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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
i95o] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 493 transmitter building, $9,175, and of tower bases and moving the tower, $ 12,800. A part of this increased cost can be absorbed by savings in other items. T h e Director of Broadcasting, the Dean of Communications, the Provost, and the Comptroller recommend t h a t a supplementary appropriation be made. T h e Director of the Physical Plant and the Comptroller recommend award of contracts to the lowest bidders as follows for the construction of a new transmitter building for radio station W I L L at Robert Allerton Park and for concrete footings to secure and hold the new tower recently purchased: General work on the building and for the footings—Contracting Construction Company, Danville $27 243 00 Plumbing work—E. E. Hubbard and Son, Monticello 980 40 Electrical work—Anderson Electric Company, Urbana 6 032 00 I recommend t h a t a supplementary appropriation of 215,839 be made from the General Reserve Fund for this purpose and that the Comptroller and the Secretary of the Board be authorized to execute the contracts. On motion of Mr. Livingston, these contracts were authorized, as recommended, and an appropriation of $15,839 was made from the General Reserve Fund by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Fornof, Mr. Herrick, Mr. Hickman, Mrs. Holt, Mr. Livingston, Mr. McLaughlin, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Williamson; no, Mr. Nickell; absent, Doctor Meyer, Mr. Stevenson. CONTRACTS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF VETERINARY MEDICINE BUILDING ANNEX (12) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Comptroller recommend the award of the following contracts for t h e construction of an annex to the Veterinary Medicine Building to house the autopsy room and related activity: General work—John Felmley Company, Bloomington ? i 8 o 000 Plumbing work—W. T. Mahoney and Sons, Chicago 38 871 Heating, ventilating, and refrigeration—National Korectaire Company, Chicago 69 214 Electrical work—Square Deal Electric Company, Urbana 20 785 All are t h e lowest bidders and are the contractors in their respective crafts for the building now under construction. Funds are available in t h e state appropriation for "Construction of Veterinary Science unit," subject to their release by the Governor. I concur and recommend t h a t the Comptroller be authorized to execute changes in the present contracts for t h e construction of t h e Veterinary Medicine Building to include the above work on t h e annex. On motion of Mrs. Watkins, these contracts were authorized, as recommended, by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Fornof, Mr. Herrick, Mr. Hickman, Mrs. Holt, Mr. Livingston, Mr. McLaughlin, Mr. Nickell, Mrs. Watkins, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Doctor Meyer, Mr. Stevenson. CONTRACT FOR ELECTRICAL WORK IN ILLINI HALL (13) The Director of t h e Physical Plant and the Comptroller recommend t h e award of a contract for 236,193 to t h e Leverenz Electric Company, Danville, for extension of a new electrical distribution system to Illini Hall as part of the program of the utility distribution system extensions on the Urbana campus. This work will provide a new electrical service to the building, the installation of a new transformer and of a new main distribution system to the panel boards on each floor. T h e wiring from t h e panels t o individual outlets will be done later as a part of t h e interior remodeling of t h e building. Illini Hall is more than forty years old, and its electrical system should be replaced throughout. Funds are available in the state appropriation for "Construction of extensions to Utility Distribution Systems." I concur and recommend t h a t t h e Comptroller and the Secretary of t h e Board be authorized to execute this contract. The Anderson Electric Company, Danville, submitted t h e lowest bid of $22,660. The bids were opened on December 12, and the following day the Company notified
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