Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
I950] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 429 It includes a discussion of the building needs as a whole, the reasons for all recommendations for the coming biennium, and the explanation of each specific project. The report also lists additional items in two priority groups, which are deferred for consideration for future biennial periods. I recommend that authority be given to submit this request, in the total sum of $39,580,000, to the State Department of Finance and other budgetary authorities as representing the needs of the University for the coming biennium. BUILDING PROGRAM FOR URBANA AND CHICAGO CAMPUSES RECOMMENDED BY THE B U I L D I N G PROGRAM COMMITTEE FOR CONSIDERATION BY THE P R E S I D E N T AND BOARD OF T R U S T E E S FOR THE 1951-1953 BIENNIUM October 15, 1950 Cost estimates were prepared by the Physical Plant Department from floor areas recommended by the Committee and include allowances for furniture, laboratory equipment, landscaping and site development. Order of listing has no priority significance. URBANA CAMPUS Project No. Name of Project 1. Architecture Building Addition '. 2. Auditorium Reconstruction 3. Band Building 4. Life Sciences Building 5. Remodeling for Educational Laboratories 6. Fire Station 7. Land Acquisition 8. Law Building 9. Library Additions 10. Physics Laboratory Additions and Rewiring 11. Power Plant Addition 12. Remodeling, Improvements, and Minor Additions 13. Student Housing 14. Utilities Distribution System Total for Urbana Campus CHICAGO CAMPUS Estimated Cost $ 1 900 000 1 900 000 580 000 7 600 000 115 000 250 000 100 000 2 320 000 920 000 1 400 000 1 890 000 1 700 000 4 006 000 900 000 S25 575 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 Drug Plant Experiment Station $ 570 East Dentistry, Medicine, Pharmacy Building 6 340 Experimental Research Building 1 300 Land Acquisition 330 Nurses Residence and School 2 100 Remodeling and Improvements to Buildings, Grounds, and Utilities 365 57. Second and Third Stages of Hospital Alterations and Remodeling 2 000 58. Student and Staff Housing (total cost $3,600,000) 1 000 Total for Chicago Campus $14 005 Total for Urbana and Chicago Campuses $39 580 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. President Stoddard, Vice-President Ivy, Dean Olson, and Professor Huntington discussed the report and recommendations. On motion of Mr. McLaughlin, the Committee on Buildings and Grounds and the Committee on Agriculture were designated to hear individuals or delegations who desire to appear before the Board in support of a Home Economics Building. The Buildings and Grounds Committee was also requested to hear any parties desiring to appear in support of any other building project.