e : Aye, M r . Fornof, M r . Grange, M r . Hickman, Mrs. Holt, M r . Livingston, M r . Megran, M r . Nickell, M r s . W a t k i n s ; no, n o n e ; absent, M r . Herrick, M r . Stevenson; not voting, M r . Johnston. AGREEMENT WITH STATE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WELFARE (33) The University has an agreement with the State Department of Public Welfare covering the joint operations of certain medical institutions and services in connection with the Chicago Professional Colleges and the Research and Educational Hospitals. This plan of operation includes the Illinois Neuropsychiatry Institute. The Department provides a hospital building, laboratory and scientific equipment and supplies; the University furnishes the professional staff. The University also provides the physical plant service, food service, laundry, drugs, and medicines, for which it is reimbursed by the Department. This requires dual appropriations in the state budget, one from state revenues to the Department from which it reimburses the University and a corresponding estimate must be included in the appropriation from the University Income Fund in which payments made to the University by the Department are deposited. The Commission to Study State Government recommended that the Institute be transferred to the University, and a bill authorizing this was introduced in the Sixty-seventh General Assembly. The Department of Public Welfare and the University supported this bill. It included an appropriation to the University of $1,405,700, the amount agreed upon by the two agencies. This bill passed and has been approved by the Governor. There is also the Illinois State Psychopathic Institute in the Department of Public Welfare, housed in the Illinois Neuropsychiatric Institute building. With the consent of the University, Dr. Percival Bailey, Professor of Neurology, has been appointed Director of the Institute on part time. Representatives of the Department and the University have agreed upon the following statement to govern relations between the Illinois Psychopathic Institute and the University and the obligations to be assumed by each party: The purpose of the Institute shall be to act as liaison between the State Mental Health Service and the University of Illinois in a cooperative effort to improve the quality of the medical personnel dealing with patients committed to their care and to seek new and improved methods of treatment and/or cure for the afflictions from which they suffer. In the promotion of these purposes the Institute shall furnish consultative services to the Mental Health Services of the Department of Public Welfare of the State of Illinois and to its" institutions and divisions, shall carry on and promote research into the causes and possible means of treatment and/or cure of mental disorders and shall initiate and/or cooperate in programs for the training and improvement of the residents and medical personnel of the institutions and divisions of the Mental Health Service. In support of this purpose, it is recommended that the following statement of understanding be acknowledged by the Department of Public Welfare and the University of Illinois: 1. The Department and the University mutually agree to promote in every way possible the purposes for which the Illinois State Psychopathic Institute was founded. 2. The Department obligates itself to pay the salaries of the personnel of the Institute and furnish funds for its work, both investigative and educational. 3. The Department will free the Institute of all obligations for routine service to the state hospitals and other state institutions except for consultative, research, and educational services. 4. The University agrees to furnish, free of rental, to the Illinois State Psychopathic Institute, space in the building previously known as the Illinois Neuropsychiatric Institute, at 912 South Wood Street, Chicago, Illinois, together with
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