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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1466 BOARD O F T R U S T E E S [April 24 Purchases Recommended The Director of Purchases has proposed and the Comptroller recommends the following purchases. Unless otherwise specified, the purchase in each case is recommended on the basis of lowest bid. I concur. Item Rental of caps and gowns for use of graduates at June 1952 commencement English finish book paper: 250 reams 25x38 — 6 0 lb. 40 reams 25x38 — 50 lb. 80 reams 2 2 ^ x 3 5 — 49 # lb. 100 reams 25x38 — 60 lb. 40 reams 2 2 ^ x 3 5 — 49 H lb. 1,500,000 4.H x 9 # 20 lb. white envelopes printed Movable glazed steel partitions to be furnished and installed in space assigned to the Purchasing Division in the Administration Building (East) One electronic diffraction unit (engineering model) One horizontal milling machine with one H P motor, switch, arbors, chucks, dividing head and vertical milling attachment Paintings (selected by Art Faculty from Contemporary American Paintings exhibit) "Mauve Still Life," by Samuel Adler "Assisi No. 1," by William Congdon "Table With Glasses and Roses," by Carlyle Brown "Pastorale," by Tom Benrimo "Late Again," by Carol B Ian chard "The Motor," by Walter Murch "Personages Contemplating Birds," by Rufino Tamayo 500,000 multiple vitamin capsules Hospital Pharmacy, Research and Educational Hospitals,. Chicago Professional Colleges Illini Union Department Committee on Commencement Office Supply Store Vendor Collegiate Cap and Gown Company, Champaign Dwight Brothers, Chicago Cost *4 637 50 (estimate) 4 409 87 f.o.b. delivered Extension Service in Agriculture and Home Economics Physical Plant Wolf Envelope Co., Cleveland, Ohio Hugh J. Baker and Co., Indianapolis, Ind. Chemistry Psychology Radio Corporation of America, Camden, N.J. Peoria Tool & Engineering Co., Peoria 3 750 00 f.o.b. Cleveland, Ohio 3 788 00 f.o.b. delivered and installed 8 280 00 2 730 34 f.o.b. factory f.o.b. Chicago Fine and Applied Arts Grace Borgenicht Gallery, 680 00 New York, N."Y. Betty Parsons Gallery, 600 00 New York, N.Y. 720 00 Catherine Viviano Gallery, New York, N.Y. Mr. Tom Benrimo, 1 500 00 New Mexico Perls Galleries, Inc., 480 00 New York, N.Y. 800 00 Betty Parsons Gallery, New York, N.Y. 2 800 00 M. Knoedler & Co., Inc., New York, N.Y. (7 580 00) Total 4 250 00 Burroughs-Wellcome, Inc., f.o.b, Tuckahoe, N.Y. delivered Fire and extended coverage insurance, including automatic reinstatement coverage subject to 80 per cent coinsurance effective July 1.195 2, forfiveyears in the amount of $3,200,000 on the Illini Union Building, Urbana, with the term premium payable in equal annual installments and the University having the right to terminate the coverage at any time 40,000copies, 1952-1953 Undergraduate Study Catalog to be printed and bound 250 birch chairs, harvest finish (these chairs will replace Navy benches in student cafeteria) C. A. Atwood, Champaign representing: Genera! Ins. Co. Pearl Assurance Co. Northwestern National Ins. Co. Auto Owners Ins. Co. 7 808 00 University Press Food Service, Undergraduate Division, Navy Pier 18 330 00 Pantagraph Printing and i!o.b. Stationery Co., Bloomington Bloomington 3 080 40 Marshall Field and Co., f.o.b. Chicago delivered On motion of Mr. Grange, these purchases were authorized.
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