Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
974 BOARD OF T R U S T E E S [January 12 I concur and recommend that the Comptroller and Secretary of the Board be authorized to execute this contract. On motion of Dr. Meyer, authority was given as recommended. ADDITION TO ELECTRICAL CONTRACT FOR CONSTRUCTION OF EAST CHEMISTRY BUILDING (18) The Director of the Physical Plant and the Comptroller recommend an increase of $2,066.20 in the contract with the Leverenz Electric Company for the electrical work in the construction of the East Chemistry Building. This increase is to provide for the furnishing and installation of electrical outlets and connecting machinery in Rooms 19 and 23. Funds are available in the State appropriation for "Acquisition and Installation of Chemistry Building Equipment." I concur and request that the Comptroller be authorized to execute this addition to the contract. On motion of Mr. Hickman, authority was given as recommended. GIFT FROM T H E CHAMPAIGN-URBANA KIWANIS CLUB AND ALPHA GAMMA DELTA SORORITY (19) The Kiwanis Club and the alumnae chapter of the Alpha Gamma Delta Sorority in Champaign-Urbana have turned over to the University $2,033.72 representing the proceeds of a dance to raise funds to aid Dr. Severina Nelson, Associate Professor of Speech and Director of the Speech Clinic, in her work with children suffering from cerebral palsy. The fund has been accepted by the University and has been made available for the purpose indicated. I am happy to report this generous contribution of the Champaign-Urbana Kiwanis Club and the Alpha Gamma Delta Sorority. On motion of Mr. Livingston, this report was received for record, and the Secretary was directed to express to the donors the appreciation of the Board. PURCHASES (20) A report of ( A ) emergency purchases authorized and ( B ) purchases recommended (see Appendix, page 982). On motion of Dr. Meyer, the action of the President of the University in authorizing emergency purchases was approved and confirmed, and the purchases recommended were authorized. C O M P T R O L L E R S REPORT OF CONTRACTS (21) The Comptroller's report of contracts executed from November 11 to December 10, 1949 (see Appendix, page 984). This report was received for record. INVESTMENTS (22) The Finance Committee reports the following transactions involving securities'. Purchase: _ ENDOWMENT F U N D S $7,000 Central Illinois Electric and Gas Company first mortgage 3 % bonds, due 1975 $ 7 215 25 $15,000 U. S. Series G 2.y2% Savings Bonds, due 1961 15 000 00 This report was received for record. REPORT O F EMERGENCY PURCHASES O F (2-3) As a result of the coal strike, on October 25, 1949, the authorized the President of the Board and the Comptroller to purchases of coal at the best price obtainable by the Director COAL Board of Trustees approve emergency of Purchases. The