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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
U N I V E R S I T Y OF I L L I N O I S Gifts, cont'd \ Eastman Kodak Co., 549, 1212 j Eichelbaum, K. L., 1219 Enger Portrait Fund, 1214 Engineering Foundation, 1469 Ethyl Corp., 549. 1212 Evanston Drama Club, 554, 1472 Fansteel Metallurgical Corp. employees, 1219 Farrington, J. D., 1219 Firestone Tire & Rubber Co., ^212 Flynn, C. T., Jr., 1219 Foundation, University, 1211, 1214, 1216, 1468, 1472 Fox, T. A., 556, 1219 Garner, Mrs. James W., 473, 5 2 3 General Aniline & Film Corp., 1468 General Electric Co., 765 General Motors Corp., Chevrolet Division, ( 1331 Gillette Safety Razor Co., 1471 Glidden Co., 552 Goodrich, B. F., Chemical Co., 1213, 1469 Greider, F. C , 1474 Grunsfeld, E. A., Fund, 549 Guggenheim, J. S., Memorial Foundation, 553. 1469 Gulf, Mobile, & Ohio Railroad Co., 1210, 1467 Hackett, Mrs. Jessie E., 372 Haeger Potteries, 547 Ilarnischfeger Corp., 556, 1474 Harper, Nola B., 551 ! Hoffman-LaRoche, Inc., 552, 1471 Horner, Mr. and 1 Mrs. H. H., 1332 Hotpoint Co., 55 Iddings, Mrs. Dorothy, 556 Mini Achievement Fund, 547? 548, 1467 Illinois Association for the Crippled, Inc., 547, 1210, 1467 Illinois Clay Products Co., 549, 1468 Illinois Coal Strippers Association, 550 Illinois Congress of Parents and Teachers, 547, 1210 Illinois Farm Supply Co., 1213 Illinois Federation of Women's Clubs, 547, 554, 1210, 1216, 1467, 1472 Illinois Grain Corp., 550 Illinois Home Bureau Federation, 550 Illinois Mining Institute, 547«, 14G7 Illinois Seed Dealers Association, 1214 Illinois Seed Producers Association, Inc., 550, 1469 Illinois Veterinary Practitioners Associations, 1216 lngold, E., 466 International Association of Machinists Union, District No, 9, 1213 International Nickel Co., Inc., 1213 Inter-University Labor Education Committee, 1469 Johnson, Mrs. Justus, L., 1471 Junior League of Chicago, Inc., 554 Junior Women's Advertising Club of Chicaga 1468 Jusina, Elsie, 523 Kagan, H. L., 556 Kappa Alpha Theta, 1472 Kay, Dolly, 1219 Kellogg, W. K., Foundation, 765 Kiwanis Club of Champaign-Urbana, 548 Kootz, S. M., 1471 Kroger Co., 547, 1210 Lakefield Nepheline Syenite, 549, 1468 Lakeland Foundation, 553, 1216, 1472 Lambert, C. N., 556 Lauhoff Grain Co., 549 Lederer, F. L., 556, 1219 1-ederle Laboratories, 552, 1215 Leutwiler Award Committee, 1214 Life Insurance Medical Research Fund, 554 Lilly, E., & Co., 549, 550, 552, 1212, 1215 Lincoln, J. F., Arc Welding Foundation, 547, i 2 i i 165I lifts, cont'd Lincoln Avenue Residence Hall residents, 1468 Lindsay Light • Chemical Co., 549, 1468 & Lowe. J. A., 1219 Ludgin, Mr. and Mrs. E., 551 Lumber Dealers Research Council, 550 Mallinckrodt Chemical Works, 55^, 1471 Markle Foundation, 553, 1216 Mathews, W._R., 146S Merck & Co., Inc., 1210 Merrell, W. S., Co., 552 Merrill Foundation for Advancement of Financial Knowledge, Inc., 1469 Meyer, M. E., associates of, 1474 Midlane Farm, 550 Midwest Barley Improvement Association, 550, 1213 Miles Laboratories, 552 Miller, Mrs. C. P., 5.50, 1213, 1469 Miller, Cassandra A., estate, 1214 Miller, L. F., 556, 1219 Mill Rose Farm, 550 Minnesota Mining & Manufacturing Co., Miskowicz, S. J., 556 Moews Seed Co., 550 Mohr, A., Jr., J. S., and L., 1211 Monsanto Chemical Co., 1468 Morse, J., Memorial Foundation, 548, 1467 Mother's Association of the University, 1468 Motorola, Inc., 1212, 1468 Mueller, G. F., 1219 Murphy, F. G., 1219 Music Research Foundation, Inc., 1213 Nathan, J. J., 556 National Academy of Sciences, 548 Committee on the Marsh Fund, 1212 National Association of Thoroughbred Breeders, 1211 National Drug Co., 552 National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis, 1472 National Foundation for Medical Education, Inc., 1472 National Lead Co., Baroid Sales Division, 549, 1468 Titanium Alloy Manufacturing Division, National Livestock and Meat Board, 1469 National Oak Wilt Research Committee, Neuberger, R. R., 1471 Nix, Dr. and Mrs. D., 1219 Norris, L., 1211 North Electric Manufacturing Co., 1214 Nutrition Foundation, Inc., 1213 Nutrition Research Laboratories, 553 Ohio Chemical Co., 553 Old Ben Coal Co., 548, 1211, 1468 Olin Industries, Inc., 1468 Western Cartridge Division, 549, 1213, 1469 Ortho Research Foundation, 1213, 1469 Orton, E., Jr., Ceramic Foundation, 549* 1468 Oster Manufacturing Co., 553 Packard, R. K., 1219 Pan American Refining Corp., 1212, 1468 Panhellenic Council, 548, 1211 Payne Fund, 548, 1468 Peabody Coal Co., 547, 1468 Pelzmann, L., 1219 Petter, H. A., Supply Co., 1211 Pfizer, C , & Co., 553, 1471 Phi Gamma Psi, 1216 Pi Beta Phi Local Alumni, 1468 Pickard, A. E., Coal Co., 547, 1211 Pierce, Mrs. Kittie B., 548, 1211 Pt Kappa Lambda, 1211 Pittsburgh Consolidation Coal Co., 549, 1468 Poncher, H. G., 556, 1219 Pope Foundation, Inc., 554, 1472 1213 1212, 1469 1212
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