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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
i95o] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 431 about by the resignation, because of poor health, of Mr. W . Edwin Brown of Quincy. The other members of the Committee a r e : Harold A. Wild, Joliet; Otto J. Pelikan, Berwyn; David D. Stiles, North Chicago; and John G. Vlazny, Chicago, President of the Illinois Pharmaceutical Association who is a member ex-officio. I concur. On motion of Mr. Hickman, these appointments were approved. DEPARTMENT O F CRIMINOLOGY AND LEGAL MEDICINE (5) T h e Dean of the College of Medicine and the Vice-President in Charge of the Chicago Professional Colleges recommend that the Department of Criminology and Legal Medicine in the College of Medicine be discontinued. Its functions will be taken over by other departments. I concur. On motion of Mrs. Watkins, this department was discontinued. CERTIFICATION FOR DIVISION OF SERVICES FOR CRIPPLED CHILDREN (6) T h e Vice-President in Charge of the Chicago Professional Colleges has approved the following regulation as Executive Officer of the Division of Services for Crippled Children. It relates to the confidential handling of personal information about individual crippled children under the care of the Division and is required by a federal law. "All information obtained by the State Agency in the course of administration by the program as to personal facts, circumstances, and identifying details concerning crippled children under the program, including their medical condition and treatment, shall be held in confidence. Information necessary for the provision of care and services to the individual crippled children, or to the family of such child, may, however, be given to persons or agencies participating in such care. Such information may, of course, be disclosed through the Central Office or by the districts when specifically authorized by the Director in summary, statistical, or other form, which does not identify individual children." I recommend approval of this regulation as a matter of official record. On motion of Mr. Livingston, this regulation was approved. REGULATIONS GOVERNING W I T H D R A W A L O F UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS STUDENTS FOR MILITARY A N D OTHER NATIONAL DEFENSE SERVICES (7) The University Senate recommends adoption of the following regulations relating to the withdrawal of students from the University for military and other national defense services. These are the same regulations, with some slight editorial revision, which were previously adopted by the Board and were in effect during World W a r II, but which were rescinded by the Board on February 21, 1048. Because of calls of students in the reserves into active service and renewal of inductions under Selective Service, restoration of these regulations is needed. I concur. Governing Withdrawal of University of Illinois Students for Services Pertaining to the National Defense I. Undergraduate and Professional Students at Urbana and Navy Pier A. CREDIT I N COURSES Regulations 1. An undergraduate or professional student at Urbana or Navy Pier, who, after completing the seventh week and before completing the twelfth week of the semester, withdraws from the University in order to enter into active service with the armed forces, or other service pertaining to the national defense which is approved by the University Committee on Selective Service, shall be entitled to receive, without examination, credit for one-half of each course in which he has attained a standing of C or better at the time of his withdrawal. T h e grade reported shall be that attained in the course up to the time of withdrawal. 2. Where such withdrawal occurs upon completion of the twelfth week of the semester, or later, such student shall be entitled to receive full credit upon like conditions.
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